Stand-alone nanoloop hardware!

That’s not too bad… Change your retraction to at least 4 or 5mm, and reduce your flow rate to 99 or 98%. I bet it’ll look great after. or read this guide about 3d printers.

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I changed the design so it’s not based on windows fitting into a grid now, so the version on etsy/tinkercad is a lot easier to print and be accurate (I hope!).

I’ll test the ones I’m selling on my etsy page, so the only variable will perhaps be different builds of the device (hopefully it hasn’t changed!).

I have bought one of these last night. Looking forward to getting. Been loving the nanoloop recently

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Awesome, thanks for the support :metal:

I got mine. However, when I switch it on, one orange light to the farthest left of the top row blinks.

It just does that no matter what buttons I press. It won’t do anything else. I guess I’ll have to install this update, right?

Also I guess I will need a TRS to TRS 1/8" cable, if i want to access the update page from my iPhone and play the update audio into my Nanoloop?

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yeah it needs to be updated. 1/8 > 1/8 is exactly what you need. just make sure your phone is loud enough when you’re playing back the update data.

here’s some nano device in action for anyone wondering what it can sound like


That’s great!
How do you feel about the bass? I have a PO-20 arcade and I feel like the low end is kind of gone sometimes.

the low end isn’t lacking whatsoever on this.


The bass is gigantic and thick.


Heck yeah.
Thanks, both of you.

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I’m guessing a patch cable, like what came with my MS-20 Mini and Matriarch, s not going to work. It’s got to be stereo plugs on both sides right?

I’ll see what I have lying around before ordering a new cable.

it can be mono or stereo

The thing I love about Nanoloop (both the FM device and Nanoloop 2) is that it’s possible to go way beyond “typical” chiptune sounds. Devices like the PO-20 kinda limit themselves in the wrong ways in order to push that stereotypical chip sound and don’t really allow for any interesting tricks or techniques.

So yeah, like others have said, especially since it’s capable of pure sine waves, the bass is pretty decent :smiley:

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Thanks for breaking that down! I’ve used the iOS version before, but I’m really happy to learn the hardware one does FM!

I remember seeing videos in the mid 2000’s of someone playing the GB version. Awesome to see how far this has come.

analog sync for nanoloop FM is out today as part of the 0.4 firmware update!


YESSSSS!!! That is so awesome.

Is there somewhere he announces firmware updates? I thought I was on a nanoloop mailing list but this thread is the only place I find out about updates.

Just twitter, I think. Which sucks because I hate twitter haha :confused: