Techniques that everyone loves but meh you out?

I hear people say it often lately but i think i overslept the 2000’s.

Do you mean something like that ?

not exactly a technique but…

releasing material with the tag ‘unheard exclusive’ …
its only unheard if no one (including the composer/artist etc) has ever heard it… which is unlikely … though might be relevant for 99% of modular noddle bull"£$! that appears on youtube.

unreleased exclusive.
if its being released… how can it be an unreleased exclusive.

‘never before seen footage’.
so basically it got recorded and the camera man/editor/lighting/producer etc never looked at it while it was being recorded.

basically its a file of something, that will be uploaded to the internet and no one has any clue because no one has ever looked.

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I just want to hear one 303 play something funky for once in my life before I die… and no, as much as I like them prodigy will not suffice

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an unheard exclusive release.

Hands off my beloved Múm! Saw them live and the drummer (with some processing) was able to play near enough everything. I was genuinely impressed - thought it’d be a sampler!


can’t stand music made with iPads, or music made without ipads

don’t like rappers songs with people rapping who can’t rap

don’t like mixes that aren’t really mixed

hate music genre blends like the mix of gangster music and jazz music titled with quirky names like Gazz ™ (lol)

also don’t like music that sounded great yesterday when I made it but sounds like crap today

don’t like music that’s to preachy or bossy like Aerosmith/ rundmc’s walk this way… don’t go tellin me how to walk buddy!


That actually doesn’t sound terrible, I’m thinking more of this sort of thing:

Not as agregious as others but still more or less the same idea:

That is actually pretty impressive. Not especially hard patterns from what I’ve heard from them but interesting they were able to get the sounds right.


Same here. Saw them in Melbourne about 20 years ago, I remember being very impressed by how precise the drummer was.

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Seen. :laughing:

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Filthy bastard there u go be the 1st no speakers used

Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 12.42.47 am

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Not fond of his technique either, if I’m honest.

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Props to @darenager for starting perhaps the most negative thread ever on Elektronauts and yet everyone is still having a good time.

Except @craig, who can’t get down with 303s. Must be torture, Craig :wink:


I’m having a wonderful time


blues scales are hexatonic, not pentatonic :wink:

So many good ones already. Some of these might be controversial:

  • The 909 hihat: a bit shit in the 90’s, still shitty today. Move on.

  • Anything “ACID”: right on @craig, the 303 is the hair metal whammy-bar solo of electronic music. Move on.

  • Risers: mentioned by others before, risers are terrible because of their ubiquitous overuse in today’s productions. Find other ways of transitioning already.

  • Hyperediting: Just because you know the cut and paste commands in your DAW doesn’t mean you should do it 16 times in one bar. Unlistenable.

  • Shimmer: definitely agree with the above posts. Interesting when it was widely introduced (and really cool when Eno did it 30 years before) but now everything sounds like a pandering Christian Rock house band. Downward shimmer, however, gets a pass.


I think the beard of @craig might be affecting his hearing, if he can’t appreciate the delights of the silver box it is the only logical theory. :exploding_head:

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And throw an illustrious 3 decade career down the drain? Yeah right, you must be crazy :laughing:


Careful now. We’re not wanted around here! Haha