Teenage Engineering TP-7 Tape recorder

Too bad they didn’t include a pair of quality intergraded mics like of those on Sony D100 or at least a pair of omni mics ala LOM Usi


Sick — but not for me. If i did interviews or something then maybe

TE has a way of designing products that makes me think about getting things i don’t particularly need :rofl:

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If I had the funds to burn it would be fun to get along with their new microphone and OP-Z and a few more pocket operators. But hard pass on their expensive desk.

Journalists in Sweden must make a lot more money


So they can charge 1.5K for a Dictaphone :wink:


A lot more money and never in threatening scenarios or places with high theft rates.

I love TE, and this one I’ll probably be able to pass on comfortably without any GAS, but it’s interesting to see them take the journalist angle when my image of most journalists is that they wouldn’t deal with something like this for multiple reasons (high cost, flashiness, finky controls and depth of learning, vs a simple recorder)

But I guess I could see YouTubers who are interviewing an older musician in a studio setting or like somewhere safe and isolated, but then why?

I feel that for nearly every scenario presented in the manual, a TX-6 and an iPhone is going to get you everything you need and more.


I like to imagine a techy interviewer guy getting really excited about his gadget while interviewing some head of state, and being like “i can chop and screw your voice on this!”


Will that spinning disc make NOISE? :thinking:

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We have officially reached peak design and the shark has been jumped.

I cannot fathom who they think their customers are with these last two devices. I love my OP-1field and respect the tech in the TX-6…but this recorder and the Mic…yeesh.

Someone isn’t saying ‘NO’ enough during early stage design reviews over at the TE headquarters.

Maybe they should check their garage for leaks as i think fumes from the super cars stored in there are leaking into the main workspace at TE headquarters.

It is a beautiful work of Design though. No question about that. But come on now…$eally?

But i guess a couple hundred units moved at this price is good enough for them. :man_facepalming:t4:


My 1999 diamond rio mp3 player came to mind.


little bit. certainly lacks the stamped metal feel though.


Depending on how the scrubbing works in practice, I might be interested in this.

My workflow is to record audio from my electric instruments & mixer and bring it over to the DAW for arranging later.

I’ve never found a recorder that is tactile enough for me, as I like to scrub back through the audio and listen to it again. I don’t love using touchscreens. Something like the old iPod jog wheel would be perfect.

I also don’t understand why it spins during recording though :joy:. Maybe they just used the knob from the OB-4 and thought it looked cool, but it seems like a potential failure point to me.

TE has some awesome products but this doesn’t interest me whatsoever. That said, while looking at the page I hope some of you noticed…

OB4 IS $100 OFF. If you want one or need a killer portable speaker… get it. I’ve tried a lot and nothing really compares with regard to size and sound quality without being even more absurdly priced haha

whoah, hold on. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the back is orange…

I’d absolutely love a desktop device with like 4 of these spinning platters for 4 stereo tracks that record/playback, lovely chunky tactile controls for everything, super clean and clear displays and workflow, with looping and tweakable syncing, and with an OT-esque crossfader or two with FX scenes.

I’d make a mockup of the kind of thing I’m thinking of but I’m too lazy and it would look rubbish anyway so just use your imagination.

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Reading its manual, it seems like a multitrack recorder with an interesting “mix” function that I guess allows you to layer an existing track with something else. You can re-record over a track, and using that wheel, pause at a location and start recording by releasing it. In use, I imagine you can organically build up a song using track by track by layering it. It’s like a mega OP-1f tape recorder? Run a drum sequence in one track, vocals on another, guitar another, layer OP-1f on another track and build up a song.

Everybody chill the fuck out. They have a memo button.


Not gonna lie, the design is beautiful.

This is always the case with TE, they make beautiful gear that you always end up considering for a portable or a small desk setup…

Although, safe from a few dj style tiny crossfader tricks, a few quirky effects and a hidden video game, the TX6 doesnt hold a candle to my Zoom H6…

…and oh wait, the Zoom H6 happens to be my field recorder aswell :grimacing:

Funny how TE tricks us to get beautiful tiny products for functionality we most likely already have :wink:

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


I remember one time playing out and the DJ after me brought a pair of these. I was so confused.

Yeah I think it’s likely the case that 90% of people who think they might need one of these would be better suited with a $100 Zoom H1n, and spending the rest of the money on anything else or just giving it to charity.

I do like and appreciate the spinning wheel interface though, I just don’t think this device quite fits enough criteria to be especially useful for anything I’d want to do with it.