SYNTRX II from Erica Synths

I wouldn’t necessarily call the Mk2 a downgrade, any more than the SH-01A is a downgrade from the SH-101.

$2179 USD , eh? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

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If your a real purist then the Syntryx shouldnt have the same name as the Synthi(or as close as) as it hasn’t got the pegs but an led matrix.:slight_smile:

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Yeah, part of me thinks I would have bought MK2 if they were put out side by side… but I have really come to appreciate the nuances of the MK1, I often am filling up the a/b on the ring mod and enjoy the reverb as a modulation source. I am sure MK2 will be fun though, curious to what people get up to with the envelope follower. Delay should be good fun also. End of the day either unit you can bring in FX if you give up the stereo output so adding in delay or reverb is possible.


If money was not a constraint which of these monos would be better to noodle around with ? Buchla Easel Command or Syntrx ?


Good question. I am getting the new Buchla Easel and maybe the Syntrx 2. Both look great for noodling. I cant decide.


I was going to suggest getting both if money isn’t a factor, but @sabana took the words right out of my mouth.

I’m not sure if I’ll get a Weasel next or a Serge panel. I’ve avoided learning about Buchla and Serge to focus on Euro. The Euro is all for sale now and I’m happy with my Syntrx & Lyra. Time to get to know the other formats.

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I think I’ll get both then. I’ll go with the Buchla first. One friend recommended I try Buchla because I live close the Berkeley, CA and it would be starting synthesis from 0 again.

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Then you should put the Squential Pro 3 (SE) on the list as well, since you aren’t far from Sequential too.

22 years ago the choices were between a Novation Supernova II, Virus C, and a JP8000. Despite everything else, the synth world is in pretty good shape these days.

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Rick Beato is always mentioning Berkley. Is it a music hotspot in the world?

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Ever since the 60s it was a scene for up and coming artists. Pre Napster era if you did the venue circuit in Berkeley then you can make it in LA and NYC.

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Ah. Cool.

Welcome to the Bay Area. I live more towards the Fremont/ San Jose side.

I’ve got some sequential stuff already. I was looking for a more abstract monophonic synth and yes I know the pro 3 does that but I wanted to try something new. It’s strange how a synth can be monophonic yet I can write melodies without Chords

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I did my grad work at Berkeley and spent several weeks a year there for a couple of decades. It’s a small city wedged into the urban buildup around the San Francisco Bay Area that happens to have a great university in it. But it never had much in the way of venues, at least not compared to nearby San Francisco and Oakland, about typical for a college town. Rick Beato is probably talking about the Berklee College of Music, in Boston, which is world-famous.


Yes thats the one. Plus he mentions the other cities you’ve just mentioned. Must be great to live in these communities if your a musician. We dont have anything like this here in England.

Also living in the bay and I went Syntrx but can’t say I wasn’t torn over the idea of getting an easel command also. Its too bad the vintage synth museum isn’t still in oakland, they had a easel and a synthi all set up to give a go on. His Synthi was definitely not in tip top shape though, lots of fiddling with the mixer pegs to get them to make contact right. I was surprised at how bad at patching the buchla I was, with a decent amount of eurorack and semi modular experience and having watched a few videos on the concepts of the patch points, it’s something I would really enjoy having more time with.

Right now, at Moog Audio in Montreal, you can have one with 18% or 20% off.

It’s my impression that the UK punches above its weight musically! The grass is always greener etc. (Though in terms of impact per capita, it’s probably Iceland…)

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Bristol is probably a decent comparison for us I’d say :+1:


I went to the synth museum too. I spent 3 hours just playing the oberheim four voice. I’m changing my first choice to syntrx ii just because the black casing is so nice to look at. I’ll get the easel afterwards. It’s amazing how the exterior of a synth can make you want to play it more than other synths.

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