Techniques that everyone loves but meh you out?

Can we get rid of those reverse envelope sounding things at the end of every 4 bar measure? That is just as bad as those one hit piano chords from that certain brand of keyboards overly drenched in the latest “designer” reverb.

Sample rate/bit reduction plugins that sound like it’s on top of the sound rather than through it

If you’re going to do it, get the proper hardware and actually sample pitched up and pitch it down. SP202 at the minimum. Trying to emulate S950/SP1200 with plugins sounds like traaaash


anything left that to do

for me ?

getting worried

The Cactus

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you dudes gave me a great idea in this thread.
when my arpeggiator will be about 50% ready, i should make a track made 100% of arpeggios as its demo.

with not less than two 303 (i mean clones), of course.

Yeah, don’t use real 303s. They’ll make the track cool. :laughing:

chain more than one arp == autechre!


real 303s are too expensive these days.
my inner punk strongly dislikes that.

!!! btw.
never thought about chaining several instances of arp and did not plan any chaining features.
thanks for the idea, putting this on my list.


Serious question: what’s with the arpeggio hate? Are they cheesy and overdone? Or is it something else?

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Think if done in the right way, right sounds and everything else they can still be good


Yes. Much like random glitch effects. It just about never sounds as cool as taking the time to program the damn event or sequence. It sounds lazy and obvious, IMHO.

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Digitone arp can sound pretty good with the offsets and steps etc…
Octatrack arp can get pretty complex… a plain up arp or something is pretty obvious and boring for sure

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I love me a random arp over 4 octaves for some ever changing melodies that can be recorded and curated later on. Also super fast arps for video game / chip tune music can be quite fun.


Octa arp is cool for that, because you can modulate note2, note3 and note 4 with lfos. Record midi and comb through it later.


All three

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Using it on percs is very efficient too.


I remember the ole proper program of glitch fx vs the scratch up your cd wars from back in the day… I think it was a draw.

btw, this is my №2 in personal disliked techniques chart.

so, an ideal nightmare track for me is something lo-fi & glitchy & heavily randomized with no reason.

oh, wait… haven’t i just describe the formula of „experimental“ music?


I‘m sure I used every no-go mentioned here, but at least I finished that track.
I can’t stand dogmatic restrictions.