Tell me about your recording setup

hey - i hate this too- my fix in presonus was to favourite the ones i own into a new folder - then collapse the rest into their own “dead” folder


rebuilding after years of being away-
Jumped into the UAD grid- cause people are selling rn - grabbed an Apollo USB and a couple octo cards for relatively cheap.

ADA 8000 feeding synths into Apollo via ADAT (also helps remove ground loops as there’s a bunch less wire cable connections)

Rebuilding a Synths pallet for ambient and then an industrial darkwave project - so far Modal Argon & Cobalt, Alesis QS6.1, Typhon, Crave, 2x Behringer ModelD. DFAM

Synths are setup to record to DAW and also be used DAWless for old school hands on -so they also run to a separate mini mixer with active nearfield monitors for sound programming and idea creation that can be transferred to DAW later- will be adding a laptop running blocks Reactor to get more modular stuff happening with the DFAM etc, via ES-8 interfacing VC/ gate etc. Don’t want to end up with too much eurorack and this seems like a decent way to go.

tried to keep it clean but it’s growing a bit ;p

loving this forum guys!

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RME is a great workhorse interface for a recording setup, however if you want better converters (and you might for your U67 and nice preamps etc.) take a look at prism sound, merging technologies, or metric halo interfaces.

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I’m pretty sure the fire at AKM messed up RME’s product cycles. It always seemed like the UFX+ was due for an upgrade cause they have been moving all their interfaces to have SteadyClock FS (BabyFace FS and UCX II so far).

So I assume they couldnt get enough convertor chips from AKM, but also I guess they take their time working on new products.

I did not know the UFX+ had been discontinued, I guess that means theres a new one coming soon.

To answer the main post I have a Babyface FS with a Ferrofish Pulse 16, i got the CV edition of the Pulse cause I have some euro stuff.

I record synths, go out and back in with some analog fx units (compressors, filterbanks) and also guitar pedals.

I have some Radial Eng boxes but I dont use them much atm cause most of everything is line level or I can gainstage at the pulse or daw for the guitar fx. Some pedals I have are more picky about levels in and out, I just havent used them in this setup yet.

Its absolutely my dream setup. The babyface doesnt have enough ins/outs to use all 16 on the pulse but I got that as a bit of future proofing.

A Digiface USB with the Arc controller and some Ferrofish A/Ds was an alternate setup I was thinking about. Someone else mentioned it here too.

I went with the babyface cause it would be more useful as a secondary interface if/when I upgrade my main one to something with more ins/outs.

I probably wouldve prefered the Babyface with MADI cause I wanted something that could handle a good amounts of ins and outs, but it was discontinued.

Presonus has the StudioLive rack mixers which also seem good if you just want a lot of ins and outs.

Anyone mess with the UA Volt series interfaces? I like the look and price, haven’t heard any reviews on the quality.

Quantum 2626 from Presonos works great, TB3 interface on mac mini and win 10. (i have two of them)

I tend to record no more than about 4 tracks at a time (I just do multiple passes to record all parts). I don’t need D/A convertors because I’ll just be sending my files out to be mixed at an actual mix studio.

I would like to have a nice set of A/D convertors though (like 4 channels) that don’t break the bank.

How did you get it to work with Ableton? I could never get mine to work with the Kmix drivers on Mac OS X.

RME Babyface Pro FS + Tascam 8p dyna
6x Rode NT5
Reaper DAW

Recording a choir located in Berlin


There are no drivers for the Mac! You just plug it in, and it shows up in Ableton. Works on the iPad too.

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Cool I’ll try on my new MacBook.

OP here - I’m a bit confused on whether or not I need MIDI on whatever interface I buy. I will be using Logic Pro on a new Mac Mini.

Can I just do MIDI out direct from the Mac via USB to a MIDI hub and then out to synths/drum machines etc, or would it be better to have the MIDI ports directly on the recording interface?

This is my first time “building” an actual computer recording rig, so please forgive the newbie questions.


Maybe you don’t even need a MIDI hub. If all your instruments have USB midi you could just plug them in with a USB hub. That’s how I do it, and it’s fine.

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can’t you just remove them from “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components?” or /VST if they’re VST’s…?

as to the original question: I suggest RME all the way. the best one you can afford that has the channel count you need. they’re just rock solid, sound great, and are super flexible.

I record only synths and drum machines these days. I sequence them with a Cirklon until the arrangement is 90% there. then I record everything I can individually into the DAW, up to 12 sources at once (that’s how many channels I have with a RME UFXII), and make multiple passes of that if necessary, to capture everything. if a machine has Overbridge, I use that. then I make any final audio edits and mix/“master” in the DAW (either Live or Logic; I still think Logic sounds better, but Live is easier/faster for me).

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you can. but most audio interfaces with midi have one set of midi I/O/T ports. I assume you’re sequencing in the DAW? I would say whether or not you need a dedicated midi interface depends upon how many devices you’ll be sequencing. try to avoid daisy-chaining (midi in->thru->in->thru->etc…) too much. if you’re finding you’re doing a lot of that, and especially if you get timing issues, it’s probably better to get a dedicated midi interface with multiple output ports. then basically you can send midi messages to each port at once, rather than one message after another out the same port. if that makes sense… your timing should be better, is my point.

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I’m not sequencing from my DAW, but I do need everything to be MIDI synced when I’m tracking (I do multiple passes to record all parts) - so I basically need MTC.

Still happy with the 2626 on Windows, and would you mind sharing some of your PC specs? Have you tried/been able to daisy chain two of these in Windows?

record direct to sdcard either TX-6, Bluebox, or Zoom l12 mixer recorder then edit in DAW.