Taiga from Pittsburgh Modular

Yeah although East Beast and West Pest are missing the same sort of CV inputs also. Still very well priced though.

Would have been nice if the mixer section had the ability to attenuate with CV and use it like a VCA if wanted. I suppose that is because more so it is meant to a nice semimodular voice rather than a system where you would might expect your mixer levels to have CV. I guess the Mixer, LFO and ADSRs, are kind of the low points of it as far as patch points go… but there are always sacrifices being made.

*seems that LPG is available as the Dynamics Controller Bat in there safari line of modules… a bit of a temptation for myself

Still seems like it might be the thing to beat in the semimodular world going forwards.


If the build quality holds up, this is looking like a very interesting and unique synth. It really appeals to me, as I’ve been looking for a compact 3 Osc synth and this is looking very flexible, powerful and portable.


I guess standard clock rate is 24ppq, what we need to drive DFAM is 1ppq, so if I understand correctly we need to divide by 16 and it still will be a bit off… not sure if it will work with dividers. However don’t know how it’s implemented on Pittsburgh stuff.

I agree.

But they really ought to tighten up those calibrations: i.e. filter range, envelope scaling, the lowpass gate and BBD bleed, whatever was going on with that sine wave (likely the wavefolder not zeroing), etc…



Man the sequencers you can send at synths like this from the many Ableton M4L options can result in many lost hours and days.


Dinsync is 24 PPQ, but the Taiga manual lists the clock output as advancing the arpeggiator at each tick so I think it should work with the DFAM as is.

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Nice to know! Gonna make it sure with PGH, but seems like you’re right. My dfam is already excited to meet his new friend (or gf?)

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Ah shit…I fear I’ll be in for one, anticipate it’s arrival, stare at it for a bit once it arrives, and then dwell on the fact I never use it because I’ve made the same mistake of buying too much gear a dozen times in the past, and also never have enough time because I get side tracked while trying to complete stupid work stuff. Serious. That’s how it’ll play out. At least it’ll be worth passing on to my son. Beautiful equipment.


This looks like a cool synth.

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no ties in the sequencer is a bit of a pity


I guess Im going against the stream here. Not really feeling This at all. Cant quiet put my finger on why though…


Me neither. Dont dig the aesthetic. Just want them to make VRL haha.

To be honest ever since they ditched the old science equipment look, Ive lost interest.

The Pittsburgh filter though, really is amazing. I have an SV1 (a not b) and a plaits, so I can do wave folding into a liquid filter already.

They’re really rinsing the keywords huh.


guess you get this from the east beast as well but I don’t really dig that aesthetics.
The sv1 would also still be a nice option.
I love the sound I‘m hearing from those pittsburghs


I agree. I think the SV-1 is incredibly beautiful. Both sonically and aesthetically.

It’s been on my wanted list for a long while


I have the SV1-B and confirm it is a beautiful sounding synth

Very versatile it is a mini modular system

The PM microvolt 3900 is another gem too, very underestimated

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The 3900 and sv-1B are two of my favorite synths! They sound wonderful! Very unique.


I’m with you - I see the excitement in it - it’s a very cool synth, but the sounds aren’t really my style - all the demos sound very cool but it’s not a character I think I need. I’m excited for the folks that want it though as it’s a real beast, lots of cool features!

I’m ok with the look, not my style but it’s different and tastefully done - I really like the aesthetic these guys employ but I’m not sure they’ve found a way to properly translate it to their synth designs, but it’s a much better execution than the East Beast.

Will be interesting to hear from folks once the dust settles and it’s in the hands of people that have bought one to make music with it. I could be convinced otherwise!


I really don’t get how they got from the design language of those models to this. The grass clip art…


am I the only here thinking some mults would really nice to have? i know you can use stackables but a lot of the semi modulars don’t really come with mults (except mavis)

maybe they want to keep the price low but not digging the cheap looking recent knobs at all. those and the pale cheeks make the synth look cheap imo. their old lifeforms stuff (esp voltage lab) look 100x nicer