Techniques that everyone loves but meh you out?

Hahahahaha. Sob.

I love and play post-rock.

I have nothing against actual field recordings but it’s not a distinctive part of music worth mentioning in a review.


Agree with everything but the last one. I’m a sucker for two guitars hard-panned and dueling it out.


I’ve changed my mind on that, but only for AC/DC. The guitars gotta be playing different parts.


Using samples in my music.

It has happened one or twice that I knew I wanted a specific sample of something, went out and got it, and then was happy to incorporate it into my music, but otherwise, using samples just seems like a huge, uninspiring time sink to me. I want to be making music, not curating an enormous sample library that I have to sift through every time I sit down to create something.



What a great thread.

Most if it already has been mentioned, but here is my list:

  • chopped chords (they always sound like a pitched minor/major chord that does not fit to any melody. Isn´t it easier to record own chords or melodies?)
  • 4 on the floor (c´mon guys: there are plenty steps on every sequencer, please use them to make insteresting beats)
  • stutter effects (overusing them, does not make a track any better)
  • working in a DAW (it takes longer to install all drivers (with the korg nanopad2, I had to change the registry to make it work with my PC. And every time, I use a new plugin, I have to install many things again)
  • DAWless jamming and never finish a track (guilty)
  • GASing for new devices, reading long long threads about shipping and tracking and never hear a song with this device
  • Lofi
  • sample packs
  • randomly generated melodies

That´s all. Now, I take my newest devices and chop some chords of a random sample pack, add a 4 on the floor beat with some stutter and lofi fx. With a random melody I record everything in my DAW (if it works) or jam the whole day without recording. Mic drop.


Like, house sampled chords?

Initially, it wasn’t necessarily “easier” than nabbing samples and pitching them about.

There are also melodic options to taking a chord and transposing, similar to how they can be played on a guitar and not make scale “sense” but fit the song because of how they feel in a progression.

Today it’s still a tool, and a feel.

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Feel, schmeel. Parallelism is a bona fide, burn in music-theory-hell, abomination.

Low cut on everything!
Just meh!
Low Shelf EQ FTW!

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So I was on their gig yesterday as I wrote earlier… It was great!
They have superb video projection - specially the one for track “Industry” was spine chilling. Reminded me the “Qatsi trilogy” by Godfrey Reggio - the third part Naqoyqatsi, to be exact.
Very good sound. We played the same venue with our band few months ago and it was problematic to say the least. Definitely a point for touring with own sound guy.
I asked the bassist (who also play violin and keys) what he use for that intro organ sound from the track you linked. It is a soundbank from Spitfire. Sounded really huge, atmospheric and, well, organic through the PA.
Enjoyed the evening…

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What do you think this one? It’s using the Digitone as well, but that’s not a crime :wink:

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Showboating moves. I came for the sounds not the stylin’.

Good stuff. I know some people put the OT to great use (Andy stott for example). I’ve also seen way too many videos where people use it to make really over the top idm beats that are just unpleasant to listen to

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Are you a folk musician ? :sweat_smile:




For the first time ever, just this morning, I have heard somebody do something interesting with one of those Microcosm pedals. I about fell out of my chair. It has always seemed like a highly capable device based on it’s specs and what the manufacturer says it’s supposed to be able to do but for more than a year it’s been as if the entire user base collectively agreed to seek out the most boring wishy washy stuff it can do and just strictly exploit that. I’d see one on YouTube and instantly get the sour belches. But anyway this snippet I saw today was pretty cool so I guess that ‘technique’ is no longer total meh.

However there’s still the Chase Bliss line of audio borifying devices. Blah.


Lollllll, I really want to like all the randomizing loopers but I’m too chaotic in structure.

Maybe it works for someone who’s tuned very tightly in operation :slight_smile:


Share please. I want to hear it too.


that techno “wub”