Super tiny stereo mixer tool with panning


I’m looking for a very mini mixer (think the size of half a Digitakt MAX) that would:

  • have (at least) one stereo input
  • let me merge two mono synths into one
    • While being able to pan them a little
    • But not, like, hard pan them (otherwise, this isn’t a mixer, it’s just two jacks)
  • have (at least) one stereo output

The use case being me routing 2 K-2 synths played as one (same midi channel) into an Eventide Blackhole, but not liking:

  • summing synths to mono before entering the Blackhole
  • entering the Blackhole with two separate jacks (hence hard panning the synths).

Can be passive (if volume doesn’t take too much of a hit), can be active, I don’t care much. Ideally under 500€. I found some modular options but I don’t have a modular system and I’d like it to stay that way!


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Found that: VMIX-10

But apparently the quality is not great and there are too many inputs. While I could find a use for them, I’d be satisfied with a small utility with 1 stereo IN, 1 stereo OUT.

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Mackie Mix 5, 2/3 the size of a Digi, $70.

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Not bad! Still a bit too big and complete for what I’d want to achieve.

I’d like to completely get rid of a mixer in my setup and just route:

  • 2 K2 into [this tool]
  • [this tool] into Blackhole
  • Blackhole into A4
  • A4 into Digitakt

If I add a mixer I might as well go for a bigger one, and have aux sends, etc. So I’d really like the tool to be the smallest possible one (trying to fit all that in a case).

It might not work for you but have a look at the Eventide Mixing Link, it is very small and very flexible (and high quality). It doesn’t quite have everything you mentioned, but you might be able to make it work. I route a Moog Grandmother and Sequential Take 5 thorough one into an effects chain, but I run the Take 5 in mono, as I like it better in mono.

Post deleted … misses out the panning requirement

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Won’t do, the 3 channels will be summed up to mono. I need panning.

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Not sure how that one would work. :thinking:

How about this. Featured in a Ricky Tinez video once.



That one seems convenient!

People complain that the Maker Hart mixer is noisy.

I’m pretty sure the Blackhole sums its inputs to mono before applying the effect, anyway.

Well that would solve the problem haha. But I’m convinced it’s stereo. The VST is, at least.

The effect is stereo, as is the dry signal, but that’s how most reverbs work, I think.

(Person answering is from Eventide.)


Rolls MX28. Three stereo or mono inputs with gains and pans, tiny, built like a tank, excellent quality, reasonable price: The MX28 Stereo MINI-MIX VI | Rolls Corporation - Real Sound


Ha. Yes ok, I guess the VST works like that too. But I never use it fully wet so the need to enter it stereo still exists. Thanks for the clarification!

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Looks great!

I have another Rolls mixer (without panning) and can confirm the build and sound quality.

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The best sounding compact mixer (besides possibly that wacky TE one) is the Radial Key Largo… but might not meet all your requirements (like panning)…

It is about half the size (in terms of depth) of a Digi box though.

One killer thing about it is that it has a true stereo fx send and return. Pretty uncommon feature.


Bastl is about to drop the Bestie stereo mixer. If it is based on the Dude it will likely have 4 stereo inputs and lots of boost. It will probably be small enough, but until it is released can’t say if it matches your other feature requests.

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