Soma Pulsar-23 Sample Pack by LØSTLVLS

Hello everyone! A while ago I promised to release a sample pack for the Soma Pulsar-23, and here it is. The pack contains 128 samples curated by yours truly - 32 kicks, 32 snares/claps, 32 hi-hats and 32 ‘tones’. I have created and arranged all by myself over the course of several weeks in order to offer as broad a sound palette as possible within my current understanding of the machine. Most samples are either tuned to C, G or are atonal in nature. Most do not include the on-board reverb or delay as I felt the dry sounds alone deserved to be showcased. though a few of the samples do include reverb and the odd kick has a slight delay on it for flavour.

For the price of a craft beer you can have 128 raw and organismic sounds for your sampler or software of choice.

This is the first time I have released a sample pack - I spend a LOT of my spare time curating sample packs for my own use, and if this one is successful I may release another from the vaults. As this is my first sample pack release I am sure there will be wrinkles to iron out, and I am happy to amend the files so you can re-download.

I’m new to the sample pack game and to Bandcamp, so if you are a curator and fancy passing on some tips, please let get in touch.


Soma Pulsar-23 Sample Pack by LØSTLVLS


Instant download, nice one.

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Thank you so so much! <3

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Sounds interesting !

Downloaded!! Sounds very nice. Good job

Legends, the lot of you. If there’s something dodgy about a file or there are any issues with the download, let me know.

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Top work, these sound fantastic fella! Now, gotta make a wee bit of space on my Digitakt for these boys

Really happy how the kicks have there own unique character, some sound like giant industrial elastic bands :smiley:

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Glad you like them! They will sound amazing on a Digitakt. I love the kicks on the Pulsar as well, you can get so many different timbres out of that one module. Some of those sounds I made by placing just the right amount of skin from my finger on the ‘OMG’ pin while triggering the kick. Others were made with judicious use of the LFO at audio rates patches to various points. Can’t get enough Pulsar kicks, I’m obsessed!


Can see your passion for the machine right there :slight_smile:

Layin’ some skin on the OMG pin :rofl:


What a rhyme! It’s got a WTF pin as well but not feeling inspired enough to write an appropriate rhyme.

I noticed one of the kicks has a dodgy tail on it that ends abruptly, going to fix that, reupload and inform when done.


“Let’s begin with the WTF Pin” :slight_smile:

One small thing I think you could improve with the download of the files is there names. I had to rename them as once I’d loaded to the Digitakt all the sample names looked the same as it only displays the 1st 10 chars or so. basically the suffix of hh or kick should be a prefix, if Bandcamp allows you to customise the file names. hope that makes sense.


Came here to post this myself.


Thanks for the Pack! This will keep me in the No Gear 2022 game until I have saved enough to buy that beast.


I guess it’s easily done with a computer… as long as the f’ing thing doesn’t need 42 updates, unknown number of restarts and 2 violent hits with a hammer :grimacing: So, yeah nice if it can be remedied at source :slight_smile:

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Purchased! Demo sounds great.

Are the WAVs 44.1 or 48khz?

Really, thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart for your support. I have been quite down over the last couple of days and you have helped raise my spirits.

48hz. :slight_smile: Thanks for mentioning the demo - I just updated that about 15 mins ago to include a little ambient tape jam thing I had going on. What I am finding is that I can’t embed the demo into a comment on Elektronauts, whenever I do this happens:

No Gear 2022… I am just about to fail at that but keep up the good work!

Oh gosh I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you so much. I am able to fix this and will do by the end of the day… Unfortunately while I can batch rename the files themselves in OSX, I will have to manually rename every one of those files in Bandcamp as they will come up with ‘Untitled Track’ like they did when I uploaded them last time. Does anyone know if Bandcamp reads the metadata for the ‘track’ name and if so, is there a batch processing tool for renaming the ‘track’ name in the metadata? It will save me a good 30 mins of pure pain tonight.


Thanks. Looking forward to play around with these :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much!

A couple of people noticed the file names are insanely long on these when downloaded from Bandcamp which are causing them to be difficult to work with in samplers, especially those which abbreviate the file name to fit into a small window. I don’t think there’s anything I can do to improve matters (awaiting their tech support) but in the meantime if anyone would like a copy of the files with shortened names (ie P23-BD28) please drop me a PM and I’ll send over a link to a Dropbox folder containing the samples with shortened file names.

Edit: I have amended all 128 samples on Bandcamp so they are now improved. Nothing major, mainly removing clicks and pops at the end of certain samples and amending the lengths to make more sense. So if you have downloaded please do so again as they are more useable. :slight_smile:


Long time since I’ve paid for samples, but those drums are cool enough for deserving few pennies !


Thanks man, enjoyed listening to your audio clip! My sound babies out in the wild, emotional times. :smiley: Let me know if you’d like the link to the shortened file names and I’ll PM them to you.

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