Syntakt 1.00 : bug reports

I’m sure it’s already on someone’s list somewhere, but when connected using overbridge, like the DT and DN, there’s no click track (it’s easier than ever to use a track as a metronome with the ST but it’s still kinda a pain).


first post!

is anyone else experiencing no midi clock out of sync b port?

So if you use the analog DUAL VCO and turn the OSC 2 on only (the sub) and put the decay to max, there is a nasty click at the start of every note. that doesn’t really work very well. if you want to play a sub bass with strong sustain, you can’t really do that without a nasty click. So basically you cant use the analog vco for sub bass with sustaining bass because its very likely when you play the next note you will get a bad click. I know this is reported as not a bug, but it basically makes the sub bass (as its often used in modern music today like 808 sustained bass style) unuseable.

if you want to play the sub bass without a click, you have to turn the decay on the SYN page to nearly zero. So then you have more like a kick drum or a short stab, instead of a cool sustained drone sub.

when I use the sub bass on any other synth I own, no matter what the decay is, there is no click. So its sort of odd.

Yes. This is not a mistake. It’s midi thru. See manual.

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Midi thru only means that what is coming from midi in is redirected directly.

I have what I hope is a stupid question with an obvious answer…

For most machines changing panning only would pan left, but panning right mutes the sound.

Using Syntakt with overbrdge and panning via the plug-in then works as expected.

Is this normal? DT doesn’t have this problem so I’m a bit lost on how it could be fixed

This is not normal. Have you checked your cables? Do you observe the same thing with headphones?

Unfortunately it can’t be the cables because the digital hats pan as expected. It’s been the same across projects too.

I’ll dig deeper now that I know this isn’t normal.

Try headphones with no other connections as suggested and TR cables on outs to test those next if headphones appear okay. There is one report of a potentiometer issue that might relate to this. Simplify the test first and disconnect midi and usb first.

Sounds like it must be a hardware fault. Although… have you tried a new project? Or power off / power on ?

There seems to be a bug around keyboard fold and some scales.

  1. select an SY Dual VCO machine
  2. Select Dorian. Select E7 (2 octaves up). Select keyboard fold ON
  3. Play a note.

Notice that every note played actually plays a C note and doesn’t go up or down the scale.

Thank you and of course, @LyingDalai @bibenu - Resolved: Long fucking week and I’m fixing my rat’s nest of cables now. I had Syntakt going through Digitakt’s input and the Digitakt to the mixer.

Syntakt works as expected. I guess I was going to sample 0-Coast through Syntakt’s FX track and forgot I set it up this way.

Seriously it’s been a long week peppered in with stupidity like this. I’m gonna take a nap. Get outside and start fresh.


Is this a keyboard transposition issue?

If you are already shifted to the highest octave, the keys top out and everything above will just be a C, try pressing the down arrow a few times and see if the note changes?

It’s not a bug, you’ve just reached and passed the upper limit of the range with which that oscillator stays in tune (after which it is not meant to go higher)

There are some limits in places to restrict the access up high, however, i have a few concerns about how this is implemented in practice. Nonetheless, it’s not a bug, it’s certainly understood … if it doesn’t already say in the manual that the DVCO has a restricted ‘useful’ range, it certainly should.

That makes sense. It just definitely topped out a much lower frequency than I would have expected.

It does feel truncated ‘early’, but I noticed that in chromatic mode the tuning goes south during the last two notes available. Obviously beyond that was deemed bad PR !?

If you want to play high frequencies with DVCO, you can tune the osc higher, in SYN page, and play the regular notes.

I’ve had the same experience. The only thing that has worked is muting/unmuting the FX block sequencer. I’ve tried mapping to filter, resonance, delay send, and reverb send. None worked.

I had a reply from Elektron support that it will be fixed In the next OS Update.

Awesome. Did they mention an eta by any chance?

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