Syntakt's synthesizer side is a little too simple(not a bad thing). st is more drum than 50:50 drum:synth

The synths are awful … and I can’t stop playing with them.


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Same goes for the OP-1 yet many excellent albums were made on it.
So it really says more about the producer than the gear.


For the folks complaining about lack of chorus, don’t some of the synth machines have a running parameter? Couldn’t you duplicate the track/sequence and slightly detune one of the voices? Sure, you burn two voices, but that should get an approximation of what you want. For bonus points, you could slightly modify envelope and filter settings as well.

Someone has to have tried this. If someone wants to post an audio example, I’d love to hear it.


:point_up_2: agreed :sunglasses:

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Not to forget the sound quality is very poor!


well look at you coming up with solutions based on capabilities!

Yea this works! As does a little bit of LFO to tune parameter (like 0.08) into the reverb. Good thing there are two LFOs.

Some will say “well then you’re using up an LFO!”, and I say where there’s a will, there’s a way.

There’s no accounting for taste.

And skill.


You can fake chorus with really fast lfo on pan


…chorus might come…and all these “little” synth toys/gimmicks might look like no big deal on first sight…but they start growing on u big time from the moment u start to touch them…
at least that’s what i’ve heard and learned so far…
and if that’s not for u, well, than that’s not for u…no big deal for real in this case…i guess.
rant’s envouge…

Stupid OT. Dumb OT. OT is rubbish-trash.

(Disclaimer: the OT is the only Elektron instrument that I haven’t owned…)


As a simpleton, I’m having a lot of fun with it.


Wait until you discover the third dimension. You’ll find it pretty plain then.

(referring to your avatar)

devil squares?

:heart: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sounds like it should be called Syntax after all.

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As cool as it would be, I think it was too much to ask for an A4 or AR in a Digi box, if nothing else, because Elektron wouldn’t want to scuttle sales of their premium tier products.

As it stands, I think that the Syntakt is a VERY interesting drum-centric hybrid that would be both an ideal entry into more serious Elektron music making (no offense to M:C or M:S as serious devices), or as a gap-filler/alternative hub for those who don’t own any/all of the OT/AR/A4 trinity, or MD/MM legacy products.

As a DT/DN owner with a preference for synthesis over sampling for my core work, and a love of some analog girth, the Syntakt shows all signs of being in a sweet spot for me, not negating the DT/DN pair I already own, but filling in some important blanks AND with 12 tracks of drum/other synthesis, serving as my new foundational starter for music.

As always, YMMV.


or sampling

Or cupholders!


I figured this would be the case, but it is a drum computer, and that is it’s focus and so like another said, synthesizer as like the chord voices are a bit extra, but the various drum ‘machines’ are the synthesis focus.

I am surprised, though it is limited in this way, b/c I am overall percussion focused so far as my passions in performance I am really thinking this would be a sweet portable
takt-crack experience like the DT was for me in playability to one day acquire.

Anyone out there with an OT got an ST and could elaborate on potential performance highlights? I like the retrig triggers that allow you to do different things.

  1. it just sounds bad and some early adopters (not you) are trying to justify the purchase by blaming the lack of features.
  2. No you don’t need to show the crazy-ass sounds you’ve made so far to complain about a 1.1k synth that sounds bad/lacks basic features.

This debate will not cease until Elektron release something else so hurry up Elektron!!

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