SW DEALS : Software on Sale

Wow that is a good deal. Thanks!

And also thanks for having me spend money again on another plugin that makes my MacBook Pro explode! :joy:

And the new MacBooks announced today are even more expensive than last year. Thanks APPLE!

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I don’t think there’s anything the Microfreak can do that Pigments can’t do.
Whereas Pigments does a galaxy of things the MF doesn’t.

I am intrigued by it though tbh…


Nooooooo. These fuckers know how to cut FOMO deals a little too well. The last thing I need is more plugin synths, I barely use V Collection 8, but I can’t resist this offer…Damn you Arturia


Well, my plan was to just focus on the instruments and software I have, but after I logged into Arturia, the Minifreak V is showing up for $50.

I’ve really been enjoying Pigments and also wonder if there is crossover. But to be able to have a $600 hardware synth at my disposal seems too good to pass up at this discount. I like that there is better visualization with the software version. The visualization in Pigments has really helped me understand sound design to a much greater extent.

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Had the offer for 99€, was tempted but haven‘t gone for it yet. I feel the only really worthwhile parts are Amplitube 5 Max, Modo Bass 2, and Modo Drum (and I just bought the last two during their Christmas sale, hence the 99€ offer for TS3.5Max)…and the Hammond emu. T-Racks I guess is ok and Syntronik 2 is cool if you like sampled vintage synths…Miro Philharmonic I don‘t know much about….what‘s tempting you?

I’ve got a discount on the Minifreak VST showing in my account - from $199 to $69. But between the Virus and Pigments, I’m covered.


I will take courage from your resistance.


with aturia, i can almost guarantee that it will be on sale again very soon, no need for fomo.


I have those too! So same here I guess :beers:


I got Anolog Labs and Pigments, so I’m saying I’m covered as well.


I like Syntronik sound palette a lot, even if the interface is not the best. The sound feels better and fatter than Arturia. The Sunset reverb is great, among the best (maybe not as good as AA’s, but more usable). Modo Drum is crazily good (and underrated). I’ve read the tape emulations are among the best. I don’t like Amplitube at all, as a guitarist it doesn’t fits my needs in terms of realism. I don’t care for orchestral librairies, even if I could be surprised. And I’m sure I won’t use more than maybe 10 or 20% of the bundle, which would be more expensive if I bought a few items individually anyway. So I’m on the fence.

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I got the VST version of MiniFreak today, being a big Pigments user/fan, having a MicroFreak, and having a bunch of other synth options, I’m not sure it made total sense to do so, but it’s great.

I’ve been after a hardware version of Pigments for a while, or a wavetable version of the Arturia PolyBrute and I don’t want to get the Waldorf Iridium… so, getting the MiniFreak V is a way of seeing if the hardware version will do what I want and scratch that itch, and I think it might.

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Isn’t that almost literally the Hydrasynth?

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Maybe… but there’s something about the look of the Hydrasynth has never appealed to me.
I always think of the Iridium as the closest as it’ll do wavetables and sample/granular.

I’d be on that like a fat kid on a smartie.

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Pretty sure the Total Max is a hefty 500gb-ish install, and IK charge you $10 to re-download if you don’t keep the installers saved somewhere. I have a load of their stuff from the group buy deal, but only have their non-sampled stuff installed (TRacks, Amplitude etc) as the Arturia emulated plugins just sound better than their sampled synths to me (and take up far less disk space!).


The Iridium is really close to being a HW version of Pigments. What don’t you like about it?

WTF :joy:

IK do terrible things to their customers. Never going near them again.


Sounds like it, blows my mind how customer-antagonistic some companies in this space are! I guess the rampant piracy etc. accounts for some of that attitude but it sucks that paying customers sometimes would be better off pirating it with stuff like this and intrusive copy protection etc!

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