Tasty Chips GR-1 : Hardware Poly Granular Synth

Anyone know how to get the op1 to sample into it live? I know op1 has usb audio now, I connect it via usb and the gr1 shows up as the sound interface source.

But the sound doesn’t come into the tasty chips. Any ideas?

Have you turned on sampling mode by pressing shift + sample?

Yeah, I can get other sounds in when I plug in a focusrite solo. But not otherwise unfortunately.

After 3 years, GR-1 seems to remain the best granular hardware option… so I’m beginning to think there isn’t much use in waiting another year for something to suprecede it in grain control and multi-timbrality.

Anyone use the GR-1 for non-ambient, soundscape, or Theatrical?

Would love to hear some examples of it with rhythmic content or faster scanning/more agrressive content.

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Just got mine today…will play around with it and try and post some stuff the next few days…had it before and just loved experimenting with it.

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Well the New colour option, tipped me over the edge, so now awaiting its imminent arrival - excited to explore Granular once again , after what seems a lifetime ago of using Samplr on the iPad

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I’ve been trying to work out which compact synth I should replace my Wavestate with. I thought it would be an Elektron box but I forgot about the GR1…

I have Beads, and I like it a lot, but the GR1 seems like a whole lot more (given that it’s 4x the price, you’d hope so)

I was put off a Waldorf Iridium by all the reports of poor hardware quality - how have the GR1s been holding up?

Also, the black looks great

Hi, I’ve just got my GR1 ( in black) and I’m having lots of fun sonic exploring coupled with the Hologram Microcosm.
Might not be of any use as a ref point , but I’ve run Arbhar and also supercell clouds in the past and the GR1 is a whole lot more ‘playable’ and also controllable. Beads is from my understanding a more ‘glitch’ granular approach , so maybe still worth while investing in if that’s your ‘thing’ ?
As concerns the Waldorf Iridium I’ve heard the same issues/reliability about the Iridium desktop unit , so as pretty as it is I’ve stayed away, also it’s Granular engine is not in the same league as the GR1 anyway.
Hope that helps. :blush:

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The only thing that stopped me getting one earlier, was the uncertainty of quality and ongoing support. The cost was not insubstantial either.

The sorts of cinematic soundscapes and glitchy, ratcheting sounds are exactly what I hoped my Wavestate would produce, but has fallen short of for me. Plus it’s too big for my space.

It seems they have shown themselves to be robust and unique - just need to move on my Wavestate now.

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What would be a good software alternative to the GR-1? Direct audio is a must.

Like, I love the sound of the GR-1 but the price is a bit much for me to justify.

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I was using iPad apps like Tardigrain (my favorite) and Borderlands. But ended up just buying a GR-1. The hands on controls really make a difference.

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Just realised no one has posted a photo of the black version…


Not sure I needed to see that!!!


All of my other boxes are black. It was the black one that pushed me over the edge lol

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Omg. I just got a black OT mk2. This would look great beside it.

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I use that as my primary method of choosing gear too!

I’ve received a black gr-1 some days ago and I’ve played extensively in the last two days, so here’s my review for anyone looking for info about It, I’ve read almost everything about It because I was torn between an iPad with granular apps and the Gr-1.

Sorry in Advance for my english.

Design: it’s wonderful, it invites you to play It.

Build quality is fine, more on the cheap side, especially the faders, but is fine. The Big screen Is a plus, really.

Samples/patch management is not so good, why on heart I can’t store a patch in the internal storage on a 800+ dollars device Is beyond me, a bit difficult to navigate but I guess I Will improve over time.

Stability: It just crashed one time, but It was kind of an user error, because I was saving while playing.

Effects are quite useless, you can barely notice them.

Clicks and pops: once you understand its limitations, it’s easy to avoid them and I find that you don’t need to push It to its limits to achieve great results.

Sounds/overall experience: this is really an instrument that wants to be played, sure there are great granular vst/apps but nothing ever gave me the results the gr-1 has given me in 2 days. Really. It’s impressive and it’s inspirational. The way you can control the 4 layers, lfos, filters, scan It really opens up a new world by starting from simple recordings.

Someone said it sounded samey/blue, well I took It to make weird/dark/rhytmic background soundscapes and I find that it’s perfect for this kind of stuff.

Tldr: It could be improved, I don’t think there are hardware alternatives that come close to it; Pigments /granular apps/Falcon can probably give you similar results (heavy on cpu tho) but the overall experience is not comparable at all; demoes doesn’t make it justice IMHO.


Thanks for the little review - I’m still super keen to get a black one of these and get soundscaping.

I believe to save patches you have to make the folders ahead of time. Not ideal, but as an MPC user, I’m used to really backwards limitations.


To save a sample, you can either save it on recording (before editing) or, if you actually want to do some thing with it before you save it, you have to:

Edit the sample,
create a drum program,
go the browse menu,
tap a pad,
tap the sample to assign it,
then go to main,
choose a drum program track,
assign the drum program,
tap the pad to play it,
Go to to the drum program menu,
select save sample,

then you can choose where to save that single sample. If you want to save more than one sample, you have to repeat the process.

So creating a folder ahead of time sounds simple in comparison!


4 Black GR-1s are in stock on TastyChips store right now.

I’m short of the total so I’ll have to pass on this batch :sob:

I largely agree with your review although I like the distortion effect on it and have gotten some nice deep distorted tones out of it. It’s nothing special but I find it useful. I too agree about disagreeing with “sounds samey” comments. For one, it’s a sampler so it’s largely on the user to make it sound how they want.

I love granular and this is the only thing I’ve found where it feels like tweaking an analog synth. It’s an indispensable device for me when it comes to scoring as it can be so quick and intuitive.

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