Teenage Engineering TP-7 Tape recorder

if its a similar motor to the one used in the OB-4 speaker, its silent. The only noise will be the sound when the tape is scrubbed.

Has there been a video of someone using this thing yet? Because I’m looking at it again and I’m not sure how you’re supposed to hold it and reliably not accidentally press something you don’t want to -

Looks a bit awkward tbh, definitely not what you would want if you’re a journalist getting jostled in a crowd :wink:



it’s a multitrack recorder that doubles as an audio interface, the applications are obvious imo. take away the admittedly gorgeous industrial design and it’s comparable to similar things made by Zoom et al, although i expect (hope) it performs better - zero delay in startup time being a main plus for me

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TE-MOMA catalog is expanding nicely.


TE are the ‘Rolex’ of audio recording, it’s nice stuff on the whole (I still think the mixer is a bad design) but very expensive…as always, if you have the money and want a very pretty Dictaphone then fill your boots!


I agree that this is not very useful for music making (no sync, built in microphone probably bad). You could plug in (self powered) better mics, but you don’t need this recorder for that. Also, the mic is not good enough for field recordings in ‘nature’. So this seems aimed at being a very fancy dictaphone at best (I don’t need one).

Can’t expect a solid built in Mic in a device that is exclusively designed for recording audio at such a low price point. I mean, come on, the thing is only $1,499!


Beautiful. But having just spent a couple of weeks helping out on sound whilst a friend does some filming, I’m glad I was using a Zoom H5 with its super robust input jacks, very solid modular microphone arrangement (the shotgun mic attachment for the thing is outstanding given the price) and general relative quality, cheapness and indestructibility. Sure it is super ugly, has a nasty screen and takes a couple of secs to boot up. But doing the job well and being able to chuck it in a bag without worry is a massive plus when it comes to real world content creation, as opposed to lifestyle luxury toy hoarding.


I’d like to see them attempt an actual tape machine

Here’s an artist’s impression of what it would look like. RRP $4000


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I was hoping for the same. And with better USB-C audio compatibility so I could use it with a Digitone and just thenUSB cable.


This I’m intrigued by, I need to get my hands on one, cos if you can scratch on it, it’s a portabists dream.

It’s a multitrack recorder? What I read was a multi-channel recorder, and that’s not the same. Maybe TE is not directing this product at musicians but mainly for journalistic pursuits. I must be missing something. Unlike the TX-6, which I first balked at but have been wanting a very small mixer/recorder, and totally got it when I bought one. I’m still baffled how this integrates into the whole “field” system of music making.

Oh man, I love the aesthetic of the TP-7!

EDIT: Someone helpfully moved this comment and image here from the OP-1 Field thread - I wouldn’t have posted the image again here had I known since you all know what it looks like etc, and that it exists. Even so, it’s a looker :slight_smile:


Nope. For me, who played with Dad’s reel-to-reel machines as a kid, there is something magical about recording or playing back music watching reels slowly turning. One of my attractions to the OP-1, in fact. Record players are poo though. But yeah, I’d like one of these just to watch it turning. But I won’t be getting one, honestly cannot think where I’d need to use it. My super cheap ($99 usd) Zoom H1n is a stereo XY field recorder limited only by microSD card size, way more compact - and I can leave the 2xAAA’s out of it even and power it from the OP-1 Field via a USB-C to USB microB cable, and the Field sees it as a Stereo XY USB microphone. So I have a tiny stereo mic, and a stereo field recorder in one. That’s useful. Having said that this little TP-7 is just a beautiful object, if money were irrelevant I’d like it as a cool object - but yeah, for me, missed the mark on actual usefulness.

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i was similarly confused, but it seems it actually does do multitrack recordering via usb, Look at this in the manual



In seriousness, I’d like a couple of Sony’s “My First Sony” similar products from the 80’s, but they all command unrealistic mega prices now :frowning:

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It has no multitracking. No mixing. No panning. No onboard fx. No sync. No midi.

It’s nothing like a multitrack recorder.

As an audio interface, it streams multiple tracks. Which is cool. But that’s about it.


Looks like it was completely designed for right-hand use?