Starting ableton transport from octatrack

Ha that worked, i did try turn off the midi tracks but didnt refresh it!
stoked thanks man… you are a legend!


Woo! Alright! Yeah it’s kind of a sucky limitation, but it works.

Ableton won’t receive Start, Stop, and Continue messages without syncing clock. Which is why I had to use the external to get around the problem (without syncing).

On OS X you can use multiple devices with the same MIDI port which makes it less limiting.

Happy it’s working for you now!

As a side note: the external uses a C++ library called RTP MIDI so there is no reason that this shouldn’t continue working into the foreseeable future.


yeah all good, guess if I need to use ports I cant use it, but not big deal…
the elektron gear works so well with ableton just was a pain to have to use the computer keyboard just for that one thing… hopefully some other people find it useful as well … Cheers!

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No worries, I thought it was useful for me to use too :slight_smile:


Rules are made to be broken ! :wink:


Dude, thanks for this! I’ve been using a Bluetooth Numeric Keypad as a transport because my OT isn’t close to any of my other transport controls(ie Push2, spacebar, etc…). I’ll try it later today!

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Cool! Let me know how it works for you. It’s nice to get “testing” feedback to make sure I don’t need to fix any bugs.

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I just tested it with multiple Elektron Devices and you can have as many instruments controlling the transport as you like by adding multiple instances of the Elektron Transporter Device.


It works! But sadly only once – I can press once play and once stop and then play won’t trigger again sadly.

What OS (Windows or OS X)?
What Elektron Device are you using?

macOS 10.15.4 Digitakt

Interesting that it worked at all. I don’t think Digitakt sends Start, Stop, and Continue messages. There is no setting on mine to send transport controls.

I think it’s just a combined setting for clock and transport on DT and DTone.


yes, it’s combined

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I’ll see if I can add support for Digitakt and Digitone by filtering out the clock messages.

I see the start, stop and continue messages being sent between clock messages. Thanks @Schnork and @PekeDorty.

It should be simple but filtering the clock messages or not it seems to miss some of the messages. I’ll have to mess with it to get it to work reliably.


Lets keep it simple.

Digitakt and Digitone support are sketchy.

imp.midi is not designed for realtime messages like clock, which is why it doesn’t work well.

I could make a stand alone application to interpret the messages if people want to use Digitakt and Digitone and don’t mind having a “helper” application running.


Reviving the old thread, as I am looking to find ways to launch Ableton Master clock from Octatrack

Unable to use the M4L on M2. I just switch… Do I need to run it on Rosetta? Or will you consider updating it? Looks like an awesome tool. I would love to launch transport from my Octatrack, while have the Ableton as Master.


Def wanna see this possible on silicon mac ! I was just searching around for this solution all day today actually lol. Seems you can control OT and all with Live but you cant control the transport of Live with OT

Oyeah and why does midi clock follow so badly on Ableton??

I find that controlling the OT with Live, or controlling Live with the OT sloppy on the first 2 bars, then it lines up.
Live has been this way as long as I can remember.
Also, you cant effectively send midi to midi tracks unless Live’s playhead is moving.
I’m still on Live 10 so I have no idea if they updated any of this stuff.

Hey i just figured it out, my interface has a midi interface built in.

So i set Ableton to track midi sync in (of that Midi Device). this is found in preferences and then select “Link Tempo Midi”

This is where all midi ins and outs can be routed (typing this for those who arent aware)

Select the Sync box on the IN section of your Midi device

now close prefs and look at the top left corner of your Ableton set’s buttons

The mistake i made was clicking “Follow” up top on the main menu bar thing and instead I was looking for “Ext”.

The follow button is for detecting bpm thru audio

While Ext is for Midi Sync in AS WELL as Transport sync

Everything seems to be working fine and I hope my explanation helps someone else !