Stand-alone nanoloop hardware!

I recently received an email from oliver saying that a revision of the nanoloop digital hardware is not too far off… curious to see what it is. Also saying that the analog version may be even simpler, smaller design, reduced interface and raw sounds.

It’s a bit thicker, I think. I’d have to make it in a 2–3 layers anyway, since it needs cutouts for components (and for the diffuser to work properly).


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I think the email only went out to backers who are waiting on the analog version but “Simpler, more solid design without battery slits in front panel, with coin cell, USB-C power and other improvements. Production should not be affected by general chip shortage as required electronic parts are widely available.”


I wonder which version I ordered then, it still has the same picture on the shop page, maybe it will be the last of the old style, in which case I can still try printing the diffuser :slightly_smiling_face:. I guess I should wait till it arrives anyway.

It is good to have a bit of mystery, it reminds me of when I ordered the first nanoloop gameboy cartridge 20 years ago and had to sign up to some weird new payment system called PayPal.

OK cool, it is very generous of you to make the 3d file available to everyone, if I end up with the ‘old’ version I will have a go at getting a local company to print one and let you know how I get on.

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New firmware out, this one solves the issue that some folks were having where no red LEDs would light. Just tested and it’s working great!

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I’ve tried updating this multiple times and it can never seem to finish 100%. Usually have 6 leds left to light up and it doesn’t complete.

Try a different source for playing the audio, and use the uncompressed version.
For me, trying to do this w/ my laptop headphone output always fails like you’ve described.

If I use an old iphone 6s though, it works fine.

So try changing the source for playback.


I gave it a try on a Mac Mini, a Macbook Pro, an iPhone 11, and a Windows 10 PC I built after you sent me the DM about having issues. I was able to update successfully on each device without a single failure, so try again and make sure you do the test audio to get it blinking, then raise the volume a bit, then play the main audio. Also switch the cable, if you’re using a long cable or a crappy one you might have issues, I haven’t had issues with any cables on nanoloop but a few other devices I’ve had that updated via audio were sensitive to junky / long cables. I tried a few different cables all under 3 feet and no issues, Make sure the cable is TRS as well, don’t know if that would matter here but all the ones I tried were.


It’s generally the audio source to blame, use a dedicated audio interface, macbook, or cell phone/tablet* instead of your average onboard PC.

My Dell/Alienware PCs always fail out on audio-based firmware updates because the DACs suck, but if I use a Babyface Pro, it’ll work.

*Though cheaper lightning-to-audio DACs also suck :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve used Mac for similar things but check that auto loudness / other compensation / eq things aren’t turned on in vlc etc

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Yes good advice, I used VLC on the Macs and PCs to do the update and had those turned off. I also tried with the website and it worked fine too. My guess is that cepheid is using a bad cable. I think my firmware has been reflashed like 15 times at this point :joy:

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Thanks for all the help! I finally got it after a few tries on my Google Pixel. My laptop just couldn’t complete it.


My nanoloop fm arrived just in time for a camping trip in Wales and was a very welcome companion :slightly_smiling_face:

I can confirm that is the same old design, for that small recent batch at least.

It is a fantastic little machine, better than the gameboy version and the app for me. There are some beautiful subtle sounds to be coaxed out of it as well as the obvious fm clangs.

The fact that the noise channel now has pcm noise makes me wonder if it will ever be able to play samples, has anyone ever heard any discussion about that?


I asked about that when it first came it and the answer was no. Guess it could change though- it would be cool to get an editable wave, but not sure how that would work with the ui

oh ok, thank you, I thought that might be the case… but you never know, mr wittchow moves in mysterious ways. I am sure he could come up with some weird way to display a waveform on the leds.

when I first got it I thought it might be nice to be able to swap the noise channel for a 4th synth channel, but 3 channels is actually more than enough to fill some speakers.

talking of which, I played mine through monitors at the weekend instead of headphones and was really pleased how good it sounds turned up loud, like raw electricity. my favourite thing to do with the original gameboy version was playing square bass lines through big sound systems, that never failed to put a smile on my face.

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New OS 0.6 is out adding extra sync: nanoloop FM manual

I’m just waiting for individual channel tempo like on all the other nanoloops. Don’t find much use for it without it.


Nice, yeah not sure why the tempo divisions aren’t here yet but I guess they’ll arrive in time. I don’t remember the other versions having individual tempo per channel though, just divisions of the main tempo, but maybe I’m forgetting?

“Individual channel tempo” is from the kickstarter planned specs (nanoloop by Oliver Wittchow — Kickstarter). Yeah, I assumed it meant tempo division like other nanoloops but maybe it means something else?

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