ST Metronome

How are you using or not using the metronome? I find the volume of the metronome to be way to quiet to be usable in any way, not even when recording the first track in an otherwise empty pattern.

Even when just using the default sounds, the metronome is just loud enough to be usable, but after applying a mild amount of overdrive, I just give up and create my own metronome with another track instead (however, that doesn’t give me a usable count-in).

Am I doing something wrong/have I misunderstood something?


With your help I managed to solve it. It was my speaker configuration that messed things up:

If you hold down the button combo to start the metronome it will open a menu where you can adjust the metronome volume.

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Thanks, I was already familiar with that option. I always have it set to the max value, but that isn’t enough.

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I just throw something on every quarter note to get me started.

Me too, as I stated in my post.

I still don’t understand it though. To me, this feature feels totally broken, and I would have imagined that anyone who played with the machine for a couple of minutes would come to the same conclusion. Yet, it hasn’t been redesigned (and if my memory serves me right, it’s the same problem on all of Elektron’s boxes). So I just felt that maybe I was doing something wrong.

Definitely usable for me. Could have been louder at 127.
Do you listen to it with LR Outputs, Headphones ?

It can be louder on Octatrack, and there are 2 types of metronome sounds. Default level is 32. With max levels, you have a serious problem if you can’t hear it (with correct CUE/MAIN settings).

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I have pretty severe hearing loss and constant tinnitus, and have never had an issue with the default Metronome settings for any of the 5 or 6 different Elektron devices I’ve used over the years.

Not saying you’re not experiencing some issue, but it doesn’t feel broken to me given the amount of options provided, and it’s possible whatever your preferences are may just be well outside “typical” range or use-case.

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I find the defaults a little too quiet, but the max way too loud.

I tend to mix by turning things down, rather than turning things up, so my overall level is probably quieter than it could be.

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What is default ? Mine is set to 127, but I guess it is per project…

@Speldosa how do you monitor Syntakt metronome? It is apparently not sent to USB class compliant…

I have the Syntakt connected directly to an active speaker via the headphone output.

I don’t know if we have different needs here. I like to have the volume of my speaker fairly low, meaning that the metronome should be about as loud as the instrument I’m playing. Of course, if I crank up the speaker volume, I would be able to hear the whisper of the metronome while also hearing the shouting of the bass drum.

So, are you able to always match the volume of the metronome to whatever volume that you have on a certain track? I guess this is what I’m really after.

This new project ser it to 64. I changed it up to 127, then swapped to an old project and it went back to 64 fwhere the old project was set).


Maybe that’s why? Have you tried via Main Outs?

I probably have at some point, but I don’t see the reasoning here. Why should the metronome level be different between the headphone out and the main outs?

Different frequency response of the different speakers/amps might cause the metronome to punch through on one system more than the other. Sure, it’ll be a subtle difference, but it might make all the difference. You only need to hear enough of the metronome to know where it is in the beat, not the whole tone.

Does the active speaker have a stereo input? Because if you connect a stereo output to a mono input, you could (depending on the monitor) cause phase issues between the left and right signals and that’s why the metronome is canceling itself out.


Yes indeed if you put a stereo ouput signal in a mono balanced input !


Yes, it’s a mono speaker. That might be it.

I’ll record the signal when I get home and make some objective measurements.

If it’s mono can you just use the left output from the ST to the speaker? That’s what I do in my garage as I have a single KRK speaker. Works well.


Balanced input, TRS jacks cable ?

I don’t know about the input, but I know I’m using a stereo cable (TRS). I’ll test it with a mono cable from one of the main outputs later tonight.

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