Something new

I’m sure whatever it is, they’ll find some way of making 2-3 products off it’s foundation. (They’re efficient like that)

Maybe a recording interface?

But are those dot’s really buttons? Or are they all LED’s? And for the display do we see right angle front or left angle side with a big display?

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Knobs aren’t evenly spaced so I think the picture is not only blurred it’s distorted also. Green is led meter I bet my car:wink:


I can hardly wait!!!

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Juliette Lewis (PJ Harvey) get out of the body of Juan


these teases should only last for one afternoon imo


Please dont be an OT2. I’ve only just got one and have quit my lucrative and boring job to be a poor freelancer so I wont be able to afford it :’(

I predict tabletop FX box with 6 inputs and all fx count as send… oh and Overbridge

I mean i want that too but less so than the 0T2


The green could hint at a partnership with Roland.

The AIRAlog Four.


Yes a digital emulation from the analog boxes for half of the price and really close to original.
Killer :astonished:

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We’ll at least 3 days is actually before long. Doubt it will be an OT2 as its been stated by Elektron reps not really that long ago that they weren’t designing one at the moment. But if it is, does anyone have any money I can borrow?


Jam station type mixer interface so you can pile into your mate’s garage and record your sweaty angst.

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There’s no announcement (those picture) elsewhere ? Instagram, Twitter or Facebook …
Are we Privileged :slight_smile:

Edit : Elektron website… sorry there’s announcement :slight_smile:

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You will hit your daily post limit soon.

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Mmmm… for me that looks like some kind of modulation matrix, ala matrixbrute… Wavetable synthesis perhaps ?

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Infinite sadness. On the joyous approach to NAMMmas :frowning:

Definitely doesn’t look like an OT2, or a ‘trinity/flagship’ style box. If there were even 8 of those ‘buttons’ along the bottom, it would put the screen in a bizarre position. Green suggests something not designed to be used for several hours at a sitting. It doesn’t seem to have pads, or chromatic buttons. I agree it looks like the encoders are under the screen, so probably 3-4 of those.

Looks like it could very well be a pedalboard thing to me! The button/footswitch rows on the bottom DO look brighter than the others. To me they could easily be chrome if the photo started off fairly low-light, which is pretty typical for Elektron anyway! It could be 4 green LED’s under the screen, so 4 FX slots?

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what they’ve got. I had chalked this up to being a fairly boring NAMM, since the new MPCs are mostly known quantities by now. Glad for a little more hype. Hope they make lots of money to hire more OT developers :slight_smile:

That blurry photo doesn’t look like any of Elektrons form factors. Lots of lit up buttons? I hope for some crazy thing from off the radar that we never knew that we’d want…

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