Stazma "Tips And Tricks" & "Friday Jams" videos

Hey there folks ! New Tips & Trick coming this evening at 18:30 French time !
This one has been comissioned by one my Patreon “Teaching Session” subscribers, it’s about how to create drum sounds, specifically on the Medusa synthesizer, but all those patches can be made on any synthesizer, using the same buidling blocks.
Feel free to show up in the chatroom during the premiere if you have any questions you want to ask.
See you this evening, have a good day until this.

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Neither a jam or a tips & tricks but a short announcement about a Tracker giveaway you can enter by pre-ordering my new EP on vinyl via Bandcamp !

Pre-Order link right here:


Also on this Bandcamp day here is a new release from me as Stazma, all the money we’ll get from this will help to fund the vinyl for the Madness EP !
This one is a compilation of tracks made either for fun (the Clipping remix), for compilations (October Mantis, the Petbrick remix) or just one shot fun (the Pogo Car Crash Control remix).
Anyway it’s pay what you want right here:

I would like to pledge, but it’s credit card only… no paypal? :frowning:

Anyhow, I think PE missed an opportunity here…


Hahahaha oh boy that would have been fun indeed ! Mind if I steal that for posting it on my social media stuff ? With credits of course :wink:
And about the no paypal thing I’ve heard about it and i’m waiting fro a reply from the Bandcamp team, to know if I can pledge for people using my credit card, so i’ll keep you posted :wink:


Absolutely, do what you want with it!
No need for credits… :slight_smile:

[Massively off-topic]

Sold mine (JX3P) to help fund the dual purchase of OT and ARmkii. I’m lucky I also had a Juno-106 for an 80s Roland sound, and a Rev2 for the sync-y weird stuff and sequencer. It was a really tough decision between the 106 and the 3P and I think nostalgia (for the 106) is what swung it. The 3P is def the more interesting and flexible of the two.


There’s no real off-topic here so no problems :wink:

I never had a 106 in the studio but since i’m quite used to the 3P now I was very underwhelmed by it when I had the chance to try one. It does look awesome tho, but so does the 3P, for someone like me who like to use intruments I find beautiful it’s an important matter.

I’m happy I got mine before they became expensive as they are now.


Woop woop ! New Tips & Tricks this evening, as usual at 18:30 !
In this one i’ll make all these sounds with the Erica Bassline, sample and sequence them with the Tracker and have fun. Tune in to the chatroom during the premiere if you want to ask any questions !

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New Friday Jam online !!!
Tracker + Bassline + 0-Coast + Intellijel “Megatlantis” in Squarepusher mode for this one :wink:


great stuff!


For those who want to check it out, I have shared a Tracker project on the Polyend website !
You can get it over here:

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Hey there folks !

New Stazma “Tips & Tricks” tomorow, about how to patch a compressor with a modular system, more specifically with the Boundary from Schlappi Engineering, as the module has all the needed building blocks (VCA with inverted control voltage and envelope follower).

Feel free to tune in to the chatroom at 18:30 if you have any questions.

Last call ! Only three days left on the funding campaign for my Madness EP ! Two more giveaway added:

  • Four tracks mastered for free at my Electric Voyage Studio.
  • A free cope of my Shapeshifter album on vinyl.

New Friday Jam over here ! Remixing acid “Dub” style :wink:


Very good :no_good_man: :tipping_hand_man: :raising_hand_man:

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Thanks :wink:

And tomorow, as promised in the last jam description, here is a demo / review of the Studer 961. Premiere are 18:30 as usual, feel free to come ask your questions.


Mini Xmas eve jam right here:


Starting now !


Last Friday Jam of the year !!!