Techniques that everyone loves but meh you out?

this particular series (MS) is really good.
FX algorithms are decent, even comparing to pretty expensive pedals.

for the money, it’s no brainer. especially this one (MS-70), because there’not so much multiFX pedals with stereo input.

you also can use the hack to get even more effects, and
if you’re nerdy enough — limited MIDI control too.

can highly recommend.


I have a new BOSS RV500 pedal here but was keeping that for the DSI Mopho desktop… might watch a few videos on that MS-70 looks cool

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i use this with DSI Tetra quite a lot.

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I finally thought of something that makes me feel meh!

When people say a certain hardware device is great for making “sketches”. Usually the same people who shit on volcas and circuit etc. WTF is a sketch good for? Just bang that shit out and be done with it. On that note, when a smaller instrument is dismissed as a toy, this also is meh. Get off my lawn sausage fingers.


Ha! I definitely just said that about the OP-Z in the hits and misses thread! I regret nothing.

But the OP-Z is a toy though.

It’s made of fucking Lego.



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It’s ok, I’m (mostly) joking.

I love my Model:Cycles and get very defensive when people call it a toy. Which it isn’t, because it’s not made out of Lego.


This thread is cathartic, and healing in many ways…I’m realising just how much I’m swayed by the opinions of others, everytime something is posted here that is in fact a “technique” i have adopted, i wince and think of removing it from my toolbox…

Thing is that by post 527 i now have nothing left but a solo on a custom made set of chimes i helped my daughter make for a school project …

Watch out for a studio clear out coming soon to the FS threads…I’ve just realised that the gear I’m using is forcing me to rest on the laurels of every techno cliche…


I can’t stand solos on a set of chimes that have been custom made for some kid’s school project


I read the first quarter of this thread… Scrolled to the bottom to find that we’ve ended up at…


Beautiful :clap: both made me laugh!



Samples of kids laughing, babies crying, dogs barking, alarms, or any other annoying sounds are the quickest way to make me skip a track, hate all of that so much, and I hated it 30 years ago too, so at least I’m consistent.


I don’t like most oscillator sync sounds.
I don’t like sounds with unison spread.
Chorus and flanger fx sound cheesy most of the time.
Did I mention that 80s synthwave pads are horrible?
Most dry synth sounds are awful, get yourself a reverb (without shimmer of course).

I wish „boards of canada“ pitch modulation will meh me out soon, I use it on every damn pad.


That’s all I damn well listen to, curse you! Then I sample them and mix them in with my dog barking and heavily reverbed birdsong

(I’m not really even joking that much).


I can’t stand people with gipsy/trashy/boho studios like iMac, cheap desk, UAD Solo, plants and a pair of KRK’s placed ON DESK, IN CONERS, under ear level or tilted upwards by that dodgy foam (lol, but got foam too)
Next thing their mixes sound pristine.
Fucking obvious not by a chance they haven’t mixed them tunes there.
Took me a year and new house to dial in desk and monitor placement, with a fair number of days measuring, treating walls and re-positioning speakers.
Don’t believe the hype.

I’m gonna stir the pot too… warning, lots of opinions here

not a technique, but “melodic techno”… One (two) words: obnoxious melodrama. Techno doesnt need more 4 note “pretty” arpeggios, go make trance or something

reverb on kicks… yeah, we already heard it a million times, its done, find something new.

millions of tracks with just a sample drum loop and 3 note vst bass lines… tech house, techno, you name it. Totally unimaginate garbage flooding everything.

another I dislike is “lofi house”, and literally its just a cheap DAW low pass filter on everything. I’d prefer if “lofi” meant utilizing cheap gear and weird production technics. Look at bedroom pop producers, they are being so much more creative than today’s electronic musicians, which is a shame. Of course there are a lot of exceptions to this, but I’m talking about the average DAW jockey

people who use the same synths with the same fx on everything… This is a lot of soft synths. Yeah Serum is great, but you get the exact same filter, distortion, reverb etc. on everything…totally flavourless mush in the end

People who simply recreate already existing genres without adding anything new… Its not the 70s/80s/90s anymore, you can use all those things and create something new, instead of making a 1:1 copy

oversaturation on everything… and its always cheap DAW totally fake sounding soft-clipping/saturation… You can probably saturate it better on an $50 Behringer mixer, at least it’ll sound kinda realistic. Also, saturation wont make up for using bad samples (most likely a sample pack sample will already be oversaturated and compressed to death) and making a boring song anyway

also today’s people aversion to actually putting the work in… everything comes prepackaged, ready to eat, and this connects to the above thing about synths with built in fx. Its like 90% of the music makers are living off of the 10% of creative people who come up with stuff. MIDI packs, chord packs, sample packs (and not even “drum samples” anymore, its “banging tech house percussions” or “ambient fx”, like you get the thing ready for you, aka the cliches of the genre presented you just need to insert it. I much prefer some weird hobo using an old xylophone recorded on a phone answering machine played backwards kinda production)

I dont hate many production techniques as described. Those are all good and valued in their place. The important thing is the whole package and how its put together.

I hate certain parts of the scene I believe hasnt been there lets say before the 2010s. Its almost like so many people dont even want to make music, they just want the followers/gigs/clout/likes. It’s pretty sad.


Kalimbas can fuck off as well.


Oh shit, I was just thinking I should be adding a contact mic to mine.


I mean, it was easy and cheap why wouldn’t we do that too?