The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

The development team will only get your requests if you send support requests to Elektron.[/quote]
thanks for the advise…i will do that. everybody here should do that.

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+1 to more than one LFO per track, or at least free allocation of unused LFOs between tracks

+1 to different time signatures per track

+1 to scales in chromatic mode

Not sure if it’s been mentioned already, but it would also be great to have actual note slides with adjustable glide time. Interpolating between pitch plocks with parameter slides doesn’t cut it musically.

Rant incoming…

I can’t imagine that implementing any of these features would put AR at risk of actually cannibalizing A4 or OT sales, so if that’s a motivation behind their omission I wish Elektron would reconsider some of their assumpions. People will continue to buy multiple Elektron boxes for their studios so that each can excel at what it does best, but nobody is happy when you have to resort to nonsense like sacrificing OT MIDI tracks to supply distinct time signatures or additional LFOs to the analog boxes, in the process often rendering the latter’s note trigs useless. There is a very small market of users who will tolerate that level of cumbersome complexity in their hardware workflow.

So much this, lack of real MIDI out and time signature support on the AR/AK didn’t make me buy an OT - I bought one because I wanted a real sampler. If their line of thinking really is sales being cannibalized it’s a silly excuse. I bought Elektron devices because they rule in general, but stuff like lacking track level time signature support on a rhythm machine is basic stuff. It’s possible to work around these limitations, but it’s a workaround and a clumsy one at that. It makes programming polyrhythms unnecessarily difficult and I feel like at this price point these should be much more flexible. I’m not asking for the AK to be a drum machine or sampler. I’m not asking for the AR to be a dynamic sampler, synth or general purpose sequencer, and I’m certainly not demanding that the OT do everything the AR/AK can do - I just think that the overlap issue is overblown and should be reconsidered.
Looked at another way – how many of these devices AREN’T being sold because they lack these basic features? Is that perspective being considered at all?

or, how about this basic one Elektron …
Tap the pad whilst just in real-time recording mode to record velocity !!!
Overdubbing with new dynamics - forget it ! - get it right on first pass :-1:

not saying here as it’ll get read, just pointing it out so y’all can ask too !
crappy workaround is to use chromatic mode (pitch off) - yeah right !
been like this since day one

Looked at another way – how many of these devices AREN’T being sold because they lack these basic features? Is that perspective being considered at all?[/quote]
Yep. I really hope Elektron doesn’t believe that through marketing alone they can manufacture a large base of users who will want to buy multiple of their boxes just to mutually compensate for critical feature omissions. $2600 jigsaw puzzles aren’t popular for a reason.

Looked at another way – how many of these devices AREN’T being sold because they lack these basic features? Is that perspective being considered at all?[/quote]
Yep. I really hope Elektron doesn’t believe that through marketing alone they can manufacture a large base of users who will want to buy multiple of their boxes just to mutually compensate for critical feature omissions. $2600 jigsaw puzzles aren’t popular for a reason.[/quote]
Yup. Agreed. I would love to MIDI sequence a synth or two plus sample directly into the Rytm. Doesn’t mean I will go out and buy a MachineDrum UW and an Octatrack though to gain those capabilities. I’ll just deal with Rytm as-is. No problem.
I don’t think anyone from Elektron has actually said that is official strategy, but still, easy to see how it might be inferred from glaring lack of features on some machines which are implemented on others.

Please. This would help us get more range out of 12 pads w/o having to scroll.

Ok guys … today is the day i first turned on my new AR… and i see quite a lot of empty places on some pages - ready for being populated with parameters

i’m confident about that … but don’t ask why :joy:

not sure it’s been mentioned but i would love to have access to the noise part of Hihats!

I would really enjoy to see an “Active Step” function on Rytm’s sequencer or even in other Elektron’s machines.

Its really fun to play with that function in Korg’s Volcas and come up with nice stuff! I dont know if its doable in elektron’s sequencers but would be great!

Another thing that discomforts me is that all ventilation outputs are located on the bottom of the machine…
And when i m chilling hard i cant take my Rytm or A4 to lie on the sofa and jam or chill even harder, i have to put it in a table and sit like i m working in the office or smthg :stuck_out_tongue:

Would “Trig Mute” be what you are looking for ? Do you want the sequencer to skip the step, or simply not play it ? Trig Mute will mute the step.

About the ventilation output, I think you can play with your machine on a sofa without any issue. I’ve been doing that a lot, and never had any heating issue.

I got one that could be cool:

A track by track “classic mode”(global would be good on addition to). I think it would be pretty cool to go crazy on the parameter locks and recording and be able to turn it on and off(expanding on that, if clearing in “extended mode” you could switch back to classic mode with your pattern still there and live record new parameters)

I’d find that nifty concept. I don’t expect it, nor do I request it really. I just wanted to announce on this thread “wouldn’t that be pretty nifty”?

this is where dreams come to die

So, you press a button and set up a bunch of parameter locks, then press the button again to go back to your original settings? And press it again to go back again?

Maybe I’m picking this up wrongly, but it sounds to me like you’re pretty much describing scene mode.

Would “Trig Mute” be what you are looking for ? Do you want the sequencer to skip the step, or simply not play it ? Trig Mute will mute the step.

About the ventilation output, I think you can play with your machine on a sofa without any issue. I’ve been doing that a lot, and never had any heating issue.[/quote]
No :frowning:

Korg’s “Active Step” fucnction its skipping totally the step! I mean its great fun if you try it!
You can even play somthg completely random and by deleting steps to sculpt smthg very interesting out of nothing!
I usually record a 16 step patterns and after start chopping them to every possible 8 step or even 4 step loops
The variations possibilities are too many(!) if you consider that out of the 16 steps you can ignore/skip/chop any one you like and create slowly a combination with other steps to form a sub-pattern of 4-8 steps.
Its really cool dont know if it would be possible to implement this to an Elektron sequencer but seems quite simple for not to :slight_smile:

I have tried also to take A4 or Rytm in my lap by they are starting to warm radically so i was wondering if i damage them…probably not :slight_smile:


So, you press a button and set up a bunch of parameter locks, then press the button again to go back to your original settings? And press it again to go back again?

Maybe I’m picking this up wrongly, but it sounds to me like you’re pretty much describing scene mode.[/quote]
Scene mode does an over-all track effect. I’m talking step-by-step effect muting. (though, maybe I’m just in lament for when I had a MachineDrum I never utilized switching from classic mode to extend to let the same beat expand exponentially.

(Scene mode IS pretty similar, I’m just talking about live-recording parameters for pure chaos and be able to control it.)

How about this for a feature request?

Track-button stick? A button combination where instead of pushing a pad and it playing it shifts over to that tracks parameters. That’s just something I would personally love(after accidentally modifying the wrong track’s parameters a few too many times)

Legacy FX mode

Seriously, who the hell uses it? Seems like a huge waste of resources to me; especially, when considering how the RYTM’s modulation capabilities could definitely benefit from some added features.

whats legacy fx?