Stazma "Tips And Tricks" & "Friday Jams" videos

Nice one. The Tracker’s Beat Slice is one of its most versatile functions and your videos have encouraged me to explore it.


New long Tips & Tricks this evening, about how to control a lot of CV gears using the Polyend Tracker as a brain, and the Poly 2 as your main translator for midi to CV.
Lot’s of drill & bassy jams in there as well :wink:

Premiere at 19:00 french time. Come ask your questions if you have some !


2x Quadratt, that’s cleverer! :slight_smile:

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Dude if you come to play in Belgium, say it,
it would be a pleasure to see and it is a pleasure to play here … :boom:

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I play in Gent on the 4th of December hahaha. It’s for a small Breakcore Give Me Wood party :wink:

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Haha yes it’s party because I use those as the main utility block for all the modular in the studio. Also as I often use this case a sort of megaboosted SH-101, it’s usefull having one mixer for the waveforms and one for the modulations.

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This evening friday jam is my new EP, Madness, played in full on my Ableton Live rig. It’s going to be fun !

Check out the vinyl campaign if you are a vinyl addict, I have a Polyend Tracker to give away to one of the pre-order !


Vinyl! I’m in!


Woop woop ! Thanks dude !

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Holy moly, I may need to double-up on my blood pressure medicine after that lightening-speed adrenaline rush…:exploding_head:

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Hahaha I was adrenaline high myself this morning when I recorded this video hahaha.

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pair of hands move so fast. They were in a constant state of motion-blur.

New Tips & Tricks tomorow at 18:30 French time !!!
This one is about how I started Eurorack with just the Rubicon oscillator from Intellijel and an Analog Four. It’s also my goodbye to the Analog Four MK2 as I finaly ended up trading for some 80s Japanese rack units (Fostex stereo spring reverb and Ibanez AD-202 BBD delay), I loved it but I was not using it anymore with all the new stuff I got those past years.

Anyway, come say hi in the chatroom if you feel like it, or ask any questions you like during the premiere.

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:frowning_face: I intend to be buried with mine.


I sooo want an A4 MkI for my modular table. I have an Analog Keys, but I can’t bring myself to wrest it from its place at my main desk.


It’s a very good piece of hardware for sure, very powerfull (maybe even too much hahaha). I only got rid of it because my main uses for it are now covered by other things:

  • The Tracker + Poly 2 can do much more and more conveniently for me on the sequencing side (I will only miss the pattern based probability from the Elektron sequencer)
  • The JX3P and Medusa are now my go to poly synths, the Roland for the sound and the Medusa for it’s playability and weirdness.

I miss mine sooooo much! :sob:


New modular Tips & Tricks this evening ! Come discover Boundary with me. Starting at 18:30 French time, feel free to come ask your questions in the chatroom, Eric Schlappi will be here with me to answer your questions :wink:

I’ve shot this video right after unboxing and powering those two little monster and i’ll basicly go over the manual patch exemples with the other Schlappi modules.

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New ambient Friday Jam today ! Back o nthe MC-202 solo thing with some pedals to help making thing a more “weird”.



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