Something new

I hope it’s a kazoo


Not if anyone followed the MP4 from the website, follow this link to hear the video of the teaser.

Who guessed tape delay?

Aw, that’s a sweet little video <3

I’m guessing cassette tape delay/looper


we don not live for ever…

I have no idea what those floaty things and crackly sounds are all about. I’m just going to zone out for another day. I’ll be back tomorrow.


Drone machine.

hmm in the video teaser the squares look like a schematic/diagram/graphic for new type of physical input button/pad for elektron. perhaps the new machine will have step keys that are pressure/velocity sensitive with new ways of p-locking your sound. Like the rytm pads but specialized for sequencing :thinking:


Whoa, that video, this could be interesting.
To all who are upset about the teaser, with all due respect its really not that big of a deal, think about it, is it really that bad? Talk about 1rst world problems. I actually like it and wouldn’t be having as much fun if they just said what it is. Honestly I’m not a huge fan of thread splitting but perhaps next time we should have a thread for those who are excited and having a good time speculating, and one for people to express how much teasers suck for them…

Oh yeah,
T minus 41 hours 5 min 00 sec


I agree. The mystery is fun. The speculation and excitement is fun too. While the Heat apparently does amazing things with sound, it lacked that same groundbreaking method of MAKING that sound,so my expectations for this is dropped down a notch, but I still love being a fanboy for a company that has fun with their product reveals like this. It’s like a tension-filled build up to a joyous celebration.

It’s going to be great! I can’t wait! This is fun <3


that vid is just wireframe models of square buttons floating around.
basically a cube with some chamfering / edge smoothing…

Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop smoking Alamout Black.


nice idea - i’d love that all.

Analog Time

And that’s my final answer

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Imagine essentially an Analog Four but with this engine for the oscillators.

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No worries, I enjoy the conversation. I was over there to pick up an Elektron bag once, and he was there and gave it to me. And I’ve seen him on the premises and even said hello once when we took the same commute, so it’s not so much insider as we happen to live in the same city. But you’re right, I am speculating, just connecting the dots based on my observations close hand. We will see soon enough, anyway.

Pretty hyped about the potential for more than an fx box. A looper with a usb connection to the analog units would be pretty unreal, especially if you could feed granular synthesis back into the analog for osc replacement.

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people wait clearly something in the Samplers department…

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I feel like these square ghost buttons look much like Silver boxes trigs.
The sound produced is very digital.

:elmd: :elmm: souls in a new box ??!?! Oh my!

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Music forum denizens are perpetually offended by product releases.