Sonic state review of the Analog Keys

that’s it! just need some practice and hours under the belt and it starts to become second nature. You have massive control over acceleration with the elektron push encoders, I can go from 0 to max value with a press+flick of the knob if I need to.

Nick always seems slightly “off” when elektron is involved. Almost as if he looks at the machines and thinks “nope… im not going down that wormhole”. The fact that Cenk had to do the A4 video with them is a nod in this direction. Either way though, he does seem to enjoy Elektron as a company.

Sure the screen should be bigger, but as stated previous, i barely have to look at the screen anymore anyway after 1yr of use. Only if i really need to “tune” something in do i really have to search the screen. Practice practice practice. I remember the first guitar i got without fret inlays… at first it was slightly messy, but after you learn the feel of the guitar, you dont have to look anyway. Hell, Void’s A4 (at least i believe it was him that sanded his down) doesnt even have any text on it anymore… and im sure he gets along just fine.

Interestingly enough, i did learn a new trick from the video. Im sure ive read it a few times, but i had not locked in on the REC+PLAYx2 combo as a shortcut for live quantize. Very useful indeed

Can not wait for my AK to arrive.

Most things that people perceive as bad design on elektron machines turn out to be implemented in such a way as to aid workflow and ease of use. Done in that for good reason. They are such easy machines to get around. 90% of parameters you need at any time are literally only 1 button press away (max 2). Compared to something like the Tempest, which even after almost a year I still find a complete headache to use. Despite all the front panel control, I still have to be really aware of what’s going on with the screen so I don’t fuck up what I’m doing

The only thing from this review I feel is a bit of a negative is the over-hanging keys. They do look a bit exposed. Having said that if I had an AK I don’t think I’d be using it out of the studio much. So no biggy

at 14:42 I sort of dont get what he is doing.

I always have my MD plugged into int inputs …

can the fx channel be used for each of track 1 track 2 (3 and 4) to mess with the osc 1 and 2, filtersn amp, env, lfo?

if I have my MD in the inputs, am I missing out on something=?

thanks for answers

i dare Voids sanded down A4 to be used with the display covered with black tape (all the blinking of red lights would make it become the knight rider? muhaaa)

I’m not sure if I see what you are talking about at 14:42…seems to be the end of him just talking about adjusting the parameters.

I have the A4 and not the AK but they work mostly the same, on the FX channel you can adjust the sends for the inputs…in addition, you can actually set your OSC waveform on the tracks to the inputs. That would allow you to run your inputs through the filters instead of just the FX.

I’m not sure if I see what you are talking about at 14:42…seems to be the end of him just talking about adjusting the parameters.

I have the A4 and not the AK but they work mostly the same, on the FX channel you can adjust the sends for the inputs…in addition, you can actually set your OSC waveform on the tracks to the inputs. That would allow you to run your inputs through the filters instead of just the FX.[/quote]
thanks subq … since i never (well 2 weeks) had the A4 without the MD plugged into the inputs, i never got my head around the fx track to be honest … i know i can reverb the MD through the inputs… seems like (and here i am just too noob) if I had the inputs free the FX channel would still do witchcraft stuff … its 23:30 here … gotta let it go for today … thanks

I hear ya, I actually didn’t read the manual on that part, I just messed around with it.

Traditionally, I had been sequencing everything from the OT but I wanted to try out the A4 inputs to see how it works. I like the reverb on the A4 much better than the OT but I miss the compressor on the OT when just going straight into the A4.

On the A4, the FX track works with it’s own settings and then each track you can send how much you like to the FX track. In addition, on the FX track you can adjust the sends from the L R inputs (which is what you probably already do).

On an actual tracks, you can pick one of your inputs as a source and then run it through the filters (instead of using the built in OSC).

Personally, I prefer how the FX are done on the OT where I can adjust the FX parameters all individually per track (it has 2 FX channels per track). On the A4 they are all going to use whatever parameters you have set on the FX track, you can only adjust the send amounts for each track.

It will be nice to get the AR for drums as it has it’s own compressor. :slight_smile:

You can also automate the parameters of the chorus, delay and reverb and external inputs from the fx track of the A4 and AK. The fx track has it’s own dedicated sequencer track for p-locking and that kind of thing. If you look at the LFO and ENV mod destinations available on the fx track you will find they are different than those of a regular track. There are parameters there that can not be modulated by tracks 1-4. You can get some unreal stuff by messing around with the fx track sequencer :+1:

yes, the way they do it on the A4 has it’s own pros vs the way they do it on the OT

I have both so I get to play with both but sometimes I wish the A4 did it OT style and vice versa :wink:

hi folks and frequency lovers

thanks a lot so far for pointing out my questions regarding the FX track.

now I have another question…

at 17:45 you see and hear “mulit map mode” …

…—> is there such a thing on the A4 ? (I am aware of p locking sounds from the pool)

( i do not own a AK but find the AK reviews very helpful )

Exactly! When i was discussing this on the tempest forum they all couldn’t agree with me. I have it 3 years now and still don’t like the workflow very much compared to elektron.
And nick indeed looks at it like just another analog synth, he even said he would have liked it without the sequencer. Thats blasphemy :slight_smile:

Yes the latest update gave multi map mode to the A4 also. You can assign sounds to specific keys or ranges of keys. If you plug in a midi keyboard you can easily achieve what’s going on at 17:45 in the vid

Doesn’t use the PUSH encoders results in parameters jumps (values of +/- 10) instead of a smooth incremental transition? So the push encoders would defeat the idea of a smooth filter sweep.[/quote]
not sure why you would want do that anyway with a joystick at your disposal [/quote]
Because not everyone is an Elektron fanboy and some people like knobs that allow a smoothe sweep like on a vintage keyboard.

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.

Exactly! When i was discussing this on the tempest forum they all couldn’t agree with me. I have it 3 years now and still don’t like the workflow very much compared to elektron.
And nick indeed looks at it like just another analog synth, he even said he would have liked it without the sequencer. Thats blasphemy :)[/quote]
The only thing I dislike about my tempest is the lack of a built in reverb and delay channel in the name of analog purity (which is a bit wierd on a machine with 2 digital oscs :stuck_out_tongue:
For me the tempest is a beats performance beast, but I suspect the AR will be more flexible, I just wish it had bigger pads.

Yes the latest update gave multi map mode to the A4 also. You can assign sounds to specific keys or ranges of keys. If you plug in a midi keyboard you can easily achieve what’s going on at 17:45 in the vid[/quote]
sweeeet … just looking through p48 in the manual … the screen on ma A4 looks much more confusing than the vaguely and poorly (as usual) descriptions in the manual …
so, does this work with the mini keyboard ? any body done that? any threads in the forum already?
the last 2 tutorials from kukoo and the synth head are REALLY a game changer for me … wish i had these in the beginning

Yes the latest update gave multi map mode to the A4 also. You can assign sounds to specific keys or ranges of keys. If you plug in a midi keyboard you can easily achieve what’s going on at 17:45 in the vid[/quote]
sweeeet … just looking through p48 in the manual … the screen on ma A4 looks much more confusing than the vaguely and poorly (as usual) descriptions in the manual …
so, does this work with the mini keyboard ? any body done that? any threads in the forum already?
the last 2 tutorials from kukoo and the synth head are REALLY a game changer for me … wish i had these in the beginning
it sure does :slight_smile: … hook a MIDI keyboard to your A4 and let the fun begin :alien:

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]
I still don’t understand what people find difficult about them really. Especially with the A4: sculpt sound, place trigs or record them, done. Everything is right in front of you, or just 1 logical action away.
I guess it depends on your mindset if you click with it or not. You don’t have to be an elektron fanboy to find it easy to use, many of my friends with virtually no synth experience could make a beat on the machinedrum and a cheesy tune on the a4 within minutes. Even a 7 year old could make an entire cover on the A4 :slight_smile:

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]

Elektron “FANS”… get over yourself mate. What is gear lust to you is the desire to learn an instrument to others.

If you don’t put in the work to improve your dexterity, control, and knowledge regarding these machines they won’t ever be easy to use.

Being a gear slut first and being a musician later is a quick way to spend more time gossiping over features than actually using them to make your ears happy.

I guess this is what separates the (fan?)boys from the toys :kiss: