Syntakt upgrade/uplevel forthcoming!

So it’s possible to run the sy swarm machine at eight Tracks a time, and sy raw on three analog Tracks?

And why they didn’t expand the dual vco machine instead.of making another machine…?

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It does, a chorus of disapproval for the new update…

Seriously though, any update that goes beyond bug fixes is pretty damn cool.


I love both! Sooooo sweet!

The Syntakt is now a complete instant hellectro machine in one box! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh I can´t believe it.

I might got a little wet.

Everyone wants a compressor, and yes the comp of the DT would be sweet. But this is an instrument! New sounds suddenly! And absolutely what I love.

what will I do with my virus now? hmmm… ok… padmachine


Yeah honestly a new compressor would be boring to me. Like, don’t get me wrong, I won’t complain about new stuff, but new machines are more of what I want.

Still, hopefully they add polyphony down the line but I didn’t think this would be the update to do it. Two new machines and more importantly : a new analog machine, is dope.


Maybe so they didn’t ferk up peoples existing usages of DVCO in prior patterns preceding this update?


Oh baby I like it RAW


As someone who is not performing with my boxes, I dont need the Syntakt to have a Compressor either. When I am done on the boxes, everything is recorded into the DAW via Overbridge and I will do mixing and “mastering” there.
Even if I would perform, I wont with only the Syntakt alone. I would either route it through the Digitakt or a Octatrack, and If that wouldn’t be the case, I still would be able to add a small compressor to my setup. So for me personally, I would prefer a Chorus, or a 3-OSC Thing (like the SY Raw but digital with 3 oscillators) way more.


You can get a bit of a chorus using the delay. Go to the FX track, select the LFO and target it towards Delay Width. Adjust speed and depth to taste. On the delay settings I turn the ping pong on and delay time to it’s fastest (1/128). And a relatively high feedback though you adjust this to taste as well (closer to 100 feedback and it starts sounding like a cheap metallic reverb which gives a different flavor of reverb compared to the normal one).

Obviously not as good as having the Digitone/ A4 chorus but I often do this over using it as a delay as it can get funky with P-locks and I can always add delays after anyways.

Will try that out, but I don’t think I would do this for the price of not been able to use Delay on the other 11 tracks.


Yeah, it would benefit so much from the Digitone chorus. I hope it’s not a resource limitation that led to them omitting it because it makes such a difference on both the stereo width and overall warmth of those FM tones. Would be wonderful to have it on the Syntakt.


Please Community lets ask for voice stealing on the syntakt, for the digital and the analog voices…
to suddenly have a polyphonic synth would be a massive gain!
Maybe a slave mode for tracks, when activated tracks can be slaves to another polyphonic track.
I think it´s the most important update-request…
And it would feel like christmas…once again :star_struck:
How can we push this request?


to suddenly have a polyphonic synth would be a massive gain!

It might not be a gain for Elektron regarding their DN and A4 sales though. Just sayin’…

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Yeah, this would be amazing. Choosing any of the “chained” tracks would affect the parameters of all three. I’d even be fine with still programming the notes monophonically across three track as long as I could still lock their parameters this way. But a multi-note sequencing workflow from the Digitone would of course be even better.

Agreed 100%. This is the key thing missing in my opinion.


I understand…
but, the syntakt is already a killer, why not make it complete.
DN can walk in a more complex direction. The A4 is already very thick and will not lose its lovers.
3 years ago I wished for a base-width filter on the DT and they heard me…and really topped it.
I strongly believe in the ethos of elektron to make things as good as possible.
It´s not a normal brand. :love_letter: :wink:

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Saw you mention this in another thread, too, and I too found it an annoyance for layering sounds and multitrack chords. The sound macros, if you have either a midi controller or a free track for midi loopback, are one way to approach this—you can copy and paste 4 parameter modulations across the 3 tracks all attached to MW, then you can open the filter plus three more changes across just those three tracks, and assign other macros to overlapping groups of tracks… I’ve found it more and more a cool way to do RYTM-style perf/scenes…

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This is very clever! I don’t necessarily like the idea of having to connect a controller when jamming, but it’s great to know that there are ways of doing it and I really appreciate you taking the time to enlighten me.

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My biggest wish for Syntakt (and Digitakt) would be a Elektron USB breakout box with 8 outputs…


This thread popping back up again is doing me a surprise.

Syntakt is great though. Anything on top only makes it sweeter.


Holy crap, that’s a great idea
