Syntakt upgrade/uplevel forthcoming!

Yea you’re right, lack of creativity and growth is what causes legitimate companies to fail as has been shown throughout history. They’re great, timeless machines, innovative in their respective times.

Time for something new other than complacency. I love my Syntakt but a lot of the framework was laid by the previous devices, Cycles, Monomachine…

Asking for some open source in 2022 should not have opposition, doubters, sure, but not opposition, come on.

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It doesn’t seem like a model suited for Elektron so I’m a doubter. I don’t find the way Korg has implemented it into their instruments all that appealing either. I think a good developer constantly refining their vision is more appealing like how the Access Virus evolved. I don’t consider that complacency.

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This will leave a bad taste in the mouth of the first adopters unless they give them a substantial Voucher.


I would sell it immediately.


Nahh. Highly doubt it.

I just want them to add anything to the FX page that contains just one, sad, lonely little distortion knob. Dedicated envelope maybe? An LFO? Color/tone perhaps? Crunch? Fuzz?
There are 7 empty parameter slots there just waiting for assignment.


One sad lonely distortion knob?

You mean the beast knob? That knob is so intimidating that other slots ran to other pages in fear, lest their fragile reality gets shaken to the core.

( get it…? Shaken… because it’s distortion)


I paid the “early adopter” price as some are calling it here and that’s fine. Nobody tricked me and I could have waited but I’m a little impulsive sometimes. At this point it’s not worth selling even if anyone was interested, which they aren’t.

I’m excited to see what they have in store. I think a few new synth machines would add a lot of extra value, maybe even a second page of parameters for existing ones although I think that’s unlikely as it’ll just add confusion. I also wonder if there might be some new sequencer tricks up the proverbial sleeve, maybe even some additions to the song mode to allow for ableton-style scenes. I’d like to be able to switch between the rows in the song list in a synced way, like I can with patterns.

Maybe even the ability to pick-and-mix tracks from different patterns into scenes?! If I understand the architecture correctly, each track on each pattern is essentially independent as the trigs play the sound on that track, and they can be copied and pasted around, so maybe they can allow for scenes where you can choose which track from which pattern? I’d also like to be able to make sounds “global” across patterns, much like you can do with the FX settings. Mostly I don’t want different sounds on different patterns. Good to have the choice.

I think the pay-per-machine or subscription etc is highly unlikely. After all these years they’ve never shown any hint of anything like that and I doubt they’ll start now. What they have shown (at least since 2018-ish when I got on board) is good customer service, plenty of upgrades and no sign of going anywhere.

I have faith!


But you did find the one, sad, lonly little overdrive knob on the fx page, didn’t you?

But of course it would be cool to make it less lonely with various distortion knobs :wink:


No !


Gentle overdrive. But it goes to 11 !

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REC and PLAY machine from the MD :blush:
Neighbor track :blush:
Thru track :blush:
It’s time to begin to kill the old MD

Would really like the chord machine to have a way to be played ´outside’ of the predefined chord. I mean just using it as a small poly. Should not be too complicated.
It’s my nightmare on Elektron stuff to be honnest.


Trig Modifiers.


I call this an Octatrack. :content:

Done for me with Octatrack + Syntakt = Machinedrum on steroids.

If they would bring some Machinedrum machines like PI, or TR samples (I don’t remember its name), it would be very welcome !




Ah yes, forgot that one.

I did. Sometimes I go and hang out with it for a little while. We catch up, drink tea, but I always feel pangs of guilt when it’s time to leave.

Polyphony is all I want. I’m not confident it will happen, but it’s my main feature request.


Copy the sound and sequence from one track to another, change tuning on one and Boom… Polyphony… But I know what you mean


A big one for me would be scale enabled chord machine that corresponds to the scales harmonization. P-locking chord types is a real pain without this feature.