Syntakt 1.00 : bug reports

I have a slightly different firmware, i know that some things that could relate to this have been tidied up, that’s why i was encouraging for confirmation from someone else

It would be worth reporting this directly to ensure that the cause for the issue you experience is understood and addressed (if it hasn’t been already of course)

Already reported :slight_smile:

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Same here

Hi! Just got mine and it´s awesome. When I trigger the sounds it takes a couple of padpresses before I can hear the sound. This happends if I haven´t triggered a sound for a little while. I would like to hear the sound directly when I trigger it. New to Elektron, is this a common problem?

What´s the latest firmware? Can´t find it on Elektrons homepage.

If you start the device (give it 30 seconds until the little spinning icon top left is gone) and go to an empty pattern, trigs 1-12 should respond just fine - if not explain more about your setup

In general, my Syntakt is acting up when it’s been hot for awhile. Analogue engines start to shift around in very unstable ways - amp going up and down, making mixing impossible - and patterns resetting all the time.

This only happens after I’ve been fairly active on it and it’s starting to get really warm.

Found the problem. It is my JBL Xtreme 3 that takes a little time to send out the sound when I haven´t played any sound for a couple of seconds. Yeahh seconds! Need to keep the music going! X)

Syntakt -> cable -> Xtreme 3 -> delay
Syntakt -> headphones -> no delay

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Are you using Overbridge when noticing this issue? It seems to mirror exactly this other one found by @Gino:

As i understand it, there’s a subtle inter-connected-ness to some of these issues and the understanding of what’s been behind it has resolved other issues for the upcoming release … i.e. addressing one known thing also sorted another that wasn’t yet observed. It’s best not to overthink it, but it would be wise to clearly explain the issue direct to support who’ll know if it’s something already addressed either directly or indirectly. So anything related to irregular envelope behaviour for edge cases may already be fixed - there’s no indication when the update will be available though

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It has been reported and support said it has been fixed in the next OS

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Elektron documentation thread

I had this odd retrig behavior happen today.
Syntakt was only device turned on.
Switching the retrigs totally OFF and ON again cleared it.

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Has anyone experienced the screen staying on for a few seconds after the device is switched off? I’d say somewhere around 5-10 seconds or so?

Doesn’t happen all the time, but maybe every 3rd or 4th day or so of using it?

I’ve also noticed that in certain instances, some tracks don’t play right away, almost like I set a trig condition to not play the first time through a pattern, but I haven’t. It’s happened with a couple of patterns too. They are part of the presets project, not sure if that makes a difference.

Also, in some cases micro-timing doesn’t seem to actually work, and the trig will play in the same place regardless of the micro-timing setting.

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Yes that has happened to me a few times in the past week since having it. You turn unit off and screen is still showing for a few seconds then disappears.

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I haven’t experienced this, however, I have noticed that the screen saver takes longer than usual to activate :thinking:

It seems like it’s possible to soundlock sounds from the pool using the data knob that are not appropriate for the possible range of machines on that track. When you do all the graphics for the locked trig are not correct for the machine, sometimes "ERR is displayed rather than a value and the sound lock plays with varying results. Try it with track 12.

Yeah, screensaver takes ages on mine.

It even did a little crash and rebooted itself after coming out of screensaver earlier.

Only happened once so far though, mostly because it’s taken that long for the screensaver to engage

I’ve not actually seen the screensaver on mine, too busy tweaking I guess :slight_smile:

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Well I just got bored waiting for mine to come on for 40 minutes.

It’s not really a big thing, as I don’t tend to leave it on for extended periods that I’m not using it.

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sorry. thought there was a midi cc bug that i was encountering, but looks to be a complication of sending cc values with the octatrack lfo to the syntakt. range needs to be honed in just right.