The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

Yeah, what’s going on.

Variable as in they’re different lengths, or that they fluidly change? Because you can set any track to be any length thats up to 4 bars long quite easily.
Also, flam + triplets are super easy! Enter a trig, then hold the trig down and press the up arrow to enter the retrig menu, you can program flams (do a retrig with quick repeats and an increasing velocity) or triplets (set the retrig tempo for triplets, set the length for the number of beats).
Unless you’re referring to a more nuanced take than what I provided, the Rytm covers both of these with ease.
Now, a reverb gate on the other hand … :sob:

That is a great idea.[/quote]
+1 that would be cool!
Also, loads of times mentioned, I would love to record the input sound directly into the rytm… But I also know thats not the main goal of the rytm usage…

… record the input with what exactly ? AFAWK there’s no ADC - also mentioned loads of times

… record the input with what exactly ? AFAWK there’s no ADC - also mentioned loads of times[/quote]
I mean the audio input, sorry english is not my native language so its difficult for me to write down what I mean in my head… I know its not possible but I can dream right? I now tranfer with the strom app and that is pretty close to record the audio input. Im not complaining.

I didn’t detect complaining ! - just my thoughts on what seems an impossibility - if there’s no analogue to digital conversion for the inputs then there’s no prospect (or dream) of this ever happening - this is common sense surely, sparing you and any subsequent +1ers any undue suffering, that’s all :+1:

Thanks for clearing that out that it is really not possible. I didnt read the whole topic just some random (interesting) posts. So no +1 about the audio input rec. anymore. Maybe they would do something with Overbridge and sample import, but thats an other topic.

I am really happy with the rytm, and its possibility’s and limitatations. I’m very curious what they could do with further updates…

You know, as much as I love this drum machine - I have to agree with you. Getting kind of burnt out on all the dead knob functions that certain instruments have. Overbridge is great and all and I get they have been focusing on that, but after owning this thing for a year I’d prefer to see expanded sound design options or (god forbid) a switchable mode for USB to enable drag and drop access to the +Drive.

A full velocity setting on the pads would be nice. You have to bang hard to make any noise as it is now.

it would be so so handy if you could set the length of the Sample engine to Fixed
so that if you want to use Sample-Chains, you don’t need to mess around with the End - setting all the time,
I find this breaks my workflow too much.

Swing per track would be nice instead global only

I’d love to see a couple more options for the amp envelope, specifically to make it reset from 0 every time. It sucks that the A4 has this but not the rytm.

just use the trigs like me!

Any chance somebody from Elektron could share some light on these request’s. Maybe put some of the impossible ones to bed and maybe elaborate on the one that could possibly be achieved in an update. Personly i love my RYTM to bits, but there are quite a few requests in this thread that would blatantly add depth and usability to the unit. HUGE respect to the users of this forum :slight_smile: … AND TO ELEKTRON !! BIG SLOPPY LOVE ALL ROUND EH

Another idea: hold a trig and tap the pad to plock velocity.

That would be a very cool feature

That would be a very cool feature[/quote]
I think this works in chromatic mode.

I don’t know if anyone proposed this already, but i feel the need for an advanced mute mode. When you are in mute mode and soloing single tracks via pressing the retrig button and a pad u can’t switch into the normal mute mode while any blue pad is lighting up. One can only add pads to the solo mode. If u were able to normally mute and unmute when releasing the retrig button during this u could make much more interesting breaks, when leaving solo mode.
Unused LFOs for deeper modulation of certain tracks would be nice.
My next request is an option to enable quantisation of live retrigs. 2 of 3 times i don’t manage to get the live retrigs/rolls exactly right, which is quite annoying and makes me not use this feature during live play. Of course a much needed feature would be midi notes out. I dont believe anybody is buying more elektron gear because of this left out standart feature. This is just a script which elektron wrote years ago for other gear from their catalogue and with 3 lines of code adjustment it could be easily implemented. To be honest i think its a little outrageous to leave such a basic feature out regarding the price range and the nifty other features of the unit. Personally i want to use midi out events not even for controlling other gear but to trigger elements in a processing sketch for a drumhit controlled visual performance during live play.
At last i noticed a bug in shifting patterns. My rytm gets out of sync when slaved to other gear, the master lenght is set to infinite and change is set to 16/32/64 whatever. some polyrhythm stuff is not possible that way, because u have to set the pattern length to a certain value but infinity.

Ok enough nagging :sob:
I have a lot of :heart: for elektron gear and hope someone gives my requests to the development team and they think about it. cheers

The development team will only get your requests if you send support requests to Elektron.

another user wrote,

performance and scenes pads could be combined on one “page”

also great could be if for example

the bottom 4 pads are for performance
the middle 4 for scenes
the top for for loops (that can be set manually,
like: 1/2 bar, 1/4 bar, 1/8 bar, 16th bar

even better would be if i can set manually
if i want a pad to be performance, scene or loop