Something new

Great work! I’m sure you’ll crack the case in 3 days tops.

Please be a mixer/sampler with inner-overbridge. No computer wanted here. I’m done trying to get my sync right with the AR and my MBP. I get different results everytime.

“On the third day of NAMMmas Elektron gave to me, a TOLVTRACK and mushroom tea!”


Hmmm if i were to put my conspiracy theory hat on it seems strange that this comes out of nowhere with no teasers, almost as if they were forced to show something to keep our money away from the mpc live pre-orders.

I would like to fantasize it is something of a similar caliber, something in between an op-1 and an octatrack, how about a portable sampler with the synthesis engines from the MM and MD?? imagine that, and with overbridge too :o

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Orange screen is fx? White is instrument?

Analog channelstrip?

Would seem logical for them to expand the fx range.

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all i know is that i see step sequencer keys… SOLD :smiley:

a sampler with the form factor of the AK would be pretty awesome. I’m sure elektron will make it look and sound good with all that extra room. Perhaps a stand alone module later? who knows it would be interesting either way

I hope it’s a patchbay. Would need one.

To dream is the pinnacle of humanity

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Unveil something bigger by advanced… to cut the grass under Akai … mmm not sure.
Plus we would have to wait for the availability. But who knows …

Looks like trigs of the AK size rnuning left to right with LEDs running across the top to me (one red lit LED).

A MnM type keys thing would be nice! No chance of that though :sweat: About time we had a digital renaissance…

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I just hope when i will see Cenk demonstrate that “THING” at Namm i will say : “Wow amazing idea… i will use like this, like that, that way, that another way…” (anyone can dream…)

excited (but broke)


word :confused:

“As you can see, the Elektron hype is very important.”

Elektron changed cover photo 22 min ago (perfect time for facebook when people eat)

the newsletter looked a lil guitar-centric this time, hmm? Also starting to remember cenk saying something about new boxes that “have new form factor” in one of the ob presentation vids…

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i couldn’t agree more it is pretty frustrating more than exciting. hey here is an off angle blurrh as fk photo with absolutely ZERO hints as to what it might be. it is a dumb move to try and produce hype with this.

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overbridge mixer / fx box / recording device? , no need to pc/mac ?
can be used an sound card for pc like all the other new boxes.
some fx built in.
a red usb lead in the box.

FXmachine ?
StereoMachine ?
AnalogChill ?

a big cake with some candles on it celebrating 10/15/20 years of elektron.

a new sidStation … RetroStation , with mutliple chip tune circuits ???

3 days fam. it’s not that big of a deal lol

217 posts later… Yeah really dumb marketing that is :slight_smile: