Stand-alone nanoloop hardware!

Yeah, I had this issue with mine. Not exactly losing contact, but loose enough that I was worried that it could.

I just stuck some lengths of clear tape over the battery holes on the backside of the PCB. This prevents the batteries from rolling.


Some rechargeable batteries are also at odd sizes, which makes them sit poorly in areas that expect plain alkaline disposables.

Just in case people aren’t aware, there’s a new os out for the FM (0.5).


Can you post a link? I went to the Nanoloop FM page and cannot find anything.

Info on v0.5 at the top here: nanoloop FM manual
Update file and instructions: nanoloop device update 0.5
Quick demo:


I must have clicked all the wrong places. Thank you!

Has anyone got their head around song mode yet?
It’s covered in the last page of the manual, but seems more complicated than the old GBA one…

Just installed this morning, so over lunch I’m going to get after it.

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not me hah

I got it working, but I’m not really sure if I can explain it well..

From what I can tell, A+L/R in the bank select mode* selects the song page** (or B+L/R to load page simultaneously), then you can press A or X to select which combination of patterns are loaded for that page—the same way you’d load patterns in the file mode. Then press X to go back to the bank/page selection mode and go to the next page (or copy the current one to the next one using A+B+R). Once you’ve got a bunch of pages programmed, you can play through them by pressing A+Y.

I don’t use song mode, but this new implementation has a cool side effect of being able to use it manually, like having a set of presets that you can move between, by setting up the song pages and manually moving between them using B+L/R.

* - ie. file mode before you enter a bank and select patterns
** - song page number is shown on the right of the top display

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I didn’t mess with song mode yet like I said I was going to but I did make a bunch of patterns on the new firmware and damn it really sounds great, super punchy.


Tried to update today but does anyone have a problem with the LEDs not lightning up after the reboot? Tried to update numerous times and also changing the batteries but nothing.

Downgrading to 0.4 solves the problem tho.

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Yep, DM me and I’ll help you. Already solved this with Oliver.

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I happened to check the nanoloop store today and saw that nanoloop fm are back in stock, so I ordered one… they must have only just re-appeared as I haven’t received a notification email yet.

@pselodux do you have any plans to do another run of your diffuser soon? Or should I try and get a local company to print one from the file you made available?

The new saw sounds fantastic!

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Geezy, perhaps I’m exaggerating but that sounds better than some 303 clones.


Not yet, so if you want one soon you should probably try getting one printed (and please let me know how it goes!). I’ll be re-designing it at some point for laser cutting, at which point I’ll probably be able to have a lot more in stock at a time, but I’m not sure about when that’ll be. Maybe I should do a kickstarter for it lol.

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hah, as cool as it’d be to up production that seems a niche of a niche :smiley:

maybe with very small goals…

Oh yeah just kidding haha, and yeah I’m definitely prepared for a laser cut run to eventually dwindle until I have a bunch of stock permanently sitting in my house, but if I make any more, I don’t want to make any more 3d printed ones, as it takes so much time!

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Does the gap between the two plates just happen to be the same thickness as a standard acrylic sheet? Or is there some flexibility there?