Sonic state review of the Analog Keys

The reason you shouldn’t reply to that claim is because ultimately it’s a catch 22 where he says we’re all fantboys, then we attack his obviously biased opinion, he turns around and says “see, you guys just suck Elektrons…”

You see where that’s going lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Woops meant to reply to nirun

Trolls will be trolls. It’s like sitting in the whitehouse and complaining about 'murica. go do something about it. be the change you want to see in the world, even if it means logging off and never returning :slight_smile:

I’m all for constructive criticism, but there’s a clear difference between whining incessantly and having an opinion that stretches beyond “it sux cuz i don’t like it”

Half of these opinions are from users who I fear treat the Elektron stuff like a collectible rather than an instrument, but that’s probably another discussion all together.

Let’s stay on topic here.

Elektrons are easier for some than others. Everybody learns differently. While us fanboys think that everybody should be able to grasp it, it’s simply not true.

I think they all take dedication and discipline, but not much more than any other real instrument.

@ Ihatederekreed

It’s like buying an piano and being mad that it isn’t an electric guitar.

There are plenty of analog synths for LESS money than an AK that have the option to do with AikiGhost wants. Why come on here and complain that the AK doesn’t do it when clearly it was meant to do things differently? Just don’t buy it if it doesn’t suit you but to complain that it just sucks because you can’t do (so boring as…) a filter sweep super easily is just… lol.

oh god don’t get me started on the push encoders again. I have a minitaur, microbrute, and an OP-1. Other than the OP-1’s pots being colour matched to the UI the Elektron push encoders fundamentally provide more functionality and control, even though they vary in ergonomics.

The op-1’s pots do “click” or push but it’s not really implemented in the UI.

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]

Elektron “FANS”… get over yourself mate. What is gear lust to you is the desire to learn an instrument to others.
Dude, I was talking about Nick Batt & other non elektronusers trying to get used to the new way of working. You telling me hes a gear collector and not a musician? Please.

Did you read the rest of the thread before commenting? Or are you just drunk? Anyway whatever, Im used to people like you on this forum with no answers having a go at people who aren’t as deeply imbibing the kool aid as you are. Its wearing and pretty predictable really.

EDIT: Also to the people who don’t think I like elekton gear for some wierd reason… I’ve owned all 4 elektron boxes and will be buying the AR.

I got rid of the MD because I got bored with its sound and am not really a fan of its generally “cold” character, the octatrack for many reasons too long and complex to go into here but I still have and love both the A4 and MnM.

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]

Elektron “FANS”… get over yourself mate. What is gear lust to you is the desire to learn an instrument to others.
Dude, I was talking about Nick Batt & other non elektronusers trying to get used to the new way of working. You telling me hes a gear collector and not a musician? Please.

Did you read the rest of the thread before commenting? Or are you just drunk? Anyway whatever, Im used to people like you on this forum with no answers having a go at people who aren’t as deeply imbibing the kool aid as you are. Its wearing and pretty predictable really.[/quote]
What did I say would happen?
Jesus Christ I hate the internet sometimes…

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]

Elektron “FANS”… get over yourself mate. What is gear lust to you is the desire to learn an instrument to others.
Dude, I was talking about Nick Batt & other non elektronusers trying to get used to the new way of working. You telling me hes a gear collector and not a musician? Please.

Did you read the rest of the thread before commenting? Or are you just drunk? Anyway whatever, Im used to people like you on this forum with no answers having a go at people who aren’t as deeply imbibing the kool aid as you are. Its wearing and pretty predictable really.[/quote]
What did I say would happen?
Jesus Christ I hate the internet sometimes…
Anything useful to add?

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]

Elektron “FANS”… get over yourself mate. What is gear lust to you is the desire to learn an instrument to others.
Dude, I was talking about Nick Batt & other non elektronusers trying to get used to the new way of working. You telling me hes a gear collector and not a musician? Please.

Did you read the rest of the thread before commenting? Or are you just drunk? Anyway whatever, Im used to people like you on this forum with no answers having a go at people who aren’t as deeply imbibing the kool aid as you are. Its wearing and pretty predictable really.[/quote]
haha it’s all good :heart: I don’t take discussions about instruments personally. I know what I can do with them, I was just pointing out the misinformation about the encoders which is very clear and Nick himself looked foolish turning the knobs the way he did.

This has nothing to do with “elektron kool aid” but straight facts. I don’t like experts pawning off misinformation or misguiding new users with WRONG information. If you don’t see Nick using the encoders incorrectly by gliding them along the side of his palm and fingers, then I don’t really know what to say.

I’ll keep drinking the kool aid if it means using my thumb and index finger to turn a knob… or either of my hands to finger drum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]

Elektron “FANS”… get over yourself mate. What is gear lust to you is the desire to learn an instrument to others.
Dude, I was talking about Nick Batt & other non elektronusers trying to get used to the new way of working. You telling me hes a gear collector and not a musician? Please.

