Successful producers

They must be talented at making money :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


hopeless at music but hey! and playing a CD lol


Question of the Day.
Would you rather make a shed load of money from some shit and be on the front cover of a glossy magazine right now(and disappear after a year) or

Produce one Album that will stand the test of time and be played decades from now. (With a little royalty income from it)?


It shouldn’t concern you , really…those without talent who somehow made it to the top because of their looks , social skills , connections or marketing genius (all respectable!) , who do you think they turn to to make their music ? Talented producers , that’s who ! Guys who couldn’t give two fucks about waving their hands in the air on some stage faking a dj set , who don’t care about signing autographs , who don’t care about the photoshoot or the social media following … just guys staying in the shadow , getting paid royaly for doing what they love .


when you are there at the time and seeing whos making it and who isnt makes you question the music industry… i love making tunes for no reason not to be popular or fake my way to the top, but that is how some people act and they are untalented…

deff not bitter just glad to talk about the industry

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Me too just a few days ago! Super honest/modest and inspired stuff. Loved it!


You know being new to the Octatrack that i listened and watched a few of his boiler room vids and the OT could do everything he does albeit not as easy live but it actually could. I think luck is a huge part in DJ world. Being in the right place at the right time.

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Another anecdote, I have 14 tracks being released on vinyl this year on 2 different labels that I recorded 28 years ago, and probably some more to follow.

I find it quite funny how back then the (small) labels that we ended up signing with were not interested in those tracks, and we ended up doing new stuff for them, there were a couple of very good labels interested in those tracks, but due to contractual obligations and some other factors it was never followed up by us, in hindsight a huge mistake, oh well, it is what it is, coulda shoulda woulda :laughing:

I think that sometimes you have to go with your gut, not pay too much attention to other stuff/people and forge your own path, obviously back then I did not do that.


This is literally every industry. As social creatures who you know will almost always top what you know - in pretty much every field.

Do you think aphex twin was just randomly “discovered”?
No, he hung out with people who knew people who could push his music into the right ears.

Does that make it just a case of “who you know not what you know” - sort of yea…

But also “fortune favors the prepared”. If you’re good AND happen to meet the right people then you can go places faster than if you just know the right people.


As you say, it is an « industry ».
As such, there’s no link to any form of talent, it is capitalism nothing else. Money’s first and last. Music is nowadays more than ever a product, as a plastick bucket or a pair of socks, produced faster and cheaper if possible. Then it is all about talking a lot about it.

When you produce for the masses, you don’t aim quality but money. Then what do you call success? Financial one? Pampering the ego? Lasting in memories? Recognition from the peers?

Someone told me one day: « if you ask a musician to give oneself a note on 10, in general the ones giving themselves the highest are not the ones admitedly the most working… »
A society promoting art through selfies could not end up differently than giving success to the most confident (even if there’s nothing behind it - talent, work, sincere love, …)

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Or being smart.

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Artists worldwide check their bank accounts in disbelief.


Being smart?

Not sure exactly what you mean but the point I’m making is that you can’t get anywhere in life without knowing people. Be it thru interviewing for a job, or partying with an event promoter regularly then sticking on one of ur tunes at the after party and someone saying “who’s that”?

With no Concerts and no parties due to lockdown we will see a shift in the success paradigm. Youtubers will be the winners and we know where that leads.

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Being smart hanging out with the right people.

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Hehe yep! “Who you know” :smiley:
I know a few guys who achieved moderate success (played boilerrooms etc) pretty much entirely off the back of partying with club promoters and buying loop sample packs and dropping them into ableton.
It pissed me for a while but then I realized - music is about connection (dance music at least) me noodling in my bedroom isn’t the path.


But if you think about it your safe in your bedroom. Imagine being burnt out and ending up in rehab from the wrath of record companies.

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dude i reckon you are probably a few years older than me and probably understand what im talking about here, because ive noticed you have passion and talent.
while some shit talking no talent person is claiming more credit than you…
but im keen to check out these tracks bro, get around the right people!

what ive seen passion and talent has nothing to do with selling records

Haha fair enough. I guess I’m just not in it anymore for the record deals and that. I’d be happy to play a few laid back venues for some mates who just want a party at this point haha


just smoked a joint fam, so trump anger is dying down…