Soma Pulsar-23 Sample Pack by LØSTLVLS

Glad it works! Good point regarding the names, I’ll change them to P23 BD Chain.wav/ot in the next upload.

… Or maybe I should get rid of the word ‘chain’ from the file name altogether… And perhaps create new versions of the sample chains that have the samples in an evenly spaced grid, making it easier to manually slice in the OT, which I think it what you are referring to Reeloy.

So many possibilities, one amazing group of people. :smiley:

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Hey, back again… the hh chain contains some blank slices. Don’t think that’s intended.

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Right, I’m gonna give this another go. Sorry about that. I’m using Octachainer but never actually used it before and I’m not testing the files before uploading!

EDIT - I found out what the problem was - there were about eight HH samples which were mysteriously 32 bit, which Octachainer wasn’t able to handle. So I have edited them and re-uploaded the sample chains to Bandcamp.

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Just picked this up (and your Tanzbar Lite pack!): fantastic work and love that you’ve pulled together the OT-friendly formats. Thanks!

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Thanks so much, I hope you enjoy them! :smiley: Feel free to reach out with feedback.

A new pack is coming shortly. :wink:


Fantastic: sure will but based on quickly loading up both selector drum racks in Ableton and knowing that there are OT-ready files…already delighted! You’re delivering way more value than most at the price - which would be good value for just the raw samples in one big folder of one-shots.

Won’t take the piss based on the above, but based on the way I use the OT, something I often find myself creating are, rather than sample chains of say, 64 kicks, entire kits in a chain e.g. a full 606. Not sure many others would want this, would maybe prefer the control, but I find in practice I use a mixture of both sample chains and kit chains - maybe a fun creative addition to what you’re already doing. So, say a Pulsar-23 ‘kit chain’ could be as simple as 4 sounds (-> 4 slices) that you feel compliment each other. Sorry for the rambly explanation of a fairly simple idea, and like I say, appreciate you’re already doing lots!

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That’s a good idea, thanks for the suggestion! The only issue is that different samplers have different sizes of kit - for example, an OT could have a big kit but a M:S kit would only be six sounds… And the latter wouldn’t work well with a sample chain while the OT would.

I think instead of falling down that rabbit hole it might be best to allow the user to find their own combinations of sounds and to put them together either as individual sounds for a kit or as a sample chain. That said, I would love to put some kits together, I’m just wary of how difficult it would be to please everyone by making those kits compatible with everything!

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How did you upload your sample packs to bandcamp? I recently made a sample pack of fm drum loops and (maybe foolishly) uploaded all the loops in order - it’s received 800 plays but I guess people are just recording the tracks as they play for free :confused:

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Oh god haha, that’s kinda what I did at first! You have to contact BandCamp and ask them to enable uploads of .zip files on your profile. Then you can put everything into a folder and zip it up!

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Hey, are the sample raw/clean from effects or are they recorder with delays/reverbs?

Most are clean but the Pulsar has some lovely reverb and delay so I used them for sculpting some of the sounds. No external delays or reverbs though.