Starting ableton transport from octatrack

Yes sorry had to sleep, as @Schnork said no other way

I’ve tried looking not exactly sure exactly what to look for with max 4 live…
I don’t own bome midi translator, would be easier with max4live
do you have any specific details to share?

If I can find some spare time I’ll throw together a Max patch.

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Man that would be great, it’s a pain to reach to my desk every time just to press play and stop on my computer keyboard when everything else is done from my other section of gear.

This will toggle the transport on and off, you’ll have to figure out how to get the OT to activate the toggle, I just don’t have the time.


The free version (classic) will work :wink: (AFAIK you’d only have to pay for it if you make money with your tracks).


Yeah, it says on the website:

If you are a commercial user, or if you want to remove the nag screen at start-up, you’re asked to purchase a license.

€ 29 incl. VAT

An M4L patch is also pretty neat, though.


Sorry to insist, I’d like to understand, but if it is possible to map LIVE transport to a midi CC, I still don’t get why not sending a CC with another button (like YES), as mentioned @KaOsphere.
Eventually a scene, midi play free track with CC…

If it just requires a midi CC, it can be sent by OT, I don’t see the point using its Start button mapped to Bome or M4L if they only send a CC to LIVE.

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Sure, also possible. I just went for the start and stop buttons, because it´s most convenient (for me).
Those buttons are always right in front of us, you can do whatever you want with the OT, but sure, simply mapping cc to Live´s transport would also work. :slight_smile:
Scene selection sends midi cc, right? So dedicating one scene to start and one to stop would work (forgot how exactly OT sends cc with scenes)?

Whatever floats your boat :wink:


Ah thanks for clarifying!

Yes, CC55 (A) and CC56 (B), 0-16 values, so I guess a specific value would be required.

Maybe the NO button (disarm, all disarm).

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There is something about the way Live handles cc messages mapped to transport, that made me use keystroke emulations.

IIRC when you use a toggle button (0-63 off / 64-127 on), only the “on” part will be used thus you´d always have to double tap the button.

M4L would be accessing the LOM directly rather than sending a CC #. CC is an option though if you want to MIDI Learn the Ableton Live transport instead.

I was doing some Stucco on a wall I built today. But, If my son goes to sleep early enough “and” I’m not horribly tired, I’ll throw something together tonight (no promises).

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I just downloaded it and tried it but doesn’t seem to be working for me…
do I just set midi interface I’m using with the OT and that’s it?
I see in notes something about the ports but not 100% sure what that means TBH

hey mate, i had another try tonight to get it to work, but not having any luck its not responding to any device at all, when you are free could you let me know if im doing something wrong or a setting i need to change as would be stoked to use this!

I just threw it together and went to bed so I might have forgot something.

Do you have your Octatrack sending transport controls in it’s settings?

Are the MIDI ports showing up in the drop down list on the Transporter device?

hey, no worries… yeah had it set to send transport, and was able to select devices no problem…
just not respondin… I dont have to set a midi channel or anything do i ?

Are you on Windows or OS X?

Im on Windows,

There are some limitations on Windows (I’m not able to test it on Windows right now).

Windows can’t share MIDI ports with any device. Try turning off all of your inputs and outputs in Ableton Live MIDI preferences that you use for your Octatrack.

14 AM

If you click on the Elektron logo it will refresh the ports too.

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