Syntakt upgrade/uplevel forthcoming!


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Yeah. I know. Its the playability I want.

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Definitely my #1 request too, followed by the arp.

I have not the same result when I program the key or when I play them on keyboard. So really would like them to unlock that ´voice stealing’ feature.
Would be game changer for me !

Yeah, technically it can be done. Honestly, it’s more the discovery phase of the song that is tough. Meaning, just playing around with the sound, testing a few chords to see what sounds right. Once you know what you want, most things can be programmed into the Syntakt sequencer, but the trick is to know what you want. The Digitone leads to a lot more exploration as a result.


make it whole, not little by little

I could be wrong, but to me, both the “Syn” prefix and “control all” feature on Syntakt have always felt like a kind of hint that it will eventually get polyphony… Like a “this will make more sense later” kind of feature/naming thing. But the only feature update that seems obvious based on the teaser is either the Digitakt compressor or a compressor based on an analogue vca stage? Either way, can’t come soon enough.


I don’t feel this. A synth can be monophonic, and Control All exists since Machinedrum, also monophonic. The only Elektron with Control All and poly settings seems to be the Digitone.

Polyphony / layers with Digitone Voice menu settngs is probably my number one feature request.


I get that, but the fact that it has synth in the name too makes me think control all could potentially at least be a piece of that

Edit: because

  1. control all is a very practical consideration for a chained-mono polysynth setup to save time and operate it as one synth.
  2. Digitone is way more recent than Machinedrum and would have more probable similarities.
  3. Elektron calling a box $1000 box “synth” with no poly seems unlikely. Almost everything they sell can be a synth.
  4. To your point about how nice it is to play poly, adding poly to keyboard mode on something called a “Synth” that is largely digital makes a lot of sense

You can control all Syntakt mono synths. Btw I really enjoyed playing ST polyphonically from its keyboard in Fold mode, with RK002 cable and midi loopback.

It works really well but unfortunately you can’t set encoders to EXT only (INT+EXT causes some resolution conflicts). I think this is a bad choice because of a few people who complained saying their machine wasn’t working anymore. Bummer.

Would be cool but isn’t the Chord machine the same as on the Cycles? If so, I believe it’s wavetables, so wouldn’t be possible to be played outside of the predefined chords, unless they added more wavetables. But I could be wrong and would like to hear if so. :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure the way the inversions are handled on the cycles that the engine just (’ just’ :slight_smile: ) mixes together 4 separate wavetable voices.


Yes, chords aren’t defined by wavetables.

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That’s actually super cool, thanks for educating me! It’s a really clever way of handling chords, I’d love to see the concept taken further somehow.

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For true polyphony (supporting individual notes with various timings), the track in question would require n unique instances of the entire engine, from sound generation to filtering to amp, etc., where “n” is the number of voices.

Not sure the Syntakt has the processing headroom on the digital machine side, and I’m 99.9% certain the analog machines don’t have the additional necessary hardware baked in to the board.

That said, maybe there’s a voice-stealing scenarios, where one could choose to sacrifice one or more other tracks to get polyphony on the target track without the aforementioned problems, just like the DT does it.

Certainly would be a fun option if the HW/SW would support it.

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At one point, the Analog Four did not have polyphony so all this conjecture is a bit amusing to me.


Hi, just wondering, you’re going into the Octatrack with the Syntakt, right? Do you find that the ST comes up short on effects?
I’m really tempted to get it but I’m still far from mastering the OT, and I’ve already got loads of synth voices going into C/D, with a Blackbox going from cue to A/B… Was about to spend 820 on a used one and now they’re 799 fresh off the Swedish glaciers… gods give me strength… or at least hide the receipt from my wife…

Ended up reading the whole thread… I actually have an RK002 cable left over from my Volcas and a failed attempt to pseudo-poly an Evolver… would be nice to get to the ST’s analog voices in poly controlled by my guitar synth (SY1000), though so much hassle when my MC101 has near endless polyphony… I should never have sold off my Analog Keys… so many synths, so little time…

Hi and welcome.

2 days ago I made a delay with feedback loop between OT and ST, its max overdrive, bandpass filter. Good enough. You can combine both fx.

OT and ST are definitely good companions, as I recently said that combo is the best for my needs (I had all Elektrons except MnM, MC, Sid Station).

ST have a bit of several good Elektron machines (MD, MnM, AR, DN, MC).

I also have this midi processor, I’m even using it with ST standalone for polyphony.

Btw I also have a midi guitar processor, Yamaha G50, but I need to buy a GK hexaphonic cable to test…

Just bought the Syntakt and must say that I love it.

I can now create complete tracks with one box on my lap.

The fx block is really nice new feature for performance usage similar to the Octatrack scenes.

I am missing an arpeggiator however to bang out those melodies a bit quicker.


But why is nobody redoing nords micro modular ? Repatching some blocks on a syntakt digital engine could be so much fun, select modulation from a list, could be done for sure in the same interface.