Taiga from Pittsburgh Modular

Honestly this is the thing that has me on the fence about buying one. I know that I will want to expand it, which led me into the modular rabbit hole after buying semi modular stuff last time.


It does have a very nice mult that can add and devide. I wish the sequencers they use had the ability to enter notes from the unit. Over all of seems like a upgraded voltage lab, I really like it. They need to make a capacitive keyboard for it or something.


Me too !

I looked at combining it with a Eurorack controller from Pittsburgh Modularā€™s sister company Cre8audio, the NiftyKEYZ ( thread ).

They would make a good combo except unfortunately the NiftyKEYZ has their CV connection along the top of the Eurorack slot, the wrong place, unless you put the Taiga in upside down, which would be really weird, that you might actually get used to that.

Cre8audio NiftyKEYZ

The NiftyKEYZ is capable as a polyphonic CV controller, with MIDI too.

I also looked back at the Capacitive Keyboard Thread, specifically this post there.


Yeah, while I love the small, compact, semi-modular Pittsburgh designs, I wish they go all out and make something like a Moog Grandmother meets Easel, with the voicing of the SV-1, Microvolt, or Taiga.

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That might be how the VRL2 ends up, I guess?

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That is the dream.

We may one day all be living in itā€¦ in the meantime, Iā€™m going to connect a 0-Ctrl to the SV-1 and see what happens


Good luck. Iā€™ve heard some people never come from that. It is just too groovy.


Yeah, Iā€™m not feeling this design AT ALL. The sound is the beeā€™s kneesā€¦I really want one.

Like, I get that those two typefaces may have co-existed in some late mid-century nature/outdoor life magazine - but, to me, they feel like their awkwardly bridging two disparate vibes; delicious late mid-century modern (helvetica + analog video noise = 1970s television documentary) and more of a 1950s Christmas card thing with that hand script. Itā€™s a clash Iā€™m not feeling. I canā€™t tell if the hand script is earnest 50s or kitsch 70s-a-la DEVO, or what.

In order to use this live for a multi-song set and really exploit itā€™s versatility, I would have to use a Polyend Preset or similar to change patches.

That being saidā€¦is there such a thing as a true analog monosynth with wavefolding AND patch memory out there?? :thinking:

I wonder if recent design decisions by manufactures are a result of cost cutting and/or production line issuesā€¦

I wonder if recent design decisions by manufactures are a result of cost cutting and/or production line issuesā€¦

wow, I wouldnā€™t have thought of thatā€¦but yeah, maybe they hired a less experienced intern who didnā€™t really get how tough it is to make retro era-mixing ā€œworkā€ smoothly.

But Iā€™m willing to be wrong. Maybe next year Iā€™ll have a road to Damascus moment and see what they were doing and go ā€œfuck me, thatā€™s brilliantā€

There has to be, right? I am hoping that the inclusion of a wave folder in the Mavis means that moog will get a little crazy with the next gen of their ā€œSubā€ format synths. Probably just wishful thinking though.

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Upside-down Taiga in general would solve the problem of cables getting between you and the knobs. People who do aftermarket skins should look at an upside-down version :upside_down_face:


Yeah I love that this is an analogue synth but at that price I would rather use software still. I can save the presets I make and just sit outside and mess with sequences with zero effort.

Its a super cool Semi modular synth and paired up with something like an Octatrack, i can see lots of potential.

There are some noisier, more experimental sounds/patches in the second half of this video:


majella implexus maybe?

What about walnut sidepanels?
899 eur incl VAT at Schneiders is not a bad price, compared to latest the price hike for modules and synths.

Iā€™m not seeing patch memory on that one

oh wow thats nuts for a synth like that. i thought for sure it was all digitally controlled analog