Soundtracks recommendation (Films and Artists)

Hi! I often listen to movie soundtracks while studying or working. I recently listened to Cliff Martinez’s “the Knick” , generally I prefer these less orchestral and more electronic ones.
Any recommendations of artists or albums that you like to listen to as if it were a simple work and not tailor-made for a film or series? or a soundtrack so interesting as to recommend the film just for that?

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Love the soundtrack album. Really enjoyable film too. So funny.

Though I’ve just discovered, the album I have, all tracks composed by Christophe Beck, and with titles that start with the letters R E D, doesn’t seem to be available anywhere I can find.

EDIT: Playlist: Christophe Beck - Unleashed - YouTube

EDIT 2: Actually despite being the right film and the right composing credit, there’s only 2 tracks there I recognise from the CD I own … shame.

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The Belly of an Architect … O.S.T.

predominantly Wim Mertens


interludes by Glenn Branca

Everything about this Greenaway film is perfect imho (i even went on a ‘pilgrimage’ to every iconic scene in it) … the soundtrack is by some margin my favourite, works well on its own … not for everyone, not electronic … utterly sublime though


liked this one


New Emissions of Light and Sound by Sasha

Music for a 40 minute surfing video


This has a nice electronic vibe, quite melancholy.

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and those are not soundtrack but for me they are quite “narative”

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Amazing soundtrack (RIP) to an absolute riot of a film. “Love Theme” is undeniable


Loved these two:

Sidenote: Star of the gone girl soundtrack was @circuitghost beloved Prophet 12, I read it was all over it

And I love most of John Williams Soundtracks, even though he borrowed quite a lot, but his soundtracks sound like my childhood




correction: perhaps most played … but despite being a much later film this is close on its heels …

this Bill Morrison film, Decasia, is breathtaking, the soundtrack is absolutely incredible … it cleanses(mirrors) my mind on a regular basis … so intense yet so soothing

Composer Michael Gordon

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Best not released ost

Akira is my favorite animated film and the OST is gorgeous, specially battle against clown

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Previously on Elektronauts:


Oh I was looking for a tread like this, thanks

Two movie soundtracks that I often return to are Solaris by Cliff Martinez and Arrival by Jóhann Jóhannsson.

Solaris got me so intrigued by the steelpan/gamelan kind of sounds that I started eventually playing handpans, because they reminded me of the soundtrack. Literally life changing soundtrack for me!

Jóhannsson’s Arrival is incredibly deep and emotional and adds an amazing intertextual layer with its references to earlier vocal music and avant garde vocal music and sound poetry, that often explored the connection between language and singing. I think this was a brilliant approach, as language is the central topic of the film.


hard to imagine that this movie dates from 1988 … it could be released today and no one could complain :slight_smile:

No Prophet quite like the twelve :hearts:

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in the margin of the subject but this video is very cool