Syntakt's synthesizer side is a little too simple(not a bad thing). st is more drum than 50:50 drum:synth


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This is a total fucking joke for anyone who wants to do ANY serious synthesis. Only 8 synth parameters (sometimes even less), no ADSR, no filter envelope, no velocity, 1 LFO. Been trying to ditch this toy for years but I canā€™t even give the fucking thing away.


they wonā€™t. if st is drum core more than 50:50. look at dt. also no porta.

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128 voice polyphony in the next firmware update plz

Iā€™m on just over a day screwing with mine, and it took a bit of a mind shift, but I think these synth engines are great! Itā€™s really easy to dial in the sound I want on them, and Iā€™m doing quite a bit of melodic stuff on it. The engines may not sound like much on their own by default, but it doesnā€™t take much to get it to a really lovely place. Itā€™s just a different mindset than screwing with most of the other Elektron products since you donā€™t have as direct control - itā€™s a lot of macro level stuff, and it requires a different approach.

12 tracks is a LOT to mess with, even if they are mono - more so when each of them have multiple filtering options and LFOs as part of them. And being able to do sound locks as well opened up even MORE options! Between that, creative use of effects, and layering, you have a WEALTH of sounds you can create on this. You can easily layer one sound as a transient for another, you can use audio rate LFOs for further FM shaping, you can turn the percussive machines into tonal machines by killing the decay/release, and give them a slight detune to make them sound hugeā€¦ You can do slow swells with a resonant filter over the chord machine, with a slow LFO on the chord shape for an evolving padsā€¦ I could go on, but there are probably whole threads dedicated to how do get more out of these. There are a TON of options in this box.

Iā€™m saying all of this with a LOT of familiarity with the Elektron product line, and I have spent plenty of time with the DT/DN/Rytm/A4/OT - Those are great boxes! And if those do it for you, then yeah, this may not be for you, but even so, donā€™t overlook the value of the immediacy that something like this offers. But ultimately ā€“ donā€™t mistake simplicity with lack of capability.

If you think this just isnā€™t for you, thatā€™s cool - It wonā€™t be for everyone. But if you were expecting something else and you are unhappy or even raging at this ā€“ Iā€™d be interested in knowing what specifically you were wanting here in a Digi sized box that we donā€™t haveā€¦ Two existing Elektron machines glued together, but smaller? Are there specific synth engines should be on here that arenā€™t, outside of the less abstracted ones in the other Elektron boxes out there?

Iā€™ve had more fun with this thing than Iā€™ve had with any box in a LONG time.


i have already changed the title.
not say st any NO GOOD at very beginning!
please stop Misinterpret me!
if I said any feature missing. because it is not there. that is fact. i have no mean st missing some feature is bad thing.
i will buy one because it is a good elektron gear and itā€™s a more drum thing. never said if it is not 50:50 i will hate it.


Iā€™m not unhappy, let alone raging. I donā€™t think Syntakt is for me, but thatā€™s okay. I think the OP was too reductionist, though more nuanced criticism of Syntakt is definitely possible. But if I had to answer this particular questionā€¦ I think Iā€™d want the ability to program my own macros. Simplified versions of A4 and DN oscs, and I get to choose what several parameters each knob controls, per project. (I can do this on A4 and DK, which I ownā€¦ but to have this in the DN/DT form factorā€¦)

Now, this would probably appeal to few people, so it may not make commercial sense. But Iā€™d like to think that between the closed-down (but very tweakable) territory of the Model:Cycles, and the wide-open (but hard to make progress from scratch in) territory of the A4, there might be a middle ground, where I can roam on my own terms, not accept some compromise aimed at a broader audience but not necessarily at me.

I donā€™t expect anyone will deliver this, but Iā€™d rather work with something of this sort than do ā€œkeyholeā€ work, where I am trying to push a pre-defined set of macros to their limits by discovering the right settings. That said, I accept the limitations of the devices I purchase, I donā€™t spend time railing about how they missed an opportunity by not implementing this or that, and on the rare occasions when I can step back far enough, I am really amazed to have this much power at my fingertips.


Thatā€™s a very good answer, and I can see the appeal there. I would also love macros and more performance features like that.

And to be clear, I donā€™t think itā€™s beyond criticism, I hope I didnā€™t come across that way. Iā€™m sure I will find my share of things to be critical about as I spend more time with it.


is the best and healthiest attitude to have in this world. I always try to accept something for what it is at the time I get it, not what it can be. If things get added or addressed in firmware, thatā€™s a great bonus, but I never expect it.


make clearly what a gear really is very helpful. don ask one gear do all stuffs.
to me, the lacked feature let me more understand the meaning of digi Trinity. there is another good
machine: digitone out there. they could team each other.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m fully understanding how the melodic tracks are so lacking in features. About 8 or so controls of an oscillator section is pretty standard on most monosynths.

Did anyone seriously expect A4 levels of complexity, and if you did, how did Elektron put that idea in your head?

Yep, portamento/glide/slides is an oversight and will hopefully be implemented in future updates, but there are workarounds.

Can we all just agree from here on that synthesizer applies to anything which makes sounds through synthesis and therefore doesnā€™t have to have the feature list of a Virus TI to live up to the word.

Unless anyoneā€™s got any better ideas about how youā€™d go about describing the Syntakt without using the word synthesizer.

What did you want, for the marketing blurb to say ā€œ12 synthesized tracks, but none of them as fully featured as an Analog four.ā€


I would imagine (not a syntakt owner) you could do an initial pitch slide with an LFO set to env, but not a pitch slide that took into account the previous note (in size or direction of slide).

Maybe you could change size and direction of the slide (LFO mod depth) with the trig modifiers ? But then youā€™d have to be using an external keyboard.

i think elektron have learn a lesson with a digitakt and overbridge case

very true!

and the strange is if itā€™s all love, everything will be ok

those misses, help me to keep my money!



ā€œ12 track synth and drum machine with bucket loads of lacking featuresā€


Fixed. Hire me Elektron!


If you think being disagreed with is a problem, maybe being disagreeable isnā€™t for you.



You didnā€™t warn people about the lack of Polyphony though.

Irresponsible marketing.


Elektron just called me to fire me before they even hired me :frowning:


P&O in disguise lol

Proper made me giggle. Imagine if marketing was really this self doubting and flip floppy

meet the machines. Or donā€™t, itā€™s up to you. Iā€™m not trying to impose or anything


I think itā€™s not just disagreement. Folks argue until the end of time about their precious elektron products over here. If you donā€™t feel like itā€™s a bit too much then ok. I find it excessive at times.

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