Sonicware Liven Lofi 12

This is by far the best entry-level sampler on the market atm, blows the volca sample 2 AND the model: Samples out the water especially with the latest firmware update.

Elektron and Korg, take notes!

If you are in the US, hit me up. I am selling mine.

Too lazy too look it up, what did it add?

in what regard, the model samples workflow is quite a bit more intuitive than this imo?

It’s an actual sampler and not a “sample player” for one, I would think.

well yeah but that’s low hanging fruit, but once you get your samples in the difference between the workflow of both is considerable…

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A question if that’s ok.
It’s in the back of my mind to get one, but what’s the situation with panning?
If I made a drum pattern and had my kick hat and snare on say track one can I individually pan the hats partially left and my snare in the other direction or does the whole track have to be panned either left or right?

You can pan each step individually which is a bit of work. Otherwise the panning works for the whole track.
With the new drum mode you can play kick, snare and hihat on one track but if you change the settings they will change for all samples of the drum program. So if the hihat plays on the same step as the snare there’s only one panning setting for both samples on this step.


Thanks that’s a great help :slightly_smiling_face:

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You should check some youtube videos, the workflow is as easy as the Model:Samples, just different.

Its polyphonic.
It actually can sample, AND resample.
It has way more effects.
Elektron style sequencer with plocks.
Built In speaker.
Portable with battery that doesn’t burst into flames.

With recent elektron price increase it also costs 1/3 less than a Model:Samples.
For me it is obviously everything model:samples tried to be but is not…

thanks to Elektron weird sales/marketing strategy for the Models products.


I thought it was/is good on paper and might pick it up again but I found it a little convoluted for my taste or rather not as fluid as the model samples in spite of the model samples glaring omissions,


This person does not use the Lofi-12 as he is supposed to which is why he is confused about the workflow.

this is a better example of how to correctly and fully use the product.


will check this out now…

yeah I understand his sentiments and the new features are nice but the workflow on the model is smoother imho, :slight_smile: to the point that the workflow itself is a feature, I don’t think the lofi 12 is meant to be that fluid, not necessarily a bad thing just different like you said it’s easy but to me that doesn’t mean it’s as intuitive/fluid…

So what’s the verdict here?
Great value, surely. But should one just an SP494 Mkii if feasible?

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Price point and use are different, these are absolutely not doing the same things. This is imo the best low entry price sampler by a large margin, beating the volca sample 2, the po-33 and the model:samples.

If you are willing to spend 150-200 more euros for a sp404 mkII you can, but this is not trying to be a sp404.


on paper, but if you don’t want direct sampling (yuck who’d not want that) the model samples is a magic carpet ride.

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For sure the model:samples is a decent sample player hahahaha


Isn’t elektron samples mono compared to lo fi polyphonic?

absolutely… but it’s still capable AF, the lofi 12 is not as cohesive in it’s feature set and workflow, the model samples is more than the sum of it’s parts, the lofi 12 is also imo but just not as fluid… I returned mine because even though it can sample, once the samples are on board it wasn’t as fluid or fun to use as the model samples after having it’s samples on board… just my opinion though as these things are subjective but if you watch any videos of them both being used side by side I still think the differences in the workflows come through loud and clear. On paper however you would think that the lofi 12 has an obvious edge…

I’d also much rather use the model samples as a sequencer for external gear even with the polyphony limitations… here’s a couple of examples of the fluidity I’m talking about, btw I do wish it had more polyphony and of course I wish it could sample but I measure how good it is by the fact that it’s the only beatmachine I can stand that can’t sample directly and the fact that I am not willing to give up what it can do for the lack of those things it cannot… I think it’s more fun than many boxes out there above it’s weight.


Your issue is you want the lofi-12 to have a similar workflow as the model:Samples where the model:samples “smooth” workflow comes from its lacks of features.

What you’re calling “smoother” workflow really is just a one knob per function streamlined design which can only work with a product that does not have a lot of versatility/functions.

Lofi-12 is insanely deep with the chop mode, resampling and fx lock, you can do very complex loops with the 10 voices polyphony, resample it to mono, and built on that. This is extremely powerful on, may I repeat it again, a product that is 100-150 euros under Model:Samples price point.

Also there is this very pleasant warmth of sounds on the lofi-12 that I do not find on the Model:Samples. I find it colder, which could work in specific settings (techno?) but if you’re touching stuff like Hip-Hop it really does not help the product at all.

Honestly the only positive Model:Samples has over the lofi-12 is the elektron sequencer for me.