Syntakt upgrade/uplevel forthcoming!

how’s everyone feeling about this upleveling?
The two new machines do seem to bolster the ‘synthesizer’ side of the syntakt.

these are sensible additions. Now some of the other ideas thrown around in this thread now look kinda… too far out there?

I’m more than good with this. I bought the Syntakt because I wanted analog in a Digi style box, with melodic capabilities being important. Elektron expanding the machine selection in that melodic direction just makes it more of what I wanted in the first place.

Can’t wait to dig in today.


They look like very useful machines for getting more basic synth tones out. I’m sure the groovebox crowd that wants an all-in-one box for banging out beats will enjoy this update a lot.

I think the lack of compressor is still a big miss. I kind of wish they’d just double down on the drum side and made some more unconventional percussive machines. Supersaws and squarewaves don’t really get me that excited.


Cracking stuff. Fairly simple but capable of opening up an entire new world of sound in the machine.

Love it far more than bolting on things that don’t really fit in the name of half arsing a chimera.

Would still love a gluey compressor like the Digitakt but I’m not really a toys out of the pram sort.


Love it. Especially the analog machine.

Yes I would love a compressor and it would make very much sense on a drum machine, but I think there will be more updates in the months to come.

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The fact more machines can and are being added is huge




Nice! I just found this thread this morning and was wondering when the new update would come…well, pretty damn quick I guess.

I really really hope they add a compressor down the line but for now, this is awesome!

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Flippin sweet. I think there will be some releases down the line to fill out those 7 empty boxes on the fx page and maybe some of the other ideas in this thread. Love this unit as is, but these additions are certainly welcome.

Looking forward to jamming with it after I get back from hanging with the family this week.

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Make them into drums :slight_smile:

Could already use square and saw waves to create drum sounds with the tone (using the correct ratios + fm amount) and bits machine. The main thing this has added is a JP8k style supersaw and an easier to use DVCO machine. Nice additions but I don’t think they add all that much compared to the things you could already do with the current machines.


The new machines are a solid upgrade for the ST. There was strong support for opening up the oscs and both machines look super useful. I don’t want to have to hack my way to a square wave. Hope to see a comp and some new fx early next year. Lots of bugs squashed and some work on song mode too.


I don’t know if setting the waveform to 75 on the SY BITS engine is considered a hack to get a squarewave. If so I am a master hacker :wink:

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My neurons don’t fire the way they used to, and they have to be carefully allocated—just like the memory on the DT.

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Ratio 1.5 for SY Tone square ?
Interested in your settings…

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1:1 for saws, 1:2 for squares and 1:3 for pulse waves. All of them need relatively high FM amount and a bit of overdrive to get that buzzy rich sound of an analog oscillator. SY Bits machine is the way to go for a ‘standard’ square wave but the Tone can approximate analog waveforms in a pinch.


So… SY RAW is basically the Minilogue but better (yes it’s not polyphonic but it can be with Ableton)

This is so cool… and I got my Syntakt only 2 days ago :rofl:

I only wish the Syntakt had a chorus.

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Can’t pretend I’m not disappointed. Has Elektron lost focus?

But it could be with Ableton. :rofl:

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The difference is that you’re not adding anything with using ableton to make the syntakt polyphonic. Literally using the box capacities.

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