Spotify is Apparently Creating Fake Artists

while you’re dragging the world down with your fixed mathematics mindset, I’m steadily manifesting my billion dollar drop shipping business by next Christmas, guaranteed…no wonder we never interact on here…

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Gotya :wink:
I agree with you as well though. It’s not as transparent as it should be.


Some of these politicians most likely go into politics with good intentions, then they find out what their price is, and money wins.


in America our SUPREME court basically baked in corruption to the system, when they allowed corporations to “donate” endless dark money to politicians and their “election” campaigns.

Corporations GIVE our senators laws, already fully written out, which are usually hand-carved tax-loopholes and then donate a bunch of money to their election campaigns in order for them to sponsor that bill. If that ISNT corruption, baked into the system, WHAT IS corruption?!?!? Do billionaires NEED more tax loopholes? Is that REALLY the problem with America???


Wait, when I go grocery shopping every week I write down a list of all the stuff I need and then go to the grocery store and get it. If I didn’t write down all the ingredients first I would never remember everything to buy for a weeks worth of meals, and then why would I buy something that wasn’t on my list? I guess other people must do it different.

Edit: Ooh, I guess they could manipulate me on which brand to buy though.


I used to try streaming services.
One day I realized all the music I had already, on shuffle was far more satisfying.
Lots of it I have t heard much. Tons of it is a mix of very familiar and still new to me fantastic. Plenty of stuff I delete to prune the vibe.
Adding new music is very deliberate and gets sorted in pruning.
Most new music I get from friends suggestions, or buying direct from the artist merch booth at shows.
It blows me away that I didn’t realize this sooner.
I thought I was getting something out of the possibility of the streaming service suggesting new things occasionally.
Over time it just feels like it’s picking the same shit repetitively, and anything new I rarely like.
Streaming music reminds me of dating apps.
I’m definitely better off on my own luck.


Don’t mingle with the plebs. Robots will do their job better and cheaper!

I long suspected even local politicians at the bottom rungs end up ‘owing someone’ no matter how small, before they realise that’s how it works. Very few politicians get far without owing a variety of people for a lot of favours, and having learned to reciprocate in whatever way their current political world allows them to. Which is more than I would hope in something at least billing itself as democracy. A friend became a local councillor in the town I live in a few years ago. Just wanted to get useful stuff done for local people, you know, representing their needs and all that nice stuff? She jacked it in after about 18 months, couldn’t get anything simple done without having to have ‘a lunch’ with seemingly unrelated local business people, etc etc.

As long as enough of us collectively believe economic growth is good and we want some of it, enough of us will will make more self-centred decisions that we would ideally like, and the status quo continues.

I have a feeling it’s been like this for ever. I think recessions are planned and engineered just to reset the general population, make sure nobody gets too rich, and more to the point, the ‘new money’ of very successful upper middle class never quite get to touch the big ‘old money’ because a recession clips their wings nicely. The rest of us? I don’t think we ever get anywhere near wealthy enough to be regarded as a true threat to the wealthy powerful folks, they appear to be able to do whatever they want without us posing a problem.

And as long as I want to look after my wife and kids, I will sadly be part of it by going to work my IT job to pay the bills and keep everyone healthy and generally OK.

But I do have some choices - I decided years ago that making music was sufficiently important to my happiness that I would rather do a relatively dull IT job to do the above and do music with whatever time I have left available, but do what I want with it. I don’t ever want making music to feel like that job, because sometimes I would hate it and it’s too special a thing to have in my life to ever want to hate it. Luckily I’m not a super-talented unstoppable music force, so I don’t feel I’m missing out on ‘making it big’ in any way. Managing to get an album out occasionally and sell a hundred copies or so and some people like it enough to buy the next one, or I get to do the odd remix here and there, in a tiny little micro-scene of uk indy electronica - that’s what I get to do these days and to be frank that’s pretty exciting without having to entertain the prospect of making it my job. Got a new album coming in January, I’m gearing up to do an exploratory gig or two in the next few months, and I’m already fairly excited about it. Anyway, I’m 52, I don’t want to overdo it eh? :slight_smile: :wink:


Yep, local council office workers even, get favours for contracts etc. The whole system is rigged, and as you said, pretty much always has been.



Cheers geez, appreciate it :slight_smile:

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I agree, and have also seen varying degrees of your politician friend from the people I’ve encountered in my life. It can be a debilitating thought process at times, but I’m glad you are still able to find happiness in making music at that age alongside your “dull job” to take care of your family. I’ve come to learn that those two things are actually very difficult to pull off, simultaneously. Sounds like a win to me :beers: and thank you for giving us younger gents something to look forward to in the future!


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The thing that makes life awesome for me is remembering that whilst we can’t do anything about a lot of that shite, we absolutely can do a lot about how we treat each other. Including how we treat people whose behaviour we don’t even like. See that? I’m OK not liking someone’s behaviour but I seldom allow myself to not like them as an actual just like you and me person. That (I reckon) is what we all have the capability of doing to make ourselves feel ‘better than’ other people. It’s a lot easier to forgive when I remember I’m responsible for whether I need to make myself feel better than other other people, because that responsibility, sure as shit, is solely mine :slight_smile:

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Spotify recommending AI generated tracks?


I think AI producing music for us is a good thing.

So we can focus on just buying new gear, without any regrets.


Finally a voice of clarity and reason on the AI music subject.

Unless you are, in fact, an AI.


Yay, sludge content!

(Distressingly effective,)

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Great find. Looks like this might be some of the first evidence I‘ve seen. Would confirm my suspicions.

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Ever since Spotify’s Discovery Mode was unveiled I had to disable autoplay on my playlists. Lots of songs that sound like someone on their first day of using FL Studio. Not sure what is the process when paying for Discovery Mode as in what data is being captured for optimal playlist placement, but something’s off. Or maybe Autechre is what an AI thinks of day 1 FL Studio-type beats. LOL.