Solid State Logic .. SSL Big SiX

Is there a way to blend between mix and main bus insert signal on the Big Six (as there is on the X-Desk)? Or do you hear 100% insert return signal when you use the main bus insert?

oh man, yesterday I implemented the analog heat mk2 in the main insert. Such a scrap. I don’t understand how something like this can be released by ssl?! If you want to hear the biggest and loudest noise digital on planet earth, you should try it out. i am horrified.

and no answers by my ssl support ticket. how long you guys waited for a answer of the support?

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second support ticket was responded too after 48hrs, first support ticket went unanswered after waiting patiently for several days. the noise issue becomes extremely obvious when the B6 gain is pushed, so I’m not surprised the Analog Heat has amplified this.


The noise goes away if I put out the usb cable of the AH mk2. hmm…?!

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the medical grade delta psu drops the noise significantly but it’s not 100 percent.

There’s a couple of posts up @ GS with directions and some pics of the replacement board. I guess I should just reach out to SSL to get the ball rolling since it seems like this part should be available now.


How do you guys recording/ mixing your Drums/ Analog Rytm with Big 6?
Does it make sense to send it to 1&2, using the compressor and putting pan on 1 to left and on 2 to right?

Or do you use 5/6 and send the drums than to ST Cue 1 and press ST Cue Button on Master to use the Bus Comp for your drums?

thanks for your suggestions!
keep on groovin

i use mix B into the rytms inputs, it means you lose desk muting and rely on faders but if you’re performing on rytm it handles muting anyway, plus you can retain the cue sends for external FX etc.
usually BD/BT/SD/LT into 1-4 on mix B (or otherwise), rytms mainouts 5/6, then 3 extra channels for more rytm tracks or FX or whatever on mix B (or otherwise).
I’ve had interesting outcomes pre retrofit with the PSU noise using mix B, it inverts itself on the monitor LR…

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7 days since i send a support request… no answer by SSL :frowning:

Anyway… I have a Fusion I am wondering how I can put the Fusion on the end in the chain. And the Bus Comp as ST CUE 1 to compress my Drums before it.

Any Ideas? Thank you so much!

yeah, reminds me i contacted at weekend, nothing yet.
can only assume they’re making sure it’s watertight before mass rollout.

st cue 1 to bus comp switch on, drums sent to st cue 1.
fusion on the master insert.
not clear if that takes the G comp out the master chain entirely…


It does, it will just affect the CUE A then that’s mixed into the main out.

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Thank you.

if I switch the CUE1 “on” (Drums Group is 5/6) it will be send to Bus Comp and from there to Main Bus. So I can compress Drums alone. Till here all good.

But the problem is… that the master insert affect only all other tracks but not the “ST CUE 1 to G Comp & Sum To Main Bus” Button. I hear that Fusion will only effect all tracks but not the drums.

Any more Ideas?

then you’d have to physically connect it between main outs and your recording device.

or record everything (or just drums) as is without the fusion, then process that recording back through the desk with the fusion as main insert.

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Thanks for the idea… unfortunately I imagined it to be more easy. The drums are also doubled. Actually, my plan was…

Mix digitally… then all groups in the B6.
Than Bus Comp B6 for Drum Group via ST CUE 1.
Than Ad the Fusion followed by the Bus+.

If that doesn’t work, I have to bounce the drums extra… that would be more work. hmmm… I guess I have to use a plugin for the drum bus again. And the B6 Comp is then unused. Too bad actually.

Today SSL support replied to me and asked for my postal address to send me the retrofit kit. It took them seven days to respond, so you’ll likely hear back from them soon.


any word on if new units will come with the fix? If I ordered a B6 from thomann now, would it be alright?

might be a grounding issue with your computer.

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I would wait it out longer to be on the safe side as it sounds like this new component to fix the problem has only been out a week and I believe not many owners have even been told yet about it

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Hello! 1st post here.
HOOOPS: I don’t have the big six in front of me, but I do believe that the external does not go through the insert. An alternative you have is to route the cue to a 1-12 input. There might be another alternative with alt B. Or you route everything out in cue 2, go through your external rack, and come back through the external. For any configuration, there are 3-4 alternatives. That’s the magic of the BIG SiX!

By the way I just sent back my BIG SiX because of the noise. I contacted the seller and SSL at the same time, 2 weeks ago. No response from SSL but support says now that my case is solved (?!). I don’t know if I benefit from a repair or a simple replacement (with the issue…). This lack of communication is a shame. Because besides, the BIG SiX is a great and magic piece of gear.

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I asked Thomann customer support about the upgrade yesterday. They had no clue about it. So hold off for now.