SW DEALS : Software on Sale

Enough to explore during winter. :+1:

BTW: Just found out that the update from Scaler 2.4 to 2.5 is free. Very nice surprise regarding that powerful chord tool.

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Yeah, I was checking that out. So far I’m really impressed with Scaler. It’d be cool if they added some multi channel NDLR kind of functionality in the future.

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A major update for Captain Chords (imho an important competitor) has been announced along with BF advertising as well. Let’s see what they are going to show us in December.


I watched so many demos of software and also picked up Gullfoss and PSP Vintage Warmer. Looks like a fabulous bunch of stuff you picked up there!

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Thanks! Gullfoss is pretty special. I’m glad I decided to demo it because I probably wouldn’t have purchased it otherwise.

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Curious to get your opinion on flexiverb? I’m looking for a reverb plugin, but won’t have time to demo them all before the sale ends. I have my eye on the relab one too.

has anybody bought the Eventide SplitEQ?

Yeah, plugin of the year for me


It’s a great sounding reverb with some handy built in features (side chain to dry signal, 6 band eq). I’m really liking it.

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I’ve been demoing Split EQ and it’s great. I’m holding out for Anthology XII. Someone from Eventide on Reddit said that was coming this holiday and would include Split EQ. I own Anthology XI and Elevate so I’m hoping for a killer upgrade price.

Syntorial on sale:


Just installed the U-HE Diva demo… and wow… after the second preset I’m playing already blown away. Instant buy desire. Just one thing … while doing the survey for the 25% reduction … I hear lots of frizzle crackling noises when not using the synth on my MBP 2019 16" … is that normal? :smiley:

edit: okay… it’s not a bug … it’s a “demo” feature. haha… was about not buying it because of that :smiley:


Welcome to the club ! My more modern synth is Pigments. Both complement nicely.


Indeed… Pigments was always on my list. I think I’ll go for that rather than SplitEQ. Didn’t convince me in the end. Also in some of their Youtube videos which showed the plugin mirrored my experience :smiley: I seriously didn’t hear any difference to the original / dry signal when the influencer said how HUGE this plugin sounds :smiley:

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Just bought both diva and pigments as well, I’m a total Black Friday sucker this year.

Resisted for a long time due to hardware obsession but I’m excited to get back ITB and to focus on finishing tracks


Phew, at least I’m not alone haha - also same with my GAS for hardware … which in the end is not 10% as productive for me as using a DAW, sadly… (I always tried to convince myself it’s the opposite :stuck_out_tongue: )


Yeah, HW… SW…. dilemma… But now my Digitone is at the heart of my studio, I can switch from internal sounds to external gear or play Diva or Pigments on the MIDI tracks… everything flowing thru Overbridge. If nothing happens, it’s nobody’s fault but mine !

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Flex verb is a Good plug-in. You can set volume thresholds like a compressor before the reverb kicks in. For example if you play drums and set the threshold to louder elements then only the kick, Tom’s, and snare would be affected. Your crash, ride, and hats are left alone. Perfect for adding a “room” vibe to your acoustic playing.


Only lowered it to $33.15 for me but it’s still a ridiculously good deal.

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Same price here $33.15 after code. Thats £26.01 here in the UK, complete no-brainer!

Thanks for the tip! :+1: