Syntakt, GAS and a few home truths

This guy is hilarious.


The take-home from this if you’re in a hurry to $ave lots of money$ …


Definitely cheaper, but I find Garageband/Logic flow a lot more counter-intuitive/annoying than Elektron to get what I want out.

If I just want to sketch out a song, I could also just Martin Gore it with an acoustic guitar every time! :smiley:

And honestly maybe I should…


I think you can do most of everything in a daw. Hardware is a luxury item for first world producers.


…a plus for the basic channel concept…gas therapy !?..oooook…all nice in theory…
…but apart from that. he’s only finding soft and obvious alternatives to raw fact check lists from hearsay, while never touched any of it in real life scenarios…
no big help and no gas therapy for real, end of the day…

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Bleh, if he’s never used a Syntakt and rattling off spec bulletpoints having nothing to do with actually using either alternative it’s even more clickbait than the faces and more GAS-centered than a cure for :frowning:

GAS isn’t just buying shit, it’s also an intentionality about how you use things. I consider GAS any software randomization for that sweet dopamine hits, which would include awesome free stuff, others who pirate software are still hit with GAS with any new shinies as well, wasting precious braintime with constant updates and DAW shifting.

Using what you have > downloading yet another piece of software and “free” still costs. Acquisition is acquisition, ffs.

It’s not therapy, just handwaving and the same distraction seeking behavior :slight_smile:


I think you all know what my thoughts are on the matter.


Huh never heard of Dexed and hadn’t really looked at Surge XT. Fascinating to see such powerful open source / near free tools. Cool stuff!


His videos are useful for people who want certain sounds from certain physical products, but can’t spend the money on them.


It’s a useful channel for sure. But comparing software with music instrument is pointless IMHO. A pianist can make a Daw sound like a grand piano of course but I doubt he would be satisfied with the experience.


But a piano isnt an electronic instrument. So the analogy doesnt work. A computer is still an electronic instrument so its part of the same family.

I remember some movie in which a kid who wanted to play a piano, but could not afford a piano. So he made a fake piano out of a few pieces of wood. He drew the outlines of keys, and glued small pieces of wood to serve as the black keys… and tried to practice on that.

There’s also a comedy in which the main character wanted to be a software developer but couldn’t afford a computer. So he drew a computer keyboard on a piece of cardboard and tried to learn on that.

Dude’s vids are for people like those kids

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I like his channel, but i never managed to come close to rytm sound even when i tried hard with abeltons drum rack. Dont know but, his sp 404 video really showed flaws of the device.

Potemkin studio?

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His video on using the NanoKontrol 2 with Koala on iPad is genius. It’s supposed to replace an SP404 or something, but the combo is just amazing regardless.


I think Jonas Saalbach shows how gear is used productive, instead of critizizing what flaws the stuff has - he just works around everything. (Peak, Rytm, Model Samples etc…)


Huh? Was the decade of laptop musicians not a thing? Don’t many producers / composers still use DAWs as primary tools in addition to whatever hardware they like? Was Aphex Twin using SuperCollider in the late 90s the kind of kid you’re talking about?

I want to be that kid!

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Just having some fun with the grand piano side discussion.

Getting back on topic… During my brief time as a laptop muso, I made no attempt whatsoever to substitute the software I was using, for any existing hardware product of the time. In plainer talk, I didn’t try to make my laptop sound like a Moog Voyager or a Waldorf wavetable synth or anything.

Is it truly GAS if for the past couple of years, I’ve been openly wanting a synthesis-oriented Elektron in a Digi form-factor with some real analog voices/filters/fx on board to round out my DT/DN pair? :thinking:

That the Syntakt is all that AND a bag of hot chips (see what I did there?) is just icing on that tasty cake for me. 12 tracks of digital/analog synthesis machine mayhem as part of a Tiny Trinity of Terror? Yes please!

I get the concept behind soft substitutes. For instance, I really dig Drambo and you’ll find The Legend all over my tracks even though I own analog hw synths. But there’s nothing quite like the tactile experience of hands-on hardware that fits with your workflow and inspires your sonic groove.

This guy is great, love watching his videos, they always make me cackle.

I don’t know if I’m on the same boat as him, since he seems to be trying to turn back the clock to when everybody thought DAW’s were the bee’s knees but it’s good to be reminded that computers are capable of making music without spending a lot of money.

Personally I wouldn’t be caught dead being stuck with nothing but a copy of Garage Band and Dexed. I’d rather have a four track and a Portatone.

edit: Koala’s a pretty decent replace for the 404 though.