SSL fusion

Damn, fusion seems rad! Bit too rich for my blood, perhaps some day though, gonna keep an eye on these

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Anybody here tried Celestial from acustica audio? It emulates the fusion and is supposed to come really really close

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Nice, and not only the ā€œmasteringā€ sideā€¦

But the ā€œtextureā€ of sound is also really warm and organic which adds a lot to the perception.

Would be interesting to hear same track/mix without Fusion, but I guess you just record it as it is and itā€™s done

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So itā€™s a audio plugin based on a hardware unit made for enhancing plugin-based audio? :thinking:


Does that really matter? If people like what fusion does to a signal, why wouldnā€™t they like a free plugin based around some impulse response technology? Donā€™t really get your point.

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Hey, thanks :slight_smile: yep, no A / B-testing here. I donā€™t usually even save my stuff, so Iā€™m not sure I could recall this one even if I tried.

Itā€™s not made just for enhancing vst-sounds and includes some of their iconic circuits in a compact and v flexible format. It is great for that too but thatā€™s just one of the many uses for the unit.

Ive been looking at this. Is it still free though? All I can find its now part of one of Acusticas bigger packages which is 200 euros.

I donā€™t want all the other stuff just the Fusion element.

SSL also provide plugins that model the Fusion. Three separate plugins: Vintage Drive, Stereo Image, and Vintage Compressor. $200 each so for all three you are halfway to a hardware unit. They do specials from time to time, and they also offer a trial so you can try it out before buying.

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I actually donā€™t know. Maybe not anymore. If you got the free plugin back then you got the whole package later at some point.

I canā€™t compare it with the hardware, but it sounds really good imo.

Unfortunately, no. Every holiday season (at least the past several years) Acustica has been releasing a plugin for free as a gift thatā€™s available for like 30-60 days. Celestial was the offering a couple years ago and very generous overall. Sometimes the gift plugins are a limited feature set of a larger yet to be announced product, but some of them are a full item that are later sold as such once the giveaway period is over or made part of a bundle.

Regrettably, if you miss the initial giveaway period theyā€™re not available later on unless purchased. Some of the free ones never got released/sold after the fact at all.

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I havenā€™t demoed yet. Was reading a gearspace thread the other day. Someone did an a/b test for comparison. The results were a 50/50 split which is always a good sign.

I do really want the Fusion. Money aside I really like recallability at the mix stage so a VST which is close enough is good for me.

Thanks. Yes, thats how I read it. Just thought Id missed something.


Acustica does significant sales throughout the year, so itā€™s best to be patient and hold off even if it means waiting until the end of year holiday sales. Since Celestial was originally free, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if it went for a substantially lower price. Iā€™ve seen some plugins go for 70-80% off.

That said, itā€™s a pretty great plugin and thatā€™s coming from someone who already has a couple nice outboard pieces. I plan to get one at some point even if itā€™s just ā€˜slightlyā€™ better than the plugin, but Iā€™m constantly chasing that last 5%.

If youā€™d like to hear the difference between the plugin and hardware yourself on your own material, then I believe itā€™s still possible to do so for free or at least at very low cost. Get the trial of Celestial which should be good for a couple of weeks (no restrictions) and then sign up for Analog Access. Itā€™s either them or Mix:Analog that were offering ā€˜freeā€™ access to a Fusion that you could book a limited time slot for ā€“ at least they did previously. If thatā€™s no longer offered, then you can at least book 30-60 minutes at a reasonable cost to try on your own material. No relying on someone elseā€™s songs or settings.

Hope that helps.

Cool. Thanks for all that much appreciated. I will get all that checked out.

Nice one :+1:

All I know is that when I turn the fusion off, everything feels a little lifeless and dull. The fairy dust and Unicorn semen in this thing is damn good stuff.


Exactly!! :rofl:

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I just recently got mine and with the right settings itā€™s almost like someone is taking a wool blanket off of my monitors. I even ran a bunch of unmastered professional mixes through it to test it with a variety of stuff and I could always get a big improvement. Loving it so far.

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How you guys using your Fusion with the SSL SiX? Iā€™ve had my source material run through the Fusion for mastering and then onwards to the SiX for the g-bus compressor, but Iā€™d like to get back into summing my mix in the SiX again.

So Iā€™m thinking -
Mix goes into the SiX. All six channels are active. A little CXM Reverb on one of the sends.

Where would you use the Fusion in this? I previously had it on the other fx channel, but was told by some mastering engineer that I shouldnā€™t be doing that, but rather put the SiX last due to the compressor and go through the Fusion first.

But I donā€™t know. The summing adds a lot of headroom to the mix, so ideally thatā€™s the sound Iā€™d like to master. But where do I put the Fusion in all this, if the source goes into the SiX first?

Main insert! Perfect! Need some dsub cables made up though.

Thinking of getting a SiX again, and the fusion will go back into the main insert

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