Stereo sampler in DT form factor?

Still, between the MPC and Reason 10, I’ve got literally hundreds of high-quality stereo drum samples spread across snares, rides, crashes, risers, etc etc. I just don’t see why you’d want drums to be mono, other than obvious stuff like the kick.

When exporting these samples over to the Digitakt, they instantly sound noticeably narrower. And spreading things across the stereo spectrum isn’t the same thing for a wide riser, and besides, that panning modulation/p-lock is lost again once you’ve recorded via Overbridge. :thinking:


It basically (more or less) doubles the computing power and memory space requirements (and I/O bandwidth if any streaming is involved).

Right. I guess my question then is why these chips are so darn limited to make doubling the computer power an issue from that starting point. :blush: I mean, stereo sampling with nearly unlimited polyphony was cheap and accessible even on a 486 PC running Windows 3.1.

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That’s a question best asked to Elektron… but I’m pretty sure just cramming a more powerful chip in the box is not that easy for a small company.

But yeah, in theory we could have much more power than what these boxes have. I mean… just look what the cheapest ipad can do… it’s crazy ! But again, Elektron-scale is not Apple-scale.

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On the Octatrack, open audio editor and on the slice tab execute “create linear locks” command. This will lock the start parameter (=slice #) for all sample trigs on that track, beginning with slice #1 for the first trig, slice #2 for the second and so forth.

“Create random locks” will do the same, but slices will be randomized. I know, not what you want, I just mentioned for sake of completeness.

Although I’m pretty sure there has to be a way utilizing the lfo… Ramp wave in hold mode should work afair.

@LyingDalai already mentioned it. It is a static solution (you can reproduce).

Yep. I found a workaround with trigless trigs, speed 0. Should work with OT.

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This thread =


The only think I could think of is building a patch in PureData and then you could customise it how you want. It could then run on a Raspberry Pi with the Blokas Pisound soundcard and set to be loaded on boot.

Or an Organelle… I’m pretty sure there might be a round Robin patch for it, and since it runs PD a lot of other stuff can be done too, but it is fair to say it is a bit of a rabbit hole more than a turnkey solution, but highly recommended anyway.


I’ve recently come to the conclusion that modern hardware samplers are shit.

That’s all I have to add


Regarding the M8, it’s always an option to try the headless version:

Will cost you around 50€ for a Teensy and a few other items (if you don’t have them already). I tried it, turned it on and wasn’t ready for the completely new workflow :smiley:

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Get 2 DTs, hard pan, et voila stereo. :laughing:


You can try out everything with the headless version, but not how good you vibe with the workflow. M8 lives from the form factor, the layout of those buttons and muscle memory. I tried Gamepads, external keypads, even built something myself with a different teensy. After I got my M8, nothing came close to the real thing.

Axoloti can do round robin. Put it in DT : :loopy:
Too much free space.
I’m seriously thinking about this hack :



Axoloti is a cool idea as well. Over the last couple of years I’ve done more with PureData on the Raspberry Pi with the PiSound.


Per OP request