Spam, updates, other problems

This forum, quirky and minimal as it is, does the job, until you need to use the search function. Possibly the worst search engine for a forum ever. At least the old e-u one listed searches in chronological order.

It’s actually easier using Google to search elektronauts at present.

How is it that this forum is the only one, out of many that i visit, has a never ending story of spam?

First it was kitchens now we get fake pasparts, are we the type to be on the run?

it’s usually not so bad, i’ve deleted all that I could from the sections I have moderation over :slight_smile:

Ad Infinitum

Ok, so what gives with the sudden proliferation of the damn spam?!?
As a relatively new octatrack owner, I spend quite a bit of time on the old E-U forum.
And it sounds like the spam became crippling over there at the end, and the migration here was supposed to alleviate the issue.
I’ ve been around on this forum since November, and until the last week or so it seemed to be Kitchen Design free(btw, off topic, but HOW MUCH remodeling is going on in the UK!? Seriously!).
Am I missing the “flag as spam” button?
Can users help mods with this??
Please and thank yous.

I presume you are not British? It’s a national pastime, along with waiting in queues, drinking tea and poor dental care.

Spam is the bane of any forum’s existence. actions will be taken ASAP.

Oh yeah and the English spend their lives remodeling.

We are doing what we can. Working towards a better solution, but for now we just handle it as it pops up.

1 Like

Can someone in the uk ring those joints and very calmly ask to speak to the manger explain whats happening and then scream down the ph line


Yes, there is a little flag button at the bottom-right of each post which enables you to report a post to the moderators. The mods have already been deleting spam posts and members.

I presume you are not British? It’s a national pastime, along with waiting in queues, drinking tea and poor dental care.[/quote]
is there any way to also filter out lazy, bigoted & pointless generalisations too, that’d be approaching ‘backdoor racism’ in Britain, that’s worse than the spam, no matter how misguided the ‘witty’ intentions, i like family guy as much as the next man, but it’s not welcome or funny on here, like the spam. let’s keep it civil …

Being British and loving kitchen remodeling does not necessarily equal being English! I just wanted to clarify that point as it always winds me up. I could go on a fantastic rant about that bloody Friends episode when they all go to the UK but use “English” as a catch all for the entire population.

Footnote - yes, I am a bitter Scot. Though I do have an Irish first name, Welsh surname and an English mother. I still love kitchen design though…

(In case any of the above is lost in translation - I’m not having a go at anyone!!!)

I presume you are not British? It’s a national pastime, along with waiting in queues, drinking tea and poor dental care.[/quote]
is there any way to also filter out lazy, bigoted & pointless generalisations too, that’d be approaching ‘backdoor racism’ in Britain, that’s worse than the spam, no matter how misguided the ‘witty’ intentions, i like family guy as much as the next man, but it’s not welcome or funny on here, like the spam. let’s keep it civil …[/quote]

I’d rather Elektronauts didn’t become some PC gone crazy bore fest thank you very much! I don’t think Rusty said anything wrong at all, just a bit of fun.

(Written by a kilt wearing, tattie & haggis munching, whisky drinking, tight with cash Scot. Och aye the noo and all that shit!)

CCTV installed to ensure your safety & pleasure at all times.

I presume you are not British? It’s a national pastime, along with waiting in queues, drinking tea and poor dental care.[/quote]
is there any way to also filter out lazy, bigoted & pointless generalisations too, that’d be approaching ‘backdoor racism’ in Britain, that’s worse than the spam, no matter how misguided the ‘witty’ intentions, i like family guy as much as the next man, but it’s not welcome or funny on here, like the spam. let’s keep it civil …[/quote]

I’d rather Elektronauts didn’t become some PC gone crazy bore fest thank you very much! I don’t think Rusty said anything wrong at all, just a bit of fun.

(Written by a kilt wearing, tattie & haggis munching, whisky drinking, tight with cash Scot. Och aye the noo and all that shit!)[/quote]
we’re all entitled to our opinions, i’d sooner elevate and call-out (must be a crazy PC bore) than be offensive or offended (whether by seemingly trivial throwaway nothings or otherwise) - there are plenty other forums full of (and spoiled by) the whole spectrum of abuse, that’s boring #raisethebar

I presume you are not British? It’s a national pastime, along with waiting in queues, drinking tea and poor dental care.[/quote]
is there any way to also filter out lazy, bigoted & pointless generalisations too, that’d be approaching ‘backdoor racism’ in Britain, that’s worse than the spam, no matter how misguided the ‘witty’ intentions, i like family guy as much as the next man, but it’s not welcome or funny on here, like the spam. let’s keep it civil …[/quote]
I think it was intended as light hearted humor. Nobody was offended. And indeed, it was funny. Sorry.
Let’s not turn this place into a politically-correct-nanny-run-day-care-for-kiddies, please!

Hold steady, stay calm…




I’m an Oregonian, and my knowledge of British culture is limited to:
What Jeremy Clarkson tells me on Top Gear,
That the USA doesn’t like King George III,
And Monty Python
And I don’t own a kitchen so clearly I’m not in the correct spam demographic.

…just being cheeky(did I us that term right?!?)
(Also: as an American that doesn’t have health care, I’ve not been to a dentist in 16 years so my dental health is prob pretty poor relative to the Euro blokes here)

You’d think with all this interest in kitchen remodelling, there’ll be some amazing new English cuisine coming up! Is this true? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


(& Fuck with paying taxes over here)