Did you read the rest of the thread before commenting? Or are you just drunk? Anyway whatever, Im used to people like you on this forum with no answers having a go at people who aren’t as deeply imbibing the kool aid as you are. Its wearing and pretty predictable really.[/quote]
What did I say would happen?
Jesus Christ I hate the internet sometimes…
Anything useful to add?[/quote]
No, I’m just going to go back to inhaling air dusters and drinking Elektron juice. Soon I’ll be King Doctor President of the fan club :slight_smile:

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]

Elektron “FANS”… get over yourself mate. What is gear lust to you is the desire to learn an instrument to others.
Dude, I was talking about Nick Batt & other non elektronusers trying to get used to the new way of working. You telling me hes a gear collector and not a musician? Please.

Did you read the rest of the thread before commenting? Or are you just drunk? Anyway whatever, Im used to people like you on this forum with no answers having a go at people who aren’t as deeply imbibing the kool aid as you are. Its wearing and pretty predictable really.[/quote]
What did I say would happen?
Jesus Christ I hate the internet sometimes…
Anything useful to add?[/quote]
No, I’m just going to go back to inhaling air dusters and drinking Elektron juice. Soon I’ll be King Doctor President of the fan club :slight_smile: [/quote]
It’s good to have a dream :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously. Stop. Everybody calm down.

Don’t make me turn this car around!

Well I’d rather it devolve into absurdity before a flame war, so I’d say crisis (sort of) avoided.
On another note, I wish he had shown some multitracking with the AK which is the single feature I’m most excited about. I’m getting rid of the OT (which I really liked…) because of this single reason and I literally haven’t seen anyone talk about it.

At 09:19 in the review, Nick actually explains and uses the fine/course and push/encoder and that actually was the second time already in video review he mentions this. Are people actually even watching this video for content? Also, for a keyboard synth, Elektron should have made the screen much larger and for that reason it’s simply very difficult in a multi keyboard stage set-up coupled with an industrial designed dimly lit stage environment–to have the AK anywhere BUT the very top tier in order to reasonably turn knobs and not have synth above it in the way nor blocking screen…then it’s simply too high and not utilitarian reasonably. The exposed keys were the very reason one of our keyboardists stated quite rightly that is a HUGE Achilles Heal and if you are an actual performer and utilize after touch, you do not have that “stop feeling” of that bottom metal, and is just asking for broken keys…our $$$$ can be better spent on a more straightforward synth such as Prophet 12 for a few extra $ or another Spectralis.

Getting rid of Ot before the keys arrives. Brave. I’m actually very excited to run all 4 outs into the 4 it ins and do some interesting pickup machine work. The 2 just seem like they are going to go so well together. Maybe I’ll run my mduw into a4 into the keys and keys into the ot. Ugh. The possibilities!

I wish Cenk would have been there to show Nick what’s up. He should pretty much be on call for anybody wanting to review these machines.

The Prophet 12 doesn’t have a sequencer so I wouldn’t compare it too much.
Personally, I had my reservations about such a small screen, but when my friend brought over the A4 I realized that the UI is pretty readable now I’m not worried too much.
I don’t have multiple keyboards so I can’t speak too much about that kind of set up. With a proper case I think it’d be fine but you know


Doesn’t use the PUSH encoders results in parameters jumps (values of +/- 10) instead of a smooth incremental transition? So the push encoders would defeat the idea of a smooth filter sweep.[/quote]
not sure why you would want do that anyway with a joystick at your disposal [/quote]
Because not everyone is an Elektron fanboy and some people like knobs that allow a smoothe sweep like on a vintage keyboard.[/quote]
has nothing to do with being a fanboy of elektron really

I suppose elektron could add a feature that allows you to set how fast the knob changes the value…being that some people will want it very slow and some people very fast and/or a mix

Yeah I can’t afford to own both :frowning: I loved OT but ultimately I need to make music and not just to collect gear. The AK + Ableton Live seems more straightforward and utilitarian.

Doesn’t use the PUSH encoders results in parameters jumps (values of +/- 10) instead of a smooth incremental transition? So the push encoders would defeat the idea of a smooth filter sweep.[/quote]
not sure why you would want do that anyway with a joystick at your disposal [/quote]
Because not everyone is an Elektron fanboy and some people like knobs that allow a smoothe sweep like on a vintage keyboard.[/quote]
has nothing to do with being a fanboy of elektron really

I suppose elektron could add a feature that allows you to set how fast the knob changes the value…being that some people will want it very slow and some people very fast and/or a mix[/quote]
Please stop.
We just got back on track… just forget the word fanboy. Everyone gets all riled up when that word is thrown around.
Anyways there’s tons Elektron could add in software to make it better and I’m sure they will. This is their flagship.

Basically elektron machines are not as easy to use as elektron fans like to think.

They are deep, but NOT easy to use unless you are already one of the initiated.[/quote]
I still don’t understand what people find difficult about them really. Especially with the A4: sculpt sound, place trigs or record them, done. Everything is right in front of you, or just 1 logical action away.
I guess it depends on your mindset if you click with it or not. You don’t have to be an elektron fanboy to find it easy to use, many of my friends with virtually no synth experience could make a beat on the machinedrum and a cheesy tune on the a4 within minutes. Even a 7 year old could make an entire cover on the A4 :)[/quote]
the only thing I found “difficult” (if you want to call it that) when starting to use some elektron gear was the structure of projects/banks/patterns/parts/etc…that really isn’t an elektron problem though, you would have to learn that on any machine…to me the OT structure actually made more sense than the A4 but once you learn that part it’s neither here nor there IMO