Syntakt's synthesizer side is a little too simple(not a bad thing). st is more drum than 50:50 drum:synth

i wasn’t say any of st is not good. but chorus porta arp is all there with other elektron synth.and i just say this one a little simple! and I will buy st in the future. if out of stock is over.

Or maybe just add your thoughts to any one of the existing threads for this sort of chat.


I haven’t seen anyone claiming the ST is God. You’re being hyperbolic.

You just brought up illegitimate complaints that aren’t in line with what the ST is supposed to be:
A drum machine that is capable of more musical elements


elektron said in web page that is not a only drum but a all round. i thought melody would better with porta. and chord would be better with chorus. and i can love with a st without these. I’m not hyperbolic. all people answer point i m wrong was hyperbolic

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Lower the bar. You cant expect much for what is peanuts.

Implying that you’re being told to fall in line and claim the ST to be some deity on high is absolutely hyperbolic.

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Perhaps you ought not to cherry pick the info that supports the vision of you dream machine and take the announcement text (and the text on the bloody machine itself) at face value.
I suspect you and everyone else in this thread would be happier for it.

While the ST synths may be simple, sometimes that is what I want. Complexity is lovely and all, but if I’m just after a bit of inspiration and want to get a groove going quickly, this seems perfect for that.

Not everyone wants to get down and dirty with synthesis, but instead wants to use synths to augment more traditional songwriting workflows. I’m one of those people and I’m very happy thus far.


there´s plenty room for improvement, so why bother? it´s just launched…think of the firmware updates for alle the other boxes…that´s the way it is.

anyway, general rule: don´t believe marketingspeech. not for laundry detergent, and not for synths…

ok. i m sorry for over reacting!
i just don mean simple is bad at first.

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:popcorn: :sunglasses:
Criticizing an Elektron product on Elektronauts is always a problem.


Yeah, there is an aspect of legacy on the machines coming over from the M:C which had no amp envelope or extra filter, still there are some more general purpose synth set ups along with the more focused stuff. Curious to how hard it would be to implement portamento, I know it was more of a challenge to get it on the digitone for them (oddly they hinted that it would be easier to implement on the digitakt but they never did) Using LFOs for slides is doable but not especially fun. I have to say I have been on an elektron vacation and it sure is a joy to be sequencing pitch bend based glides on a tracker sequencer. That said you get some pretty novel ways to produce harmonic content on the ST and then a filter/base width to carve it up with, there is certainly a lot you can do with it.

I think it’s all about timing; it’s too new to criticize I guess. Anytime I hear anyone suggesting chorus, portamento, or arpeggiator for the ST, I will strongly agree with them though.

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Try to say something negative about the Octatrack… :slight_smile:

Oh no, not another thread turning into an OT thread. :nerd_face:

no gas for a beat oriented tweak box, a4 + ot is enough to me.
but this box makes electronic music fun more approachable, than difficult machines ike a4 or ot and I think this is part of elektrons mission or strategy to grow.

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Did you mean OT?

What’s Syntakt? Did I miss something, nothing on the forum about it?


It’s a new device without song mode, portamento, glide or polyphony.

Maybe they’ll add portamento like they eventually did with the digitone.