Solid State Logic .. SSL Big SiX

I just did it. but now. the fx from the ableton master channel (like low cut or limiter for example) will not be in the recording of channel 23. hmmmm… again I am confused. I can hear the fx but it will not be recorded.

If you are recording channel 23 rather than the master they will not be recorded as they are on the master channel.

Either record the master and switch off sonarworks or place your fx (filter/limiter) on channel 23 and record their.

Also I wouldn’t recommend having sonarworks placed before any fx. It really should be in the last fx slot. If you are mixing and using sonarworks and limiting with it engaged then switch it off your mix balance will change as you are limiting an eq’d version of your track to match your speakers.


yes… I will go with my first setting. Otherwise I miss the Fx from the Ableton master channel.
I now record into channel 24. And my master Fx are on 23. On 24 I will have the final product or if I bypass my master plugins from 23, I will have a premaster for the mastering engeneer.

The way I look at it, that is the purpose of master FX. You can hear them all when you are monitoring, and then they all get printed when you export the file. Then you can come back and tweak the master FX if something isn’t sitting right, or you just want to make adjustments, and export the file again.

I guess I am not sure of the advantage of having an extra track just to hold the finished product, when the finished product needs to be exported out of Ableton anyway.

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This is correct. Sonarworks should be the end of your mastering chain. Then switch it off just before exporting.

Hey, I totally agree with you. The track 24 is superfluous. I just had to switch to the Arrangement view. That’s when I realized it straight away. I can then even draw in automations in 23. My old 90s Mackie mixer was more for merging my synths into my few ports on my computer. Here with the B6 I have completely different options. I just got into it. Thank you again You really helped me a lot.

I also have to say that just passing through the groups into the mixer leads to an enormous gain in quality. Even with my pro synths like Ob-6 or the Moogs. The tracks get much more separation and grit. If you turn off the EQ you can get a more neutral mix. Simply terrific.

And if you think you need something to fill up the song because it sounds so empty, then I recommend switching on the bus compressor. I often notice – You’re already done. Less is usually more. At least with club music.

thank you, rave on!
much love from Berlin.

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SSL has been doing a great job updating me after I expressed some frustration with the initial lack of contact about the noise issue. The medical grade Delta power supply helped, but the noise floor was still higher than I expected, given my experience with the Six and other equipment. SSL will be releasing a power adapter retrofit kit shortly for user installation. The new power board fits in between one of the ribbon cables from the front panel to the main board. Installation only requires removal of the side panels, and two small sets of hex screws on the base and top of the mixer. The front of the mixer lifts up easily and can be fully removed by detaching four ribbon cables.


wow. so the “new power board” is a shield (or a replacement) that we are expected to connect ourselves?

interesting developments.

can you explain a bit more about the “medical grade PSU”, was there still clicks and noise on the monitor outs? would this be required alongside the retrofit?

To clarify, one of the ribbon cables gets plugged into the (small) power board retrofit and that board gets plugged in where the ribbon cable was previously. In my case, the medical grade power supply mostly reduced the clicks/noise floor, but with very high levels of gain/compression, I could still hear the same issues. I would expect the retrofit board to correct the problem with the stock power supply, but we’ll see.


Thanks for the information. Will contact them too because i just discovered the clicking when connecting my live rig in my studio. Unfortunate. But glad they are working on a solution


sooooo… as some one who was thinking about making the jump from the SiX to the Big SiX… Should I hold off? It seems like there’s hardware issues not quite ironed out.

I’ll report back as soon as I install the new board. If it works correctly, I’d say it would be ok to get the Big Six as long as you’re ok with (possibly) installing the board if needed. I’d guess that SSL will be installing the boards themselves moving forward, and eventually update the main pcb with the fix.


Yes I guess in a month or two you would like to think buying one new would already have the “fix”

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So have you already got the retrofit board installed?
Interested in this topic as well.
Also, with the retrofit, do you think it would still be necessary to replace the default PSU with the medical grade one or not?
Unfortunately, at a second recording place I have access to besides mine, there is a fresh BigSix with the same issues described by people here. Clicks from a Moog Subsequent 37 with an unbalanced cable, noise floor on most channels, etc. Otherwise it’s a great unit but makes recording with it very much guesswork.
Should I write directly to SSL and ask for a fix?

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Anyone’s guess, really! They can A/B the two once installed.

If you’ve got problems, no reason why not to ask.

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I sent a support ticket to SSL and had zero response. I hope they produce enough of these retrofit kits to go round!


My limited electronics knowledge would say that board is somehow fixing any filtering and ground issues the power supplying stage of the mixer might or or might not have. Switch mode power supplies and any stages after them can be good for hi-fi audio if properly ground and filtered otherwise they induce trouble down the line, pick from any: ground loops, hi pitch noise, bursts of whatnot, low frequency rumble etc.
Any good oscilloscope can see these with ease and they would be fixed by using higher quality PSU and/or cleverly designing filtering circuits throughout.

SSL should be sending me a retrofit module and once I install it I will test again with the original power supply and report back.


SSL are sending me one of these retrofit kits too. I’m hoping someone as cackhanded as me will be able to do the fix! Looks like the next batch of B6s will be ‘upgraded’, not sure if that means they are shipped with the same retrofit pre-installed or if there’s some other changes!?! regardless it probably better to hold of buying one until this happens.


i’m sad these are being sent out, but i’ve heard nothing. time to make a reluctant fuss…

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